Tuesday, March 4, 2025

International Day of Older Persons

On 14 December 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons (resolution 45/106).

What we love about this year’s observance is that it is dedicated to older women. Globally and in India, older women have proved to be the bedrock of resilience, sensibility and wisdom, in a world that has (almost) been pushed over the edge in a serious test of fundamental human values.

India is home to a diverse and large number of such women. Whether in politics, civic, economic, social and cultural spheres, our older women are beacons of inspiration, light and leadership.

Acknowledging a few well-known names, takes away the thunder from scores of unknown women who toil endlessly and whose noble work has not been recognised, unseen to public attention.

This day belongs to you, dear older woman.

Thank you all for the unsung and invisible heroic feats you perform quietly and steadfastly – by which, the world gains hope to strive to be a better place, armed with strong humanitarian ethics and ideals, and equal rights for all.


The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing inequalities, with the past three years intensifying the socioeconomic, environmental, health and climate related impacts on the lives of older persons, especially older women who constitute the majority of older persons.

While older women continue to meaningfully contribute to their political, civil, economic, social and cultural lives; their contributions and experiences remain largely invisible and disregarded, limited by gendered disadvantages accumulated throughout the life course.

The intersection between discrimination based on age and gender compounds new and existing inequalities, including negative stereotypes that combine ageism and sexism.

The 2022 theme of International Day of Older Persons (UNIDOP) serves as a hallmark and reminder of the significant role older women play in traversing global challenges and contributing to their solutions with resilience and fortitude.

Recognising the vital contributions of older women and promoting the inclusion of their voices, perspectives and needs are critical to creating meaningful policies to enhance a holistic response to local, national, and global challenges and catastrophes, UNIDOP 2022 is a call to action and opportunity aimed to embrace the voices of older women and showcase their resilience and contributions in society, while promoting policy dialogues to enhance the protection of older persons human rights and recognize their contributions to sustainable development.



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