Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Have you made your Living Will?

Vinita Alvares Fernandes guides you on a truly important aspect of  our life and death

According to the Washington Post analysis of Bureau of labour Statistics data — ‘In 1980, just 2.5% of 80+ US population were in the workforce,

By 2019, it rose to 6%,

It dipped to 5.5% last year 2022, due to the pandemic.

This is the increase of life expectancy over the past several decades.

In 1942, an average person would live up to 66 years.

By 2019 this expectancy grew to 79 years.

The prediction is by 2030 this would go up to 90 years.’

President Biden of the US, recently celebrated  80 years, his birthday, making him the first octogenarian president and showing that there is an increasing number of   octogenarians still working instead of playing housie or cards.

When someone asks, how old are you?

We usually come up with our chronological age, but in fact it is your biological age that decides your life span.

What is the difference between chronological age and biological age?

Your chronological age is the amount of time that has passed from your birth to date, in terms of years, months, and days.

Your biological age occurs as you gradually accumulate damage to various cells and tissues in the body. It is also known as your physiological or functional age. Easily put, what age is your physical body acting like?

For example — if you are a 55 year old who has spent 20 years of your life not exercising, eating junk food, smoking a pack a day, and drinking alcohol and soft drinks on a daily basis, your biological age is definitely 10 years or more over your chronological age.

No human wishes upon himself or herself at any age the will to live in a vegetative state. Very often illness comes unannounced and can leave you bed ridden for years on end. While it is a topic we do not like thinking about or discussing, planning for any untoward situation will ensure your life choices are enforced.

This brings me to my next thought, a personal thought —

As we all know, here in India, the concept of a document of a living will is not accepted legally.

The wise will go that extra mile and make sure their will and living will documents are in place by the time you hit 50.

Traditional wills — are also referred to as last wills and testaments. This document provides instructions about the dissemination of your wealth and property after death. If you have minor children, your will may also include information about who should take over their care.

If you die without a will, you’re classified as “intestate.” This means your state of legal residence will decide upon the dissemination of your assets, including bank accounts and property. Without a will, your family and intended heirs may not be provided for according to your wishes.

NOTE: Traditional wills do not include information about medical decisions. They don’t take the place of living wills.

What is a living will?

How do we make a living will in India?

  • Your living will is a written document, drafted with you and your family physician, the one you can trust to make sure he/she will be available at the needed time. It provides instructions for your medical care, or for the termination of medical support.
  • Living wills indicate your wishes for the use or discontinuation of life-sustaining treatments. In the event you become incapacitated and are unable to communicate the way you normally do. (For example; if you are in a coma, on life support, cannot speak, write, sign rationally and coherently, this state of incapacitation is determined and certified by a doctor or medical professional.)
  • Living wills include instructions about the use of resuscitation if you stop breathing or your heart stops beating. They also include instructions about life-sustainment measures, (these include getting hydration or nutrition through a feeding tube if your body or brain stops functioning naturally.)
  • Your living will can include very specific information about treatments you’re currently receiving for a condition such as cancer. They can also include treatments you anticipate needing and those given for pain management.

What information should you include in your living will?

  • Your legal name
  • Your alias (the name you’re known by), if it differs from your legal name
  • The current date (day, month, and year)
  • A statement that you are of “sound mind and body” and competent enough to make a living will
  • Healthcare instructions for events that occur with no reasonable expectation for recovery or quality of life (These can include instructions about CPR, do not resuscitate (DNR) orders, and do not intubate (DNI) orders.)
  • The name of your family doctor, if you have one (the person who will communicate and instate your wishes)
  • The name of your alternate healthcare provider, if you have one, such as family member, trusted friend.
  • The signed statements of two witnesses indicating you willingly and rationally signed your living will
  • Your legal signature

Additional information —

  • The more detailed your living will instructions are, the more likely they are to be followed as per your wishes. Your decisions about medical and end-of-life care are very personal and yours alone to make. Go to the extent of discussing your options and choices with family members or close friends.
  • Take a copy of it with you whenever you travel or go to a medical facility, such as a hospital.
  • You can change your living will at any time. If you make changes to your living will, it’s important to provide new copies to your medical team, and family.
  • Your living will can include information about your desire to be or not be an organ and tissue donor.

NOTE: Your living will cannot be used to make decisions about funeral or burial arrangements, so make sure you inform your family members of your wishes.

Parting note — If you do not have a living will in place, get on with it NOW.

Vinita Alvares Fernandes
Vinita Alvares Fernandes is an Economics graduate, a writer and a Trinity College certified public speaker and communicator

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