Page 32 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 32
Busting the
myths of
Naturopathy Image courtesy: Isha Foundation
and Detox
Malti Gaekwad lets us in on her naturopathy experience, emphasising our
need to practice it in our daily lives
There days DETOX seems to have become is made of five universal elements Space
a buzz word in all gatherings. It seems Akash, Air Vayu, Fire Agni, Water Jal
fashionable to talk about it. Earlier we all and Earth Prithvi. Most of the diseases are
lived a healthy lifestyle and didn’t need to caused due to an imbalance in any of these
talk about it. With our current life full of element.
stresses, comfort foods and highly polluted Natural therapies restore the balance of
environment, it is not only important to the elements when removing the causative
talk about it but to actually start practicing factors and bring the elements back to
it through Naturopathy. their natural state. Therefore it is not only
a healing system but is a way of living in
What is Naturopathy and how does it accordance with the laws of nature to enjoy
work? a healthy and disease free life.
Nature is the greatest healer. Our body In naturopathy it is believed that many
has the capacity to prevent itself from diseases of the body are born due to the
diseases and regain health automatically accumulation of toxins produced during
if unhealthy, for which an appropriate the process of digestion. Normally these
environment has to be created by us. toxins and excreted as bodies waste
The principle of Nature Cure is based on but due to incorrect diet and lifestyle,
Panch Mahababhuta theory. Our body negative mental attitude, stress and lack