Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Weekly Predictions –14th to 20th November 2022 By Chirag Daruwalla

 Weekly Predictions  – 14th to 20th November 2022

By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla


Ganesha says this week, you will not be able to take any necessary decisions. So you have to remember that a lot rests on your shoulders and you need to take the right and clear decision on time, thinking about it. In the middle of this week, with the transit of the Moon through the tenth house, you can plan to take some kind of loan or loan to expand your business. Although at this time you will also be able to get a loan from a bank or any other institution, while doing money-related transactions, you are going to need to be very careful from the beginning. This week, the sudden arrival of guests at home will bring positivity to the family environment. Due to this you will get the opportunity to spend more time than usual at home and have fun with the members, as a result, you will also get success in getting over many situations in the house and together with the members, you will be able to solve many problems related to the house. Will be seen taking the right decisions to overcome. This week, as Saturn is transiting in the tenth, things in your field of work will indeed seem to be moving for the better. In such a situation, the small people and workers whose hard work is involved in this success will need to pray and salute them at this time. Because this will give them positive encouragement as well as you at this time. Those people of this zodiac, who were willing to go abroad for studies, will have to make more efforts this week. Because it is possible that due to the lack of any document, you may be disappointed. In such a situation, try not to let him go from your hand, making continuous efforts, till the next opportunity.


Ganesha says you will feel mental turmoil and trouble this week as work pressure increases at the workplace. This week the elders of the house will try to convince you that if you feel that your money is being spent in vain, then you need to make a right and effective budget plan. But being in the second position on Mars, you can ignore their words in front of your ego, which will harm you in the future. You are likely to meet many big people in society this week. In such a situation, take proper advantage of this opportunity, you will have to make efforts for it yourself. Because in the middle of time, the moon will be in the tenth house. In such a situation, this meeting will work to get you to respect the family, along with the position and prestige in society. Those who are doing business in the partnership are advised that you may need to keep things clear or plan an exit strategy in case something goes wrong during this period, as this week will be more fruitful for the partnership. It will be proved, when you yourself will be seen making efforts for expansion in business. This week you will have to maintain good relations with your teachers because there is a possibility that they will be happy with you and their influence will work in your interest in the field of education. Many students are also getting chances of getting scholarships from their school or college during this period.


Ganesha says due to the sight of the Moon on the Ascendant this week, negative thoughts will dominate your mind in the initial period. Because of this even if something good happens to you, you will still be seen looking at it in a negative way. As a result, you may deprive yourself of many good and profitable opportunities. To improve your nature. For this, you can also take the help of yoga and meditation. In the middle of this week, as soon as the Moon transits in the house of fortune, you will continue to gain money through many mediums. In such a situation, at the beginning of this week itself, you are advised to make a good plan and plan in your financial life. Because by doing this you will be able to save your money to a great extent, as well as save it. The sudden arrival of guests is possible at home this week. Due to this, there will be peace in the family environment. During this time you will get a chance to eat delicious food at home, as well as spend most of your evening with the guests. On the other hand, by entering the tenth house of the Moon in the last quarter, you will get full praise and support from your superiors and higher officials. Apart from this, the journeys made by you will also bring you a lot of benefits during this period. Because the effect of many auspicious planets in your horoscope is visible in your interest. This week many students may have the desire to go abroad and pursue further studies. However, before talking to your family members about your wish, you will first need to make sure of yourself in every way. Trying towards this, gather all kinds of information about this.


Ganesha says in terms of health, during this time period, you can overcome many of your problems by doing pranayama. In such a situation, instead of spending your energy on many things this week, focus only on those things which are necessary. This week, you will get success in whatever efforts you make to save money. Because Mars will be in the twelfth house. This may make you a little nervous, but you also need to understand that adversity is not permanent. In the middle of this week, your knowledge of the full sight of the Moon on the Ascendant will affect the people around you. Especially this week, you will also be able to attract a person of the opposite sex near your house due to your good nature. In terms of travel related to work, this week will prove to bring auspicious results for you. Because these trips will give you new opportunities. Apart from this, for those people who belong to the field of import and export, the end of the week will also make chances of getting money from a trip. Because during this time the moon will be in your luck i.e. ninth house. Due to the normalization of situations in your personal life this week, your mind will be engaged in studies and studies. This will also help you to keep your focus from getting confused and as a result, you will be seen moving towards success in your examination.


Ganesha says you can make exercise or yoga a part of your life, during this time. Because the favorable movement of many planets and constellations at this time will encourage you to pay special attention to your health. So take good and proper advantage of it. Due to the seventh aspect of Saturn on the twelfth house this week, it will be very important for you that you do not have to spend so much on the people close to you by getting carried away by emotions, due to which you will have to face financial problems later. Therefore, it will be better for you to do your smallest expenditure this week only and only with proper budget adherence. Because only by this you will be able to save your money to a great extent. At the end of the week in family life, people of this zodiac are expected to get very good results. Because during this period, due to the full vision of the Moon on the second house, there is a possibility that a new or a new guest will arrive in the family, which will bring happiness to the family environment. During this, brotherhood and mutual love will also be clearly visible among the people of the house. In this entire week, you will be able to make great achievements in your professional life. Apart from this, the presence of Mars in your tenth house also shows that you will emerge as hardworking, more productive, and efficient at your workplace and this diplomatic and tactful behavior of yours will help you to deal with difficult situations easily. , as well as getting you accolades from senior management. This week is going to be positive for many students who were preparing for government exams. Because during this time, the change of location of many planets will favor the students with luck and they will get full success in every field.


Ganesha says according to the health horoscope, the first part of this week is going to be a little better from the health point of view. However, as soon as the moon transits in the sixth house in the second part, you will have to pay special attention to some things, such as exercise or yoga in the park when you get the time and walk regularly for about 30 minutes in the morning and evening. This week, you will most likely need to keep all your investments and all the future plans related to them a secret. Otherwise, someone close to you can give you money loss by taking advantage of these schemes of yours. If you are eligible for marriage and your relationship was related somewhere, then due to the retrograde transit of Mars, it is possible that due to some reason that relationship may either break, or some problems may arise in it. This will also create an atmosphere of anxiety in the family, the biggest effect of which will increase your mental stress. In your professional field, you will have to deal with many obstacles, which will not be an easy task for you to overcome. So from the beginning of this week, keep yourself calm and face every situation. Only then you will be able to solve something or the other. This week Mercury will be in the second house. In such a situation, you will need that take advantage of the knowledge of your gurus, and not hesitate at all to take their help and cooperation. Because during this time only their knowledge and experience will help you to understand the subjects so that you will be able to give a better performance in every future exam.


Ganesha says apart from minor health problems, the chances of getting any major disease will be negligible due to the Moon being in the third house at the beginning of this week. However, in case of any seasonal illness, without self-treatment at home, you are advised not to take medicines without a doctor’s advice. The speed with which your income will increase this week, the faster that money will also be visible from your fists easily. However, in the middle of this, as soon as the Moon transits into the fourth house, you will feel happiness throughout this time, so you will not have to face any kind of financial crisis. Family members will have special importance in your life this week. Due to this, you will be seen taking advice from him in many important decisions of his life. Along with this, some of you may also buy jewelry or household items. With Mars in the ninth house this week, you will not get the patrons of your gurus and elders to advance in your career, but there is a possibility that you may have a difference of opinion with them. This can cause you a lot of trouble this week. Just as much as education is necessary for a student, sleep is also necessary for a better body. But sleeping too much this week can be detrimental to the health of many students. Because Mercury will be in your ascendant. So keep this in mind from the very beginning.


Ganesha says this week you are advised to take out some time to improve your health along with work. Because this time seems better for your health. Along with this, being in the third house of Saturn this week can increase the workload on you. But you will not allow the pressure of this field to dominate your mind. If you work wisely, then you can earn extra money this week when the Moon is in the second house. However, for this, you will need to make the right strategy and act accordingly. On the other hand, Mars in the eighth house will cause disturbance in the family environment due to your nature. In such a situation, you may have to try to solve your family issues, taking some time out from your busy work. However, despite this, you will look very worried mentally this whole week due to the tension going on in the family. This week will also prove to bring auspicious results for you in terms of travel related to work. Because Mercury will be in your twelfth house during this time. In such a situation, these trips will give you new opportunities. Apart from this, for those people who belong to the field of import and export, there is also a possibility of getting money from any travel. This week many students will be under additional pressure from family and relatives regarding their careers. So that they will not be able to devote their mind to education. In such a situation, you will need to understand that if the choice of your career is to be made by you, then you should not take any decision under any kind of pressure. Therefore, understand this thing yourself and if needed, sit with your family members and talk to them about it.


Ganesha says this week, with full sight of Mercury and Venus together on your sixth house, it is possible that you may have some problems due to health problems. In such a situation, as always, avoid treating every disease at home and do not waste time by adopting home remedies by mistake. Otherwise, your problem may increase due to delays in getting the right treatment. Then during the middle of the week, when the Moon will enter the second house from your ascendant, then you will need to keep all your investments and all future plans related to its secret. Otherwise, someone close to you, taking advantage of you from these schemes of yours, can give you money loss. Due to differences with a very special or close person this week, you may get into trouble. During this time, you will feel completely incapable of expressing your words openly in front of them. Because after the middle of the time, the moon will enter the third house, due to which you will have to deal with the increase in your mental stress. It is not our cleverness to always consider ourselves better but our ego, due to which we often make mistakes in many important decisions. Due to this, we have to face many fatal consequences and the same is going to happen to you in your career this week. So being careful will be your only option. All the previous problems coming in education will be overcome by looking at the sixth house of Mercury this week. With which you will get a good position in the field of your education and you will get good results from it. Because at this time your mind will naturally feel inclined towards your education. Seeing this, your family members will also feel proud of you. However, at this time keep a distance from all those people who can waste most of your time on useless things.


Ganesha says you may find it difficult to maintain concentration on your work this week. Especially in the initial period when the Moon will enter your own zodiac sign i.e. your Ascendant. Because during this time your health will not be completely fine. Due to this, you may also have to take medicine, and due to this your taste and nature will be more likely to be worse than normal. All property-related transactions done by you in the past are likely to be completed by the end of this week. Because during this period, the moon will transit in your money i.e. second house, which will benefit you, as well as you will be successful in securing your future to a great extent. You will not get the support of your siblings in the family this week. This can give you a lot of trouble in taking many important decisions. Since the Moon will be in your third house at the end, it will be better for you to keep making efforts to improve your relationship with them. This week you will need to understand that, if you are absolutely unwilling to reveal your plans to everyone, you are ruining your project. Because it is possible that your opponents also take advantage of your weakness to harm you. The students of your zodiac will get favorable results in every subject due to Mercury being in the karmic house during this period. Especially the time of the middle part is going to prove to be very lucky in the areas of your education. Because at this time your mind will be more engaged in your studies, due to which you will be able to win the hearts of your teachers by doing well.


Ganesha says this week, Saturn being in the twelfth house and putting your full vision in the sixth house can make you feel ill. Because for the last few weeks, the increasing work pressure and cumbersome work at the workplace will made you tired, which will cause you problems now. At the same time, due to the Moon being in the eleventh house at the very beginning, your unnecessary expenses can make your financial condition very bad this whole week. Therefore, while spending money as much as possible, buy only those things which are very necessary. Otherwise, you will have to face adverse results in the future. As soon as the Moon enters the Ascendant in the middle of time, you will be seen doubting the members of the house unnecessarily and taking hasty decisions about their intentions. But you have to refrain from doing so. Because it is possible that they are under some kind of pressure and they need your sympathy and trust. Any issue going on in the family this week can hamper your career. Because it will see a decrease in your energy, which you are advised to improve, keeping control in time. This week is going to be the best for the students. Because at this time you will get the fruits of your hard work and with the grace of many planets, you will get success in every examination.


Ganesha says those who go to the gym should avoid lifting excessive weight this week, otherwise, being in the fourth house of Mars can cause strain in your muscles. Apart from this, in terms of your health, time seems to be especially good. At the beginning of this week, the Moon will enter the eleventh house through the tenth house, due to which, whether it is an office or your business at the workplace, any of your carelessness can cause you financial loss. Therefore, avoid doing anything in a hurry, and do every task properly. Your participation in social festivals will give you an opportunity to come in contact with many influential people in society. In such a situation, try not to let all these opportunities go by your hands, try to take the best advantage of them. Often we become egoistic about our ability, due to which we take responsibility for actions more than our capacity on ourselves. You will also be seen doing the same thing at the end of this week as soon as the Moon enters the Ascendant. With this, instead of doing any one task, you can get yourself stuck badly in every task. This week students will not need to underestimate their abilities by getting influenced by the criticism of others. Because you also understand this thing very well that it is better to take admission in a professional course than to create unnecessary doubts in your mind and give a good performance and shut everyone’s mouth. So don’t bother yourself with the useless talk of others and take the right decision focusing only on education.

Chirag Daruwallahttps://chiragdaruwalla.com
Chirag Daruwalla is the best celebrity astrologer who is one of the most famous names in the astrology world. Chirag Daruwalla has more than 18+ years of experience. You can ask for any advice related to career, health, finance, business, money, and love marriage. He has complete knowledge, solutions, and guidance to all the problems related to life. If you want to avail his astrological services then you can visit his website chiragdaruwalla.com. For guidance on problems related to your life, you can talk to Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla on Call/Whatsapp: +91 8141566266 or also mail: info@chiragdaruwalla.com

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