Page 32 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 32

gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),            of the small intestines. This can develop
         hiatal hernia, mouth cancer… this is caused        at any age. It can also be passed down
         due to excessive inflammation, long-               genetically. There is no cure but can be
         term medicine usage, bacterial infections          managed by eating gluten free food.
         and excessive secretion of digestive acid.
         Smoking and alcohol consumption could              4. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) –
         also cause these diseases.                         People with overtly sensitive intestine can
                                                            suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. It can
         2. Lactose intolerance – When one is               be easily cured but it may last for some time
         unable to process diary products. This             – it varies from person to person. There are
         happens when your body is unable to                many causes for IBS to occur – change in
         digest sugar found in milk. This can be            food, not eating regular meals, long gaps
         genetic or can occur at any point in life. The     between meals and stress.
         sudden trigger could be caused by another
         underlying GI condition or it can develop           A happy gut is a sign of a healthy body.
         without a specific underlying cause. The           It is important that you take care of what
         symptoms occur half an hour – two hours            you eat, how you eat and when you eat. All
         after the diary product is consumed. It can        these factors together work on strengthen
         vary from diarrhea, excessive flatulence,          your gut. If you are facing excessive
         indigestion and abdominal pain.                    amount of foul-smelling flatulence there
                                                            is nothing to be embarrassed about, it is
         3. Celiac disease – It is an autoimmune            a sign that your gut needs help. So, if you
         disorder that is triggered when one eats           are facing stomach discomfort that doesn’t
         foods with gluten. The protein present in          seem to calm down do get yourself checked.
         wheat, rye, barley… damages the lining             The sooner, the better for you and your gut.

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