Page 25 - Seniorstoday October 2022 Issue
P. 25

history of immobility due to bedrest or long       sleeping in the wrong position. Besides
         travel times. It could be accompanied by           pain, people might also complain of
         hyperpigmentation of the calf skin; it may         stiffness of the neck muscles.
         also feel hot to the touch.                        - Cervical Spondylosis – A condition
         Pain in big toe -                                  in which the vertebrae in the neck area
         Pain in the toe can be quite annoying,             degenerate. The pain can vary from mild
         and at times cause difficulty in walking.          to excruciating, at times with inability
         Fractures, in growing toenails, stubbing           to move the neck. The person might also
         can all cause this pain. Systemic illnesses        experience numbness in the hands or
         such as gout are known to affect the big toe,      fingers.
         with severe, intolerable pain, swelling and        - Meningitis – Neck stiffness and pain,
         tenderness.                                        along with a high fever, is one of the classic
         Dysuria                                            clinical signs of meningitis, and shouldn’t
         Painful urination generally makes people           be ignored.
         think of a urinary tract infection, treated        Breast Pain-
         with anti-biotics. However, it could also          Heaviness and mild pain in the breast
         be a sign of prostate or bladder cancer. A         tissue is a common symptom of
         recurrent pain while urinating should be           premenstrual syndrome- many women
         brought to the attention of a physician.           suffer through it on a monthly basis.
         Also, keep an eye out for bleeding, weight         Unfortunately, breast cancer can also
         loss, reduced appetite- they all could point       present with similar symptoms; it’s often
         toward a serious illness.                          difficult to differentiate between the two
         Testicular pain                                    on clinical history alone. It’s better to get
          A sharp, intolerable pain, usually one            yourself investigated to reach a conclusive
         sided, can be indicative of testicular             diagnosis. If you feel hardness or a lump,
         torsion, a condition in which the blood flow       with pain or even without, then you
         to the testes is cut off. It is an emergency,      definitely need to meet your physician.
         and the individual should be rushed to the         Pains due to wounds
         hospital. If ignored, the reduced blood flow       These are usually temporary and will
         will cause damage to the testicles.                disappear within a few days, at the
         Other causes are injury, infections or             most. However, if it doesn’t, and is
         testicular cancers, but the pain in these          accompanied by swelling and /or oozing
         cases is either temporary or of gradual            from the wound, it could indicate an
         ascent.                                            infection, requiring antibiotics. Diabetics,
         Neck pain                                          in particular, need to be careful, as the
         The neck is one of the most common areas           healing process is impeded by the high
         for pain and stiffness. Bearing the weight         sugar levels.
         of the head, the neck is vulnerable to pain         Though it’s true that most pains are
         due to injuries, and can result in restricted      usually treatable with home remedies and
         movements.                                         rest, it’s always better to be vigilant and
         - Positional – Postural pain is one of             informed. Timely medical intervention
         the common complaints, caused by long              can help prevent extended illnesses and
         periods of sitting in front of laptops or          morbidities.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #40 | OCTOBER 2022                                                            25
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