Page 34 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 34
treat fevers. It came to be known as the to treat bronchitis.
Australian Fever Tree after the crew of an Cough:
Australian freighter treated a bad outbreak Practitioners of herbal medicine have long
of fever aboard with tea made of eucalyptus advised use of the oil as steam inhalation
leaves. Eventually, physicians started to sooth the throat and get rid of cough.
using it to treat other conditions, such as Conditions like asthma and whooping
cough and asthma. It was used to sterilize cough were treated with inhalation or balm
instruments. It was also, at one point, application of eucalyptus oil.
thought to cure diabetes. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder
From medicines to air buildings, (COPD):
eucalyptus has been put to many uses. Its COPD is the name given to a group of lung
pleasant scent makes it a good choice for diseases that obstruct airflow to the lungs,
perfumes and air fresheners. making it difficult to breathe. Eucalyptus
oil helps promote mucous discharge,
Medical: decongesting the lungs.
Halitosis or bad breath is common in people
with bad dental hygiene leading o bacterial
growth and plaque formation around the
teeth. Eucalyptus oil, having antibacterial
as well as freshening properties, is often
used in toothpastes and mouth fresheners.
Rheumatoid Arthritis:
Eucalyptus oils contain tannins, which
The oil made from leaves of eucalyptus have anti-inflammatory and analgesic
trees has long been used in medical properties. Studies have shown that
treatments. Indian Ayurveda, Chinese and applying the leaves or oil to the affected
European forms of medicine have been joint can reduce the inflammation and pain.
making use of it for thousands of years. Athletic performances:
The oil is steam distilled from the leaves of Rubs which contain eucalyptus oil cause
the blue gum species, over a period of 6 to 8 warming of muscles in athletes, suggesting
hours. Some of the medical uses are: that it might help relieving minor aches and
Cold and sinus: pains when applied locally.
Cineole, the main ingredient in eucalyptus Immune system:
oil, helps in treating sinusitis. It is often Researchers found that the oil could
taken as steam inhalation or applied on a enhance the immune system’s phagocytic
handkerchief and kept on the chest / under response, its ability to fight foreign
the pillow. It is believed that the oil acts particles in the body.
on nasal mucous membrane receptors, Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory:
reducing the secretions and stuffiness. These properties allow it to be used in the
Bronchitis: healing of burns, wounds and ulcers. It has
The tea made from the eucalyptus leaf has also been known to heal conditions like
anti-microbial properties, and is often used genital herpes.