Monday, March 10, 2025

Weekly Predictions – 11th to 17th September 2023 By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla


Ganesha says this week you will find that people around you are doing better than usual in their respective fields. In such a situation, instead of feeling jealous of their success, you have to support them by encouraging them, appreciating their success. Apart from improving your image, you will also be able to fill yourself with positive energy. If you were thinking of making any investment related to your home, then this week is expected to be much better than usual for that. Because this investment will be beneficial for you, as well as you will be able to get extra money from any part of your house by way of rent, etc. This week you can buy a new house for the family or take a decision to make your old house beautiful and organized. In such a situation, you will spend some of your money on the decoration of the house. But this will not make any difference to your financial condition, rather you will be able to gain the respect and prestige of your family members. Venus is present in the fourth house in the Moon sign and with the movement of the stars, your leadership and administrative abilities will come to the fore. Saturn is present in the eleventh house in your Moon sign, due to which you will be successful in getting your own identity and respect at the workplace. Apart from this, during this time you are likely to get full support of a female colleague at the workplace. Mercury is present in the second house in the Moon sign, so those students who were dreaming of going to a good college abroad and pursuing their higher education, are very likely to get this opportunity in the middle of this week. In such a situation, to increase your memory power, it is advised to wake up early in the morning and practice the subjects.


Ganesha says The malefic planet Rahu is present in the twelfth house in your Moon sign and hence for the betterment of your health, you will need to improve your diet this week. Otherwise, you will find yourself suffering from many serious diseases, due to which you may be in trouble. Rahu and Jupiter are present in the twelfth house in your Moon sign and luck will favor you in financial life this week, but if you have to make any investment during this period, first assess the facts and only then invest. Otherwise your money may get stuck. A special someone with whom you are emotionally attached may end up irritating you this week because of your careless and erratic behaviour. So it would be better to improve your nature and treat them well. The presence of many planets in your zodiac this whole week will prove to bring good results for professionals. Apart from this, this time period will also prove to be good for those who are thinking of starting a new business apart from their main business or service. Mercury is present in the first house in your Moon sign and those students who have been working hard can be awarded scholarship in their school or college this week. This will also increase your respect, as well as your family will feel proud to see your hard work.


Ganesha says  you will be able to understand this very well this week that, if you include yoga in your daily routine, many of your health problems will go away. According to your moon sign, Jupiter and Rahu are present in the eleventh house and because this week is good for health. Will give you many opportunities to introspect in terms of Due to any of your old investments like ancestral property, land, property, policy, etc., your income is likely to increase this week. In such a situation, while earning that money, you can also decide to invest it again in some good scheme. This week, you will find it difficult to manage many issues at home. In such a situation, you will feel that many people are also trying to pull you down, due to which your mind can become depressed. Due to the presence of Saturn in the ninth house in the Moon sign, it is possible that due to your important work, you will have to go on a journey this week. But have to go This week indicates that, if you have to change the job or take any important decision related to the profession, then this time can prove to be a very auspicious time. In such a situation, don’t show haste, do think about every decision. Mercury is present in the twelfth house in your Moon sign and this week, students staying away from home due to education will have to spend the whole week in household chores like washing utensils and clothes. Due to which they may have some trouble. In such a situation, it would be appropriate for you to plan to make better use of your week.


Ganesha says due to the presence of Saturn in the eighth house in the Moon sign, do not let the negativity overwhelm you this week, and rest well to keep yourself fresh as much as possible. With this, you will not only be able to think well and creatively but along with your health, your work efficiency will also be seen to improve. By which you will be able to take many decisions. Jupiter is present in the tenth house in the moon sign, so you should not give your money to anyone without thinking. Otherwise, you may face a lot of trouble in the future. So to use your money properly, you can take advice from the elders and elders of your house. This week you will get some good news in your life, due to which you will celebrate your happiness by having fun and partying with your friends. But during this time your coming home after drinking alcohol can disturb the family members. So don’t let the fun and frolic spoil your image at home and avoid doing anything that may cause you embarrassment among the family. This week, things will look better at work than before. Due to this, even your bad mood will be good and you will now be seen successfully completing every task with double the energy. Seeing this hard work of yours, your officers will also be happy with you, due to which chances of an increase in your salary will also be created. This week you will have to maintain good relations with your teachers because there is a possibility that they will be pleased with you and their influence will work in your favor in the field of education. During this time, many students are also getting chances of getting scholarships from their school or college. This week it is possible that the useless demands of the spouse may make you angry. For this reason, you can call them good or bad.


Ganesha says this week, you will be able to give yourself enough time by taking out some relaxing moments from your busy routine. In such a situation, take advantage of this good opportunity and for good health, go for a daily walk on foot. During this time you will need to wear running shoes instead of slippers. Jupiter is present in the ninth house in your Moon sign and this week you will need to avoid foolish actions and make proper use of money. Because chances are being made that if you had demanded any kind of money from someone close to you, then you will be able to get success in that. So invest wisely, and put the money to good use. Your thirst for knowledge will help you make new friends this week. As indicated by the career horoscope, if you are associated with the professional field and are working in a good job, then this week is going to be very important for you. Because during this time you are likely to get many opportunities to move forward in your field. Just as building a strong foundation is essential for a strong home, in the same way, it is equally important to get a good education for a better future. But because of this, you will be seen walking in a completely different direction this week.


Ganesha says you will be able to lead a healthy life this week with less effort than you had to put in for better health in the previous week. Because during this time you will get full support of luck in terms of health. It is observed that you are often a bit careless about your money accumulation. The negative effect of this can create a financial crunch in your life, so this week you will need to take advice from your family members about saving money. According to your moon sign, Jupiter is present in the eighth house. And because during this time the advice and experience of your elders will prove to be helpful in improving your financial condition for the future. You will get special success this week in rejuvenating your relations with relatives. Also, this time will prove to be a good week for domestic matters and household chores that have been pending for a long time. According to your moon sign, Mercury is present in the ninth house and this week you will have to be more careful in taking decisions in your professional field because this time will give you good results in your career, but seeing everything going well, you will be a little Can feel emotional from inside. For students who are thinking of pursuing higher education, the middle of the week will be very good for them.


Ganesha says this week can spoil your good nature. So to change your mood, attend some social events and learn from their experience by meeting many big people in society. This will help you in taking many right decisions in life. You will need to think twice before investing in all the schemes that come your way this week. Because it is possible that there is some secret conspiracy behind the opportunity coming from the front, for which you will have to bear the brunt in the future. This week, realizing your responsibilities towards your family, you will give the necessary priority to the needs of the family members. In such a situation, it would be better for you to become a part of their happiness and sorrow, so that they feel that you really care about them and they can keep their things open in front of you. This week you will get an opportunity to interact directly with your senior officer and find answers to all your questions. Due to this, you can also get to know why your boss talks to you so rudely. As soon as you come to know the real reason behind it, your mind will be relieved to a great extent. Mercury is present in the eighth house in your Moon sign, however, while talking to him during this time, use your words very thoughtfully. If you are preparing for any entrance exam, then this week you will need to study with more concentration. Apart from this, students are also advised to take some time in between their studies to restore their health. Because at this time it is possible that due to some minor seasonal illness, you may feel hindered.


Ganesha says  participating in sports is what you need most this week. Because you also understand that good health is the secret to a good and successful life. So keep remembering this thing and try to keep yourself healthy. Jupiter is present in the sixth house in your Moon sign. Financially participating in a big group this week will prove to be interesting for you. However, this can increase your expenses to a great extent, as a result of which you will have to face some problems later on. Everyone, his problems are always bigger. And this week it is possible that your problems may be very big for you, but you also have to understand that people around you will not understand your pain. In such a situation, expecting more from them can hurt you. So avoid expecting more from others this week. Saturn is present in the fourth house in the Moon sign and this week if you feel a bit lethargic or a victim of victim-complex, but in spite of this, you will be successful in every work done by you. Will also be seen as eager to get praise. Due to this, you will be able to get some auspicious opportunities to progress in your career. At this time, you may find it more difficult to concentrate on your studies. That’s why you are advised to take the help of meditation and yoga to increase your concentration and try to keep yourself calm as much as possible if the situations go in the opposite direction of your wish. Because with a calm mind, you will find yourself able to find solutions to every problem.


Ganesha says this week, most elderly people are advised to be cautious about their health. Otherwise, there are chances that he will have problems like joint pain, back pain, etc., on which he will have to spend money. In your Moon sign, Jupiter is present in the first house and if you do business in partnership, then you will need to improve your relationship with your partner this week. Because only by doing this, with their help, you will be able to earn good financial profits. So keeping this in mind, keep moving your efforts in the right direction. This week, there are possibilities of a good increase in love, harmony, and mutual connection in the family. Also, an e-mail or message will bring good news for the family. Because of this, you will be seen laughing together with your entire family. This week, you are instructed to choose your words carefully while talking to others at work, in order to move forward in your career. That’s why don’t say anything to anyone, which will have a bad effect on your image. Mercury is present in the sixth house in your Moon sign and if you are thinking of pursuing higher education, then you will have to work hard during this period. However, during this time luck will be with you, due to which you will get successful in remembering whatever subject you study.


Ganesha says this week is bringing special auspicious results in the lives of those people who had eye-related disorders. Because during this time you will not only be able to take proper and proper care of your eyes, but also you can take any decision to improve them. In your moon sign, Jupiter is present in the fourth house and the people whose economic condition will improve this week will get the support of their relatives. Because you will be able to get financial help from close relatives if needed, which you will be able to face every adverse situation. So bring improvement in your relations with your relatives and friends and try in that direction. This week, in your personal life, you may have to face some problems due to the exposure of an earlier secret. In such a situation, it would be better for you, instead of waiting for a secret to be revealed, you yourself need to admit your mistake while sharing it with others. This week, the circumstances in the workplace will be completely in your favor. Due to this, you will be able to please your superiors and your boss by completing all your unfinished tasks at the workplace. With this, you will also see a possibility of progress in the future. This week, the students of your zodiac will not steal from their hard work, due to which they will get favorable results. Therefore, taking the best advantage of this time, focus only on studies with full concentration.


Ganesha says our health is the real wealth of life, by adopting this in your life this week, you will implement it. Because of this you will laugh and joke freely with people, bypassing every mental stress, to achieve better health at home as well as at your workplace. Saturn is present in the first house in your moon sign and if you had invested any money in the past, it can become the main reason for your problems this week. Because you may suffer financial loss due to this. Therefore, it would be better for you not to take any decision in haste, take it very carefully. This week, there is a possibility of good improvement in the ill health of your parents. Due to this, you will get relief from many of your mental troubles. At the same time, you can also make efforts to reach home early after finishing work from the office to spend time with your family. Rahu is present in the third house in the Moon sign and this week you will find that the conditions in the office Till now she was not on your side, now she herself seems to be going on your side. In such a situation, instead of giving all the credit to your luck, take proper advantage of this opportunity and get fame and appreciation in front of your officers. Because doing so can give you financial profit. In the Moon sign, Mercury is present in the fourth house as the lord of the fifth house, and this week, with the blessings of many planets, in the field of higher education, students will get very good results. During this time you can also get good news of admission in a good place. In such a situation, especially for those students who are dreaming of going abroad for studies, their dream will be fulfilled at this time.


Ganesha says you are always seen making every possible effort to fulfill your comforts and this week, this attitude of yours is likely to prove harmful to your health. Because during this time your capricious behavior will not only create problems for your health but can also make your personal life painful. Jupiter is present in the second house in your Moon sign and this week in your financial life, you will find yourself in new exciting situations. This will not only bring you financial benefits at a good level but also your financial condition will seem to be stronger than before. Unwillingly this week, family members or life-partner can become the cause of your mental stress. Because it is possible that they may demand something from you, for which you will have to spend a major part of your income. Therefore, it would be better for you to try to convince them by having a proper dialogue about their demand. Apart from this, this week you will have to work less than usual because in this time period, you will get the best results of your hard work. Will be made, due to which your condition will also improve. Mercury is present in the third house in your moon sign, For students who are thinking of pursuing higher education, the middle of the week will be very good for them. During this time you will get more success because the position of the planets will be good for you.

Chirag Daruwalla
Chirag Daruwalla is the best celebrity astrologer who is one of the most famous names in the astrology world. Chirag Daruwalla has more than 18+ years of experience. You can ask for any advice related to career, health, finance, business, money, and love marriage. He has complete knowledge, solutions, and guidance to all the problems related to life. If you want to avail his astrological services then you can visit his website For guidance on problems related to your life, you can talk to Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla on Call/Whatsapp: +91 8141566266 or also mail:

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