Page 33 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 33

of proper exercise these toxins start               •They endeavour to develop awareness
         accumulating in the body and eventually            in the society towards the therapeutic
         cause the disease. The basis of all the            and preventive scope of Nature Cure and
         treatments in naturopathy is to assist the         Healthy lifestyle.
         body in removing accumulated toxins                 •They provide information and education
         and restoring the vital forces called              through health awareness programs about
         Jeevan Shakti. Proper relaxation, stress           the scope of natural therapies and benefits
         management, physical detoxification,               of a healthy lifestyle, natural and simple
         nourishing diet and moderate exercises are         diet, proper exercise and relaxation and a
         all part of traditional naturopathy.               balance daily routine.
          Naturopathy had always been the way                One must arrest the sickness before
         of life for ancient Indians, but somewhere         expecting any cure. Arresting the sickness
         in the name of modernisation and status            itself would initiate the self-healing.
         living, we forgot all about it and started         The healing in actual fact is self-healing
         copying the West blindly. Thankfully now           therefore the individual has to be educated,
         once again there is a wave of awareness            empowered and encourage so that he or
         and a resurgence in India’s time tested            she can take control of his or her own life
         practices and therapies, be it Yoga,               and that’s the healing process itself. One
         Meditation or Naturopathy.                         has to learn to discipline the body and
                                                            mind, which isn’t easy after we have spoilt
                                                            ourselves like crazy, but if we understand
                                                            the benefits and make up our mind, slowly,
                                                            one step at a time, we will surely be able
                                                            to adopt and adapt to healthy lifestyle
                                                            practices by overcoming our cravings and
                                                            desires. The main Naturopathy treatment
                                                            modalities applied are:

                                                            Detox or purification with the help of
          Many big and small centres have come              Naturopathy diet and fasting.
         up all over the country and they cater to           Diet and fasting play an important role in
         people from different economic strata.             Nature Cure regimes as the result in faster
         There are some fancy ones with 5 star              removal of toxins and facilitate the healing
         facilities while there are many modest             process. Various types of cleansing and
         ones providing the same services in a more         rejuvenating diet plans are offered as per
         pocket friendly budget.                            the patient’s conditions and needs. Recipes
                                                            are scientifically developed with a variety
         What do they do?                                   of options.
          •They provide natural therapies based on           Whenever necessary fasting of various
         integrative and holistic approach.                 kinds is advised and administered under
          •They provide easily accessible high              the strict supervision of well-trained
         quality traditional natural therapies.             naturopath doctors.

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