Page 40 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 40

also good for your reproductive system and         Benefit: High in protein
         organs like the eyes, heart, and kidneys.          Soybeans are another food that is a staple
         The carotenoids in sweet potatoes may              of any vegetarian or vegan diet due to
         even reduce your risk of cancer. Purple            their high protein content. Not only are
         sweet potatoes are rich in another natural         they high in protein, but they are one of
         compound, anthocyanin, which may                   the few plant sources of complete protein.
         reduce your risk of getting colorectal cancer      Most plant sources of protein are lacking
         specifically.                                      in certain amino acids that make the
                                                            macronutrient usable by your body, but
         27. Cabbage                                        not soybeans. Used to make soymilk, tofu,
                                                            or left in their natural form like edamame,
                                                            they are a versatile side or can be the star of
                                                            the show.

                                                            29. Mushrooms

         Benefit: Rich in fibre and antioxidants
         All types of cabbage are high in Vitamin C,
         a well-known antioxidant. In fact, cabbage
         comes from the same family as other
         superfoods like broccoli and cauliflower.
         It also contains enough fibre to keep you          Benefit: Protects you against diabetes and
         full for hours. Cabbage is also known for its      cancer
         content of sulfurous substances that could         Whether you love them or hate them,
         prevent certain cancers. While it might not        mushrooms have unusual health benefits
         be the star of the produce aisle, the cheap,       unlike any other of the plant or animal
         humble vegetable keeps for a long time             based foods we enjoy, as they are in an
         in the refrigerator, and is always a good          entirely different food category–fungus.
         investment.                                        Among these health properties are
                                                            something called adaptogens. Adaptogens
         28. Soybeans                                       are thought to be able to be used by
                                                            your body for whatever it needs, unlike
                                                            other fixed nutrients that only serve one
                                                            purpose. Along with being a high source
                                                            of fibre, adaptogens make mushrooms an
                                                            invaluable source of nutrition, no matter
                                                            their cost.

                                                            30. Watercress
                                                            Benefits: Strengthens your immune system and

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