Page 35 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 35
Antioxidants: Non-medical uses:
The leaves of eucalyptus are very rich in Fuel: Eucalyptus is used extensively as fuel
flavonoids with excellent anti-oxidant in Australia. Studies are on to study its
properties, protecting the body from efficacy as a biodiesel.
oxidative stress and free radicles. Also, Buildings and fences: Eucalyptus wood
the flavonoids found in the tree are found is used extensively in paneling, flooring
to fight diseases like cancer and heart and fencing. It is also used in ships and
ailments, when ingested, studies have railways. These trees grow quickly, do not
found. cause deforestation.
Tea made with the eucalyptus leaves Paper-making and tanning: It is regarded as
is safe and beneficial, and a good source ideal for manufacturing paper, because of
of these antioxidants. Adults can its short fibers.
have it safely, children under medical Bug and insect repellent: It is often found
supervision. in repellent, and has been known to get
Dry skin: rid of parasites. People use it as a natural
Ceramides are fatty acids that reduce pesticide, spray it directly on plants. It has
dryness of skin. People with conditions also been used against ticks and mites. A
like psoriasis have reduced amounts of study in NEW DELHI, found it effective
this fatty acid in the body. Extracts from against houseflies.
leaves of the plant stimulate production of Carpet cleaner and stain remover: In small
ceramide in the skin, reducing the dryness. quantities and low concentration, it has
Stress reliever: been used as a carpet cleaner.
Eucalyptol, an ingredient of eucalyptus, Air freshener and cleansers: Because
has remarkable anti stress properties. A of its pleasant scent and cleansing
study showed that pre-operative people properties, it is often used in cleansers
showed reduced stress level after inhaling and air fresheners. Aroma therapy makes
the oil. It is believed that it stimulated the extensive use of the oil.
parasympathetic nervous system, which Animal habitat: Koala bears live off its
promotes relaxation. branches and leaves, the stems are used as
bird perch.
How much can be used?
Oral consumption: 0.05 to 0.2 ml per day is
the dosage for adults. Children shouldn’t
take any without physician’s advice.
Local Application: about 30 ml oil in
mixed in ½ liter of water can be applied on
the forehead to relieve tension headaches,
or as an insect repellent.
As an inhaler: A few drops of the oil in
warm water or vaporizer are sufficient.
Tea preparation: 2 to 3 gms of chopped
leaves boiled in 150 ml of water can be
consumed 1 to 2 times a day.