Page 22 - Seniorstoday October 2022 Issue
P. 22
- Kidney stones pain in the chest. It is usually accompanied
A sharp shooting pain starting from the by burning sensation in the chest region
back and radiating forwards could be due and nausea. There could be a history of
to renal calculi. The pain typically occurs eating spicy food, or fasting for a long time.
when the stone moves from its position; it - Pulmonary embolism – A blockage in
could be accompanied by bleeding in urine. one of the pulmonary arteries, presents
with unexplained pain or pressure in the
chest, possibly radiating to the jaw or back.
The person may also complain of shortness
of breath.
A pneumothorax – air or gas in the chest
cavity- can also present with similar
Back pain
Backache is one of the most common
pains people experience. We usually
tend to either ignore them or take them in
stride. But at times, they need to be taken
-Lower abdominal seriously.
A pain in the lower abdomen could be The causes could be mechanical (due
due to urinary infection or an intestinal to injury, muscle strain) or radicular (a
disease, like obstruction. pinched nerve, with the pain radiating
-Dysmenorrhea - Menstrual cramps along its path)
are pains experienced by women before, - Upper back – extends from the nape
during or after their monthly cycle. of neck to just below the rib cage .The
Though they are usually tolerable, at times common reasons for pain in this area is
the pains could be too extreme and require postural or injury. Sometimes, a spinal disc
medical intervention. herniates (slip disc), and if it presses on a
Chest pain nerve, you could have severe pain.
We usually associate chest pain with a One of the more critical reasons for upper
cardiac eventuality. However, there can be backache can be aortic dissection- a
other reasons for experiencing pain in the condition in which there is a tear in the
chest region. aorta, causing an internal bleed.
-Myocardial Infarct – A myocardial - Lower – Also called the lumbar region,
infarct (heart attack) can present with the lower back extends from just below
severe pain in the chest, sometimes the ribcage to the sacrum. Pain in this
radiating to the left arm. The person often region is common and everyone complains
complains of restlessness and excessive about it at some point in their life. The
perspiration. pain is usually exertional, postural or
Recurrent chest pain, called angina pain, due to an injury. Obesity and age related
is also heart related, caused by inadequate degeneration also contributes to lower
blood flow to the heart. backache.
- Acidity – Acidity, too, can present with Though not common, the pain could also