Thursday, March 6, 2025

4 Tips to Avoid Touching your Face

Make sure that all the highly touched surfaces are disinfected. So even if you accidentally touch your face without washing your hands the chances of you stressing and accidentally over touching your face will reduce as you will feel secured about your environment.

The best advice health experts have to help you to reduce your risk of contracting the Covid-19 is to not touch your face. We touch our faces countless times every day. An itchy nose, tired eyes, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand are all things we do without a second thought.Your mouth and eyes are areas where viruses can enter the body most easily, and all it takes is touching them with a finger already carrying an infection. But especially with the new coronavirus the risk of infection increases each time you touch your face.


Here are four tips for you to prevent the risk of Covid-19




1. Self-monitoring– Pay close and constant attention to how often you put your hands near your mouth or touch your nose. Once you start observing you can immediately retract your hands from reaching your face each time. You need to consciously make efforts to stop the urge of touching your face by being attentive to your hands.




2. Change of response

Change of response – Now that you are being attentive about your hand movements you need to change the response of touching your arm instead your face. Experts term this response as ‘competing behaviour’. Every time you get the urge to touch your face clench your fist or press your palm against your tight or stretch your arms or cup your arm or keep your hands occupied with a stress ball. Use this response for as long as your urge to touch your face persists.



Channel your triggers


Channel your triggers– Figure out what situations or emotions are associated with your face-touching. If its stress – keep your calm, take a few deep breaths, have a glass of water, play some soothing music, sip a cup of tea. If it’s your glasses – use tissue to fix them or you can use ear hooks or take two rubber bands and wrap then around the ends of your glasses at the two points that end up behind your ears when you put them on.



4. Be patient


Be patient–It’s ok if you cannot resist the urge. Maybe you cannot eliminate the unwanted habit but you can reduce it. Stressing over not to touch your face will only lead to over face-touching. Be mindful and take a pause every time you are about to touch your face and then use ‘competing behaviour’ to refrain from touching your face.




Make sure that all the highly touched surfaces are disinfected. So even if you accidentally touch your face without washing your hands the chances of you stressing and accidentally over touching your face will reduce as you will feel secured about your environment. However, keep in mind the best preventive measure against Covid-19 is to avoid touching your face as much as possible.

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