Saturday, March 1, 2025

Weekly Predictions – 30th January to 5th February 2023 By Chirag Daruwalla

Weekly Predictions  – 30th January to 5th Febeuary 2023 By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla



Ganesha says this this week, the stars will be giving favorable economic conditions to deal with the respective economic sectors. In such a situation, the status will remain in related work and business. That is, this week will be full of opportunities to move fast on the path of development. On the other hand, there will be pleasant opportunities to make a name and identity in the related work and business world. This week’s stars will be good from the beginning in terms of health. But in the middle of the week, there will be a continuous success in the real estate sector. Sweetness can come in love relationships. so diligent effort may be needed. By the way, in the third part of the week, the brightness of the face will increase again. In this way, you will be able to get rid of diseases and pains. However, on the last days of the week, there will be a need to show more promptness in completing the work related to the family. Along with your own health, you will have to pay attention to the health of other family members.



Ganesha says this week, discussions will be held with the concerned companies to increase the scope of capital investment. In such a situation, talks can be intensified to buy the stake of the concerned companies. This week’s stars will be somewhat weak in terms of health. Therefore, pay full attention to your food and drink. During this, the work of some far-flung areas will be expected to be completed. Therefore, there will be a need to show more promptness. On the other hand, there can be moments of love between partners in love relationships. But in the middle of the week, health will be flourishing. If there are any diseases and pains, they will stay away. If you want to organize matrimonial and religious functions in the family, then you will be successful. However, in the third part of the week, there will be a need to show more proactivity in completing the work related to real estate. On the other hand, in the last days of the week, there will be success at every step in the fields of sports, films, arts, and medicine. Love relations will be sweet. But there can be some tension from relatives.


Ganesha says this week, the movement of the stars will increase material comforts and give the gift of positive changes in economic policy. In such a situation, the standard of living in the family will be pleasant. There will be a period of pleasant dialogues between siblings. As a result, there will be a period of progress in purchasing any desired item and decorating important aspects related to work and business. However, in the middle of this week, you will be able to buy stakes from any public and private sector company on a large scale. Same again from the third part of the week, the movement of stars will give auspicious and positive results. In such a situation, there will be moments of happiness in the courtyard of married life. If you are eligible for marriage or are engaged in finalizing the marriage arrangements. So there will be a period of progress. On the other hand, on the last days of the week, there will be sweetness in love affairs. Will be able to buy any real estate.


Ganesha says the movement of the stars of this week will give great success in the economic sectors. In such a situation, your happiness and satisfaction will increase. If you are going to work on the political and diplomatic front, then due to the influence of global conditions, you will keep moving fast on the path of development. But there can be deep tensions between the wife and the children in some matters. So don’t weaken your understanding. However, the process of earning and raising money will be fruitful in the middle of the week. If you are interested in love affairs, there will be opportunities for sweetness. There will be a message of laughter and happiness from the child’s side. However, there will be a challenge to increase work and business on the last days of the week. During this time the economic expenditure will remain increased. If you are engaged in buying shares of a company, you will be successful. But this week’s stars will be somewhat weak in terms of health. But in the last days of the week, there will be a positive atmosphere in the areas related to health and livelihood.


Ganesha says the stars of this week will give auspicious and positive results in the respective political and social life. If you are sitting in a competitive position, then you can make comprehensive changes in domestic policies to increase investment and employment in related areas. Will remain pleasant and luxurious in terms of health. But in this direction, you have to walk with full promptness. If you are engaged in completing any matrimonial and religious works, then there will be desired opportunities. In the middle part of this week again the movement of stars will give desired progress in work and business. Very possible, can be nominated for some big responsibility. On the other hand, in the third part of the week, there will be the best kind of success in the economic sphere. There will be a gift of sweetness in love relationships. But in the last days of the week, fame and fame will increase.


Ganesha says this week, there will be a continuous auspicious and positive atmosphere in related court cases. Due to this, there can be a gift of success at every step.. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. On the other hand, in the areas of livelihood, you will have to travel and migrate to far-flung areas. If you are engaged in promoting capital investment. So you will be successful, but there will be chances of some ups and downs in your health. However, in the second part of the week, you will be able to finalize the works of any religion and charity. On the other hand, in the third part of the week, there will be possibilities of moving forward with intensity in the study of related subjects. Due to which the body and mind will be happy. But some will be worried about the child side. On the other hand, for sweetness in love relations, we will have to walk more actively. Although there will be tension in some things.


Ganesha says this week there can be moments of laughter and happiness in the courtyard of married life. In such a situation, the body and mind will remain happy. This week, the campaign to encourage work and business will be fruitful. Because due to the influence of global conditions, there will be a period of continuous progress.If you want to go for an interview you will be successful. But in the second part of the week, there will again be a period of challenges in money matters. In such a situation, you will be constantly worried. There can be a period of continuous success in the areas of livelihood. But in terms of health, diseases and pain and pain in the genitals will remain troubling. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good. In a love relationship, there can be deep tensions between the partners on some matters. So don’t weaken your understanding. However, on the last days of the week, the movement of stars will give auspicious and positive results.


Ganesha says in this week, there will be opportunities to collect the means of physical happiness and to use them properly. If you are looking for employment somewhere, there will be opportunities for desired growth. Profit in capital investment can be made. In love relations, you will be troubled due to deep tension in some matters between the partners. However, you will need to walk in this direction with full promptness. There will be more activism in the areas of livelihood. If you are looking to go somewhere for education and training, then this week’s stars will give positive results. In the middle of this week, the movement of stars will make the garden of married life fragrant. A small guest will be the one who fills the soul with happiness. But in the last days of the week, some extra time will have to be given in re-working and raising the business. However, during this time the opposing side will dominate.


Ganesha says the movements of the stars of this week will give an auspicious and positive atmosphere both from outside and inside in the related work and business. However, this week’s stars will be somewhat weak in terms of health. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good. But again in the middle of the week, the movement of stars will be good for completing important tasks related to my career. If you are engaged in the manufacture of mathematical science, medicine, research, and medicine. So there can be opportunities for desired progress. At the same time, there will be progress in the preparation of civil services at every step. There will be a breeze of sweetness in personal relationships. On the other hand, in the last days of the week, in connection with work and business, you will have to travel and migrate to far-flung areas. During this, some will be troubled in court cases.


Ganesha says this week, the stars will be helpful in developing harmony among the relatives. In such a situation, there will be an auspicious and positive atmosphere in the family. If you are engaged in raising work and business somewhere. So there will be chances of desired progress. However, according to the movement of the stars, you should avoid such steps which will give tension in the relationship. However, due to some diseases and pain in your health, you will remain troubled. So keep up the smartness. In the middle part of this week, there will be a period of great success in the areas of re-study and teaching. There can be moments of love for each other in love relationships. From the middle of this week, there will be a wide variety of progress in achieving financial goals. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good. By the way, due to the opening of files in any court case, you will be worried. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the understanding.


Ganesha says this week, the stars will be increasing the brightness of the face. If there is disease and pain, you may be able to have it removed. This week there will be moments of love among the relatives. Due to this there will be moments of laughter and happiness among the brothers and sisters. So don’t weaken the level of understanding. It is very possible that the intention of finalizing the works of any religion and charity will be fruitful. On the other hand, in the middle of the week, you may have to do a long exercise to complete the work related to land and building. Some opponents may conspire to humiliate you by eating inside. But in the third and last part of the week, there will be sweetness in love relationships. So that he will be positive about you. Because the stars will continue to give better results than expected in the economic sectors. Overall, you will continue to get auspicious and positive results this week. But don’t weaken your understanding.


Ganesha says this week, there will be opportunities to make work and business splendid and to remove the difficulties coming in the economic sectors. In such a situation, your confidence will increase in the areas of related work and business. But differences and deep tension can arise in some matters between the relatives. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good. However, in terms of health, your day will be pleasant and wonderful. At the same time, there will be benefit of delicious dishes this week. But again in the middle of the week, the movement of stars will give opportunities to improve health. At the same time, there will be those who give the gift of prosperity to the family. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good. In the last days of this week, there will be continuous progress in the areas related to building and motor vehicles. In such a situation, you will be successful continuously. However, there will be chances of some disturbance again between health and relatives.

Chirag Daruwalla
Chirag Daruwalla is the best celebrity astrologer who is one of the most famous names in the astrology world. Chirag Daruwalla has more than 18+ years of experience. You can ask for any advice related to career, health, finance, business, money, and love marriage. He has complete knowledge, solutions, and guidance to all the problems related to life. If you want to avail his astrological services then you can visit his website For guidance on problems related to your life, you can talk to Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla on Call/Whatsapp: +91 8141566266 or also mail:

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