Page 39 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 39

25. Spinach

         loading up on them when they’re in season,
         can help to reduce or slow down vision
         loss, due to the high levels of Vitamin A.         Benefit: Boosts the immune system
         The high levels of Vitamin C protect your          Spinach contains vitamins and minerals
         immune system, allowing it to better ward          like Vitamin E and magnesium that work
         of disease.                                        wonders in supporting your immune
                                                            system. This system protects you from
        24. Pineapple                                       viruses and bacteria that cause disease,
                                                            and also defends your body against other
                                                            things that can harm you, such as toxins
                                                            and cell mutations. If you are planning to
                                                            lose weight, it is advisable to add spinach to
                                                            your diet. Spinach leaves help with weight
                                                            loss and are also low in calories while being
                                                            high in fibre, which keeps you full, and
                                                            keeps you regular.
         Benefit: Aids digestion, boosts the immune
         system, eases sweet cravings.                      26. Sweet Potatoes
         Pineapple can be sugary, so you’ll want
         to consume it in reasonable quantities (no
         matter how delicious it tastes). Pineapple
         is loaded with antioxidants, nutrients,
         and minerals that can aid in digestion,
         boost your immune system, and keep
         inflammation at bay. Health line says that
         pineapple also can help reduce arthritis
         symptoms and speed recovery after
         strenuous exercise or even surgery. People         Benefit: High in vitamins
         struggling with sweet cravings will find           You may only eat this vegetable at
         they only need a small bit of this juicy           Thanksgiving, but sweet potatoes are
         fruit to keep their hunger at bay. FYI, it is      packed with nutrients that make them
         healthiest to eat pineapple raw, as opposed        worth eating year-round. Just one sweet
         to eating it from a can where it is soaked in      potato gives you 400% of the vitamin A
         sugary syrup.                                      you need every day. Sweet potatoes are

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