Friday, February 21, 2025

Weekly Predictions – 28th August to 3rd September 2023 By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla


Ganesha says this week, an auspicious and positive atmosphere will remain in the areas related to studies. If you are preparing for any competitive exams. So this week’s stars will be giving the gift of pleasant and wonderful results. There will be pleasant and wonderful opportunities for capital investment. If you want to travel and travel somewhere. So there will be opportunities for the desired kind of progress. This week, the campaign to educate and advance the child side will be fruitful. Whether it is related to school education or reference to competitive exams, the dividends will continue to increase. This week’s stars will be pleasant and brilliant in terms of health. But walking with understanding will be beneficial. By the way, money can be spent in the middle of this week. So don’t weaken your understanding. During this, due to some weakness in health, he is troubled. But again in the last days of the week, the movement of stars will remain auspicious and positive in dealing with aspects related to livelihood.


Ganesha says this week there will be opportunities to walk together with relatives. Due to this, there will be opportunities for continuous progress in completing the tasks related to household life. If you want to travel and travel somewhere, then there will be the desired kind of progress. However, in the middle part of this week, the process of teaching and taking forward the son and daughter will be fruitful. Due to this the body and mind will remain happy. On the other hand, in the middle of the week, the process of earning and raising money will be fruitful. Due to this the body and mind will be happy. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. In love relations, there will be moments of love between the partners. At the same time, the process of earning and raising money will be fruitful. If you are preparing for competitive exams. So try with all your heart. Will be successful However, in the last days of the week, again the movement of stars will give expenditure in money matters. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good.


Ganesha says this week’s stars will be helpful in elevating your happiness and fortune and in removing diseases and pains. Therefore, there will be a need to continue the efforts with full promptness. This week’s stars will be giving the gift of completing pleasant and auspicious tasks. If you are engaged in finalizing the works of any religion and charity. So you will be successful, you can inspect any historical and religious place. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the understanding. In the middle of this week, again the movement of stars will be helpful in completing the work related to livelihood. Very possible. You may be nominated for promotion. In the last days of this week, there will be moments of love in love affairs. At the same time, the campaign to educate and advance sons and daughters will continue to bring results. If there are any money transactions, there will be desired progress in settling them.


Ganesha says this week, that the continuous dividends will increase in completing the works related to the commission, mining, sales, production, medicine, technology, and military security. There will be a need to be more ready to make the process of keeping health pleasant and luxurious than before. Therefore, there will be a need to avoid consuming tamasic foods. This week there will be opportunities for significant progress in capital investment and completion of work related to foreign countries. But in money matters, you will be troubled due to a sudden increase in expenditure. On the other hand, in the middle of the week, there will be opportunities for desired progress in completing the works of any religion and charity. So don’t weaken your understanding. If you are engaged in completing household chores. So intensify the efforts. Will be successful In the last days of this week, your status in your personal life will increase. But do not remain indifferent to the problems coming.


Ganesha says in this week, there will be moments of laughter and happiness in the courtyard of married life. If you are looking for a marriage relationship or are looking for a suitable life partner. So keep up the efforts. The movement of the stars will continue to give important results. The continuous dividend will increase capital investment. This month’s stars will be pleasant and brilliant in terms of health. However, there will be a need to be more active to increase monetary gains. So don’t weaken your understanding. Today’s stars will be pleasant and brilliant in terms of health. Therefore, take full care of your food and drink. However, again in the middle of the week, expenditure may increase in money matters. Therefore, it will be beneficial to walk with understanding. But more time will have to be given to complete far-flung tasks. But you will continue to get a positive environment. There will be an auspicious and positive atmosphere again in the last days of this week.


Ganesha says this week, you will have the opportunity to extend cooperation and goodwill among close relatives. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good. Overall, the movement of the stars will give pleasant and wonderful results. But during this time you will have to work hard in related fields. Be it opportunities related to study and teaching. Or there is an intention to finalize the preparations for competitive exams. The continuous dividend will increase. In terms of health, the stars will not be very pleasant this week. Therefore, pay full attention to food and drink. So it will be good. If you are associated with the military, security, medical, communication, and information sectors, then there will be desired results. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts at your level. So it will be good. Overall, this week’s stars will be pleasant for you. But don’t hesitate to continue the hard-earned efforts.


Ganesha says this week’s stars can give tension in some matters among the relatives. In such a situation, walking with understanding and patience will be beneficial. Because the movement of the stars will spoil the positive atmosphere in the respective home, family, and work areas. That’s why it will be beneficial to walk with understanding. If you are looking to invest capital. So definitely the dividend will keep on increasing. But this week’s stars will be somewhat weak in terms of health. Therefore, it will be beneficial to walk with understanding. In the middle part of this week, there will be a period of continuous progress in completing the work related to studies and teaching. There will be moments of love between them in love affairs. And your stature will be high in economic fields. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. That is, there will be opportunities to solve many aspects related to livelihood this week.


Ganesha says in this week, there will be a need to make the process of finalizing the works related to social and political life more vigorous. Whether it is about penetrating the upcoming targets or continuous efforts are needed to beat your nearest rival. Will be successful Dividend will remain increased in capital investment. But this week’s stars will be somewhat weak in terms of health. Therefore, there will be a need to be more ready to remove the diseases and pains emerging in health during this period. So don’t weaken your understanding. If you want to go somewhere in travel and effort. So keep up the efforts. Will be successful and Will be very close to the economic goals in the middle part of this week. Due to this, the mind will be excited. If there are any transaction matters. So you will be able to handle them. There will be moments of love in love relationships. So don’t weaken the level of understanding.


Ganesha says this week you will have to step towards the best routine. If you want to travel and travel somewhere. So there will be a gift of success. This week’s stars will be helpful in increasing your physical strength. If you are feeling weak, then the movement of stars will give you more rapid progress for the week. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. So it will be good. In love relations, there will be a sequence of sweet dialogues between the partner. If you want to travel and travel somewhere. So there will be a gift of success. That means the movement of the stars will give you new power to increase your work and business. However, in the middle of the week, there will be tension and quarrels in the family. In such a situation, some will be worried. In the last days of this week, there will be opportunities to earn money again and make significant progress in teaching and taking forward the son and daughter.


Ganesha says in this week, you may have to work hard to complete the tasks one after the other. In terms of health, this week’s stars will be pleasant and wonderful. Provided you will need to move toward your established routine. Otherwise, the level of your problems will increase. So don’t shy away from a regular routine. So it will be good. If you are looking to invest capital. So there will be opportunities for desired progress. In the third part of this week, again the movement of stars will give pleasant and wonderful results. Due to this, there will be opportunities for continuous progress in completing the work related to studies and teaching. If you are preparing for any competitive exam. So the movement of the stars will continue to give pleasant and wonderful results. Therefore, do not hesitate to maintain understanding. In the last days of this week, you will be happy to meet a special and accomplished person. Because this meeting is going to be very special. Due to this the body and mind will remain happy.


Ganesha says this week, the movement of the stars will keep your spirits up. If there are any diseases and pains in the past, then the desired and positive results will be obtained by removing them. On the other hand, there will be a need for constant running around in the aspects related to livelihood. If you are going to appear in competitive examinations or are running for the post in private and government institutions. So there will be opportunities for desired progress. However, the capital investment may take some more time. So don’t weaken your understanding. Success will continue at every step in the fields of livelihood. However, in the middle of this week, more time will have to be given to complete the work related to capital investment and abroad. During this time your health will be somewhat weak. Therefore, pay full attention to food and drink. In the last days of the week, the movement of stars will give pleasant and wonderful results. So try to be positive.


Ganesha says in this week, the movement of the stars will increase the expenditure in terms of money. However, there will be opportunities for continuous progress in capital investment and completion of work related to foreign countries. By the way, during this time your opponents will try to disturb you. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. If you are ready to invest capital. So you will be successful. But continue the positive efforts at your level. During this time some weaknesses may emerge in your health. Therefore, pay full attention to food and drink. But in the middle of the week, there will be opportunities for making positive progress in work and business and achieving the desired goals. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. So it will be good. There will be moments of laughter and happiness in the courtyard of married life. So maintain gentleness at your level. In the last days of this week, it may take some more time to complete the work related to real estate.

Chirag Daruwalla
Chirag Daruwalla is the best celebrity astrologer who is one of the most famous names in the astrology world. Chirag Daruwalla has more than 18+ years of experience. You can ask for any advice related to career, health, finance, business, money, and love marriage. He has complete knowledge, solutions, and guidance to all the problems related to life. If you want to avail his astrological services then you can visit his website For guidance on problems related to your life, you can talk to Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla on Call/Whatsapp: +91 8141566266 or also mail:

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