Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Health Live @ Seniors Today with Dr Megha Dhamne

What are the warning signs of a stroke? What should one do if somebody around has a sudden stroke? How can one prevent stroke from occurring? These and many more concerns were answered and explained by Dr Megha Dhamne, a leading neurologist and neuromuscular specialist

On Saturday, October 17, Seniors Today hosted Dr Megha Dhamne to address concerns related to stroke and other neurological disorders.

Dr Megha Dhamne is a leading neurologist and neuromuscular specialist. Dr Dhamne pursued residency and a fellowship in neurology from the US. She has also worked in Singapore at the National Neurological Institute for three years before moving back to India in 2018. Currently, she is practising as a neuromuscular specialist at the Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai.

Dr Dhamne has started the ‘Nerve and Muscle Clinic’ at the Hiranandani Hospital and participates in the Mumbai ALS support group forum.



Here are the takeaways from the Health Live session with Dr Megha Dhamne.

1. Stroke – When a part of the brain suddenly shuts down due to a blockage, the patient experiences a stroke. It is a brain attack that takes place in an instant and is considered as a medical emergency. Since the patient needs to be rushed to the hospital immediately for the treatment and to prevent future disabilities.

2. Types of stroke – There are two types of stroke, ischemic stroke and haemorrhagic stroke.

In ischemic stroke, theblood vessel gets blocked and cuts down the supply of blood to the brain leading to a stroke.

In haemorrhagic stroke, there is bleeding in the brain caused by a rupture of blood vessel.

3. Transient ischemic attack (TIA) aka mini stroke–When a patient experiences sudden symptomof stroke such as weakness on onside of the body, slurred speech, and difficulty balancing that lasts for less than few hours to 24 hours. Only a neurologist will be able to do the diagnoses as symptoms for TIA and an acute stroke are the same.

4. Clot-buster medication – It is a drug designed to reverse ischemic stroke. This medication helps to dissolve the blood clot within a couple of hoursof getting the treatment and stabilises theblood flow.However, this medication should be given to the patient within 4.5 hours since the onset of the first symptom.

5. How to spot a Stroke? – Since stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention. The symptoms of stroke are face drooping on one side, arm weakness, difficulty in speech, and some patients can experience numbness of one side. One must remember that the onset of stroke happens suddenly.

6. Common Problems of Neuropathy – When one experience tingling or a pins-and-needle-like sensation in their feet, they should get themselves checked by a neurologist. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and myasthenia gravis are some of the progressive nerve disease that should not be ignored. Hence, if you experience any kind of numbness or tingling sensation, please consult your neurologist.

7. Diabetes neuropathy – Diabetes is one of the risk factors of that can cause nerve damage in your legs and feet. Therefore,it is important to control blood sugar levels.

8. Physiotherapy and neuropathy – When a patient experiences any kind stroke or any kind of muscular neuropathy, regular physiotherapy session is required to maintain and strengthen the affected areas. Since exercising regenerates brain cells and recover better.

Tele-consult appointments with Dr Megha Dhamne can be made by calling 022-71023500 or 99874 43203.
Dr Noor Gill
Dr Noor Gill, MBBS, deciphers the space between heartbeats, figuratively and literally. Powered by frequent long naps and caffeine, she believes that “knowledge without giving back to society is meaningless” and works to make caring cool again.

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