Wednesday, March 5, 2025

How Safe is Growing a Beard in the Lock-down?

Being locked down may get you to put on your lazy pyjamas and not shave. Beware that your hairy face can be a host to germs. However, maintaining proper beard hygiene will help prevent your beard being a host to Covid-19.

The stay home movement has got most men to grow their beard. While growing a beard amid Covid-19 chaos may come across as being lazy or it can be interpreted as having control over something (one’s own face) while staying home helplessly. On the other hand, the internet has caught attention of celebs who are growing their beard in isolation – #letsgrowtogether.

Keeping aside the trend, it is of utmost importance to keep the growing facial hair clean.Coronavirus infects people through eyes, nose and mouth; growing a beard is the closest thing to your mouth making it more susceptible to contract the infection. For instance, when you sneeze or cough the debris get stuck to your beard turning it into a harbour of bacteria, wearing a mask can be ineffective due to the dense fuzz.

Here is what you can do to let them grow and prevent bacterial accumulation

  • Take hygiene seriously – If you are on your way to growing out your facial hair you better up your beard hygiene game. It is essential to take care of your skin and keep your stubble germ free – that requires effort and time (that you have since you are in isolation).
  • Have a beard routine – You love them, now you make sure you clean them daily. Just like the hair on your head, your facial hair needs to be regularly washed. Wash, scrub and moisturize your stubble/moustache/beard with soap or a face wash or a good exfoliator and a gentle hydrating moisture.This practice will eliminate the germs and promote healthy growth.
  • The mask friendly beard – It is good to have an idea about keeping the beard stylish yet efficient at the same time. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention’s have shared a chart of beards that is mask friendly. If you have a long, dense beard it will be a good idea to trim them as a measure of safety.

The mask friendly beard - CDC
The mask friendly beard – CDC

Keep it Clean, and Safe.


Remember Covid-19 is curable and can be prevented. Please do not step out of home and do not believe rumors. For authentic updates & info, visit Seniors Today at 

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