Page 24 - Seniorstoday October 2022 Issue
P. 24

- CVS – Pain, eye strain or blurred vision,        elders, due to wear and tear of the muscles
         with a prolonged history of exposure to            and tendons holding the joint together.
         the computer, points towards Computer              Dislocations, injuries, fractures can also
         Vision Syndrome.                                   cause joint pains.
         - Optic neuropathy – An umbrella                   - Degenerative changes
         term, this covers all the reasons that             Degenerative changes are commonly seen
         cause damage to the optic nerve, which             in the hip or knee joints, with the cartilage
         sends visuals from your eye to the brain,          between the bones breaking down.
         enabling you to see. The damage is due to          These are slowly progressing conditions,
         inadequate blood supply to the nerve; the          accompanied with stiffness of joints, and
         causes are varied – inflammation, clots,           difficulty in using them. Advanced cases
         nutritional deficiencies. The symptoms             have to undergo surgical replacement of
         include pain in the eye socket, flickering         joints.
         vision or loss of vision on one side.              - Rheumatoid changes
         Jaw pain                                           An auto immune condition, this is
         Jaw pain is not only common, but also              characterized by pain, inflammation and
         debilitating, as it hinders the ability to         joint stiffness, especially in the mornings.
         chew and swallow food. The causes can be           The person could also suffer from fever,
         infections, tooth cavities, TMJ disorders. It      fatigue and weight loss.
         can also be a sign of a heart attack, with the     Heel pains –
         pain radiating from the chest to the jaw.          Heel pains are often felt due to ill-fitting
                                                            footwear or pressure on the heels for an
                                                            extended period of time, such as standing
                                                            or walking for a long time. The other
                                                            reasons are:
                                                            - Spur – Spurs are caused by calcium
                                                            deposits in the back or lower portion of
                                                            the heel, causing pain and inflammation
                                                            around the joints.
                                                            - Plantar fasciitis – Plantar fascia is a thin
                                                            and long tissue band connecting the heel to
         General bone pains                                 the front of the foot. Pressure or an injury
         Bone pains are fairly common, especially           to this tissue results in inflammation, in
         as one ages. They are described as severe,         turn giving rise to pain and stiffness of the
         deep seated pains, often aggravated                heel joint.
         at night. The causes are many- injury,             Calf pain –
         Calcium and Vit D3 deficiency, and                 Calf pains can be a result of exertion or
         osteoporosis. However, it is also one of the       strain. However, a severe, sudden pain in
         signs of bone cancer. Any unexplained              the calf can be due to a condition called
         bone pains should be thoroughly                    DVT (deep vein thrombosis), formation of
         investigated.                                      clots in the deep veins of the calves. These
         Joint pain                                         clots can travel anywhere in the body,
         Joint pains are usually experienced by             and prove dangerous. There is usually a

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