Page 33 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 33

Health Plus


         Blessing or Curse?

         This strong-smelling medicinal plant has many benefits, but you need to
         use it with care, writes Dr Nandini Saini

         Most people would have suffered from               leaves, and capsule fruit some of the more
         cold, cough or sinusitis at some point in          popular varieties are the black peppermint
         their lives, and most would have applied           tree, the Tasmanian bluegum, and
         a few drops of that sweet scented oil on           mahogany.
         their body or handkerchief to relieve the
         symptom. It is one of grandma’s time-tested        History of eucalyptus in India:
         remedies. Did you guess which oil?                 Historians say that this tree was first
          Yes, Eucalyptus!                                  planted in the 1700s by Tipu Sultan in
          Eucalyptus (genus Eucalyptus) is a                his palace on the Nanda hills, more for
         large genus of more than 660 species of            decorative beauty than for the medicinal
         evergreen shrubs and tall trees of the             benefits. They were then planted
         myrtle family (Myrtaceae). It is native to         extensively in the nilgiri hills in Tamil
         Australia. Many species are cultivated             Nadu, in 1843. Eventually, about 170
         widely throughout the temperate regions            species were introduced in India, of which,
         of the world as shade trees or in forestry         the Mysore Gum is the most popular.
         plantations. In Australia, the eucalypti are
         commonly known as gum trees or stringy             Uses
         bark trees.                                        The use of the eucalyptus tree- its bark,
          They are rapidly growing, tall trees. Most        leaves and the oil extracted from it has
         of them attain a height of about 90 mtrs.          been in practice from ancient times.
         They have leathery, vertically hanging             The Australian aborigines used it to

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