Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Reminiscing: Hemant Parekh

Seniors Today reader, Hemant Parekh, a Businessman and a  Passionate Singer performs all the moods of Mukesh’s songs but he prefers his sad songs best.

In our Aamchi Mumbai many Stage Shows are Organised & Many of them  are Based on Filmy Songs Only.

Our Young Generation Also prefers Old Era Songs of Mohammad Rafi Ji,  Kishore Kumar Ji & Popular Singer Mukesh Ji. Within this Triangle of  Singers, Stage Singers have got their Bread & Butter from those Playback  Singers. Some of the Stage Singers are very well known & popular & they  Exclusively Sing particular Playback Singer’s Song only. Out of them One Is  “Hemant Parekh” & Popular for Mukesh Ji’s Song only. & he Sings of All  Moods of Mukesh Ji’s Song but he prefers Sad Songs of Mukesh Ji.

Within the Lockdown Period he has performed more than 25 Live Shows on “FB”,  Also he does Virtual Shows on “YouTube” Channel Hemant Parekh, Also  Done more than 25 Stage shows too, Singing Since Last 8-10 Years…

Singing Is Not his Profession, But his Passion only. He has not taken any  Basic Training for Singing. He is fond of Music Since Childhood & Father  Mr. Kanaiyalal was a Great Music Lover & Because of him Since Morning till  Night he used to Listen Radio BroadCasting Songs full day, Also In those  days they were having Wooden Cabinet Murphy Radio with Grundig  Gramophone & used to Play Long play Records on it. & Father has Three  Bro’s & One Sister are Music Lovers. Father was very Interested In Films too  & has given Children names Deepak, Hemant, Mukesh & Asha, & Childrens  get Music enthusiasm from Fathers Heredity.

From Childhood Hemant didn’t get any Chance to Sing, Because of Joint  Family & Nos. of Members in the family. Also due to Responsibility of family,  Could Not do anything in the Singing Field, But after Age of 50’s & Social  Responsibility were over, Started his Singing passion & done Stage Shows &  built a Great Confidence. & Can Sing Solo 12 to 15 Songs Continuously  within a Hour Show. & he can perform 2½ hrs Show too.

During his Abroad Visit, he has not done any Private Show, but In the USA at  Sister Residence done a private Programme. He feels that Singing Is a “Stress  Buster” activity & his experience Speaks too & Music Keeps him Healthy &  Fit.

Singing Is his Main Passion but He Also Loves Sports too & he has played  Many Table Tennis National Tournaments & Loves Swimming Doing Since  40 Years.

His Father was a Founder of his Business & than he has taken care of  Fathers Business, As MD & Chairman of his Industrial Valves  Manufacturing Company. His wife Parul Is also Director in the Company &  has only  one Daughter, who is Married & has 5 Years GrandSon too.

He has tried to Learn Casio Also, but Because of Business Responsibility, he  can not give “Spare time to Practice the Casio” & it requires Continuous  practice regularly.

To Help Financially In this Lockdown period & To help Musicians & Singer  Artist Last year on his Sweet 60’s Birthday, Done a Live Show on his  YouTube Channel “Hemant Parekh, Harmony Hearts” “Yeh Mera Diwanapan  Hai” with Anchor “Prashant Rao” with 4 Musician Artists & 2 other Singers  too.

It was a Great Surprise that 8000 Plus Viewers have Enjoyed the Live Show &  his Channel has got 250 Plus Subscribers.

Also he has Musical Group known As “AKHND” Musical Group. & do One or  Two Live Shows, In this Show he has Sing Mera Naam Joker Mukesh Ji’s  Song Jaane Kaha Gaye Woh Din & got Standing Ovation from audience.  “AKHND” Musical Group Next Live Show was with “Alok Katdare” But due to  Lockdown It Is Postponed till Government Guidelines to Come In 2021 for  Auditoriums & Theaters.

He Sings only Mukesh Ji’s Song only & by Grace of God his Voice Is  Appreciated by Regular Audience, & he Loves to Sing Mukesh Ji’s Song &  Not required to do practice, but he accept his Inability that, he can not Sing  the Song without Lyrics reading, due to Memory Is not that much Sharp.

He Loves other Stage Singers of Mukesh Ji’s Voice Is Dr. Kamlesh Avasthi,  Mukhtar Shah & Ashif Khan too. If you Close your eyes & Listen above  Singers Voice you will Find the Very Nearer Voice of Mukesh Ji.


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