Page 36 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 36

Side-effects:                                      oil in an ounce of the carrier oil is sufficient
         Just because the eucalyptus oil is a               dilution.
         naturally occurring substance, it does not
         automatically become safe for use. Ideally,        Interactions:
         an allergen test should be performed if            Eucalyptus oil is known to interact with
         prolonged use is required.                         medications taken for diabetes, psychiatric
          It is known to cause nausea and vomiting          disorders and high cholesterol.
         on ingestion.                                      The Water Controversy:
          It can, at times, aggravate bronchospasm          Economically, eucalyptus trees constitute
         in asthmatics, and reduce BP in one already        one of the most valuable groups within
         suffering from hypotension.                        the order Myrtales. They are grown
          Those suffering with chronic liver or             extensively because of their rapid growth
         kidney failure should avoid it.                    and productivity.
          It is not advisable to expose a child less         The widespread cultivation of the tree has
         than 2 years of age to eucalyptus; it may do       been questioned by ecologists, who raise
         more harm than good.                               concerns of the water table depletion by the
          Pregnant women and lactating women                plant. Some are concerned that the plant
         should use it with caution.                        also causes nutritional depletion, as, being
          It has also been known to cause irritation        nutrition intensive; it deprives neighboring
         if it enters the eyes.                             trees of adequate water and nutrition.
          Consumption in amounts of 3 ml or more            The plantations were subsequently studied
         can cause complications, as far as possible,       extensively to study the claims. It has been
         avoid oral ingestion.                              found that, in fact, the water requirements
          The oil can be applied directly on skin in a      of the tree were less than that of others like
         diluted form, ideally with carrier oil such as     shisham and jamun.
         olive oil. About 4 to 5 drops of eucalyptus         So, is eucalyptus a blessing or a curse?

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