Page 41 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 41

proper digestion, and can soothe a sore
                                                            throat. Ginger can also drastically alleviate
                                                            pain caused by osteoarthritis thanks to
                                                            its high content of gingerol, shogaol, and
                                                            zingerone; these elements grant ginger
                                                            anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
                                                            functions. So even if its taste might be too
                                                            intense for some, its health benefits make it
                                                            well worth choking down some ginger tea
                                                            every now and then.
         prevents certain cancers
         If you’re that person who wants to                 32. Eggplant/Brinjal
         throw up when the word “spinach” is
         mentioned, we may have the solution for
         you. Watercress is a vegetable that is not
         often known by everyone even though it is
         considered to be one of the healthiest food
         in the world! Watercress is a vegetable rich
         in calcium, Vitamin C, and iron, and has
         high levels of antioxidants and minerals.
         Consuming just 100g of watercress can
         cover 100% of your daily nutritional needs
         for so many vital nutrients. That’s why we         Benefit: Prevents diabetes and improves
         strongly advise you to take another look           cardiovascular function
         the next time you’re in your local produce         Eggplants or Brinjal are said to have been
         section.                                           cultivated in India several millennia ago,
                                                            and then in China, where it then spread
         31. Ginger                                         to the rest of the world. Looking beyond
                                                            its unique appearance, eggplant has
                                                            many health benefits. Eggplant contains
                                                            phytosterol and fiber that can reduce bad
                                                            cholesterol levels in the blood, and prevent
                                                            certain cardiovascular diseases, as well as
                                                            antioxidant properties that reduce the risk
                                                            of diabetes and cancer.

                                                            33. Bell Peppers/Capsicum
         Benefit: Pain relief, digestion                    Benefit: Good for the heart and the eyes
         Ginger is a food that has been used since          Bell peppers or capsicums are generally
         ancient times for its various therapeutic          thought of as a vegetable when in fact the
         properties. It has several health benefits         bell pepper is technically a fruit. They
         that particularly come in handy when               come in several different colours: red,
         you’re sick: it helps calm nausea, facilitates     green, orange, and yellow. Bell peppers

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