Saturday, February 22, 2025

Weekly Predictions – 21st to 27th August By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla


Ganesha says you will realize that if you have good health, you can enjoy every aspect of life. During this time, most of the people of this zodiac, following this, will try to improve their bad habits. This week, if you invest for a long time, then you can get a lot of profit. However, for this, you will need to reach any decision only after consulting the elders of the house. This week, you have to avoid unnecessarily suspecting the members of the house and making hasty decisions about their intentions. Because it is possible that they are under some kind of pressure and they need your sympathy and trust. This week, you can set your goals a bit higher than in the past. In such a situation, you will have to work very hard to complete it. And there is a possibility that if for some reason its result does not come as per your expectation, then you may be disappointed with yourself. According to your moon sign, Mercury is present in the first house as the lord of the sixth house and if you are preparing for any competitive exam, you are advised to devote all your energy to studies this week. Because there are chances that you may have to bear the brunt of the examinations for which you are showing negligence.


Ganesha says this week, it will be very important for you to establish the right balance between work and rest. In such a situation, if you have been suffering from any disease for a long time, then at this time you will be able to get rid of it completely. Because the favorable aspect of the planets will help you to get rid of many diseases and during that time you will enjoy good health. You will also be mentally balanced. During this time your eating habits and daily lifestyle will also improve. You may have to spend a lot of your money this week due to the health of a member of the house. Due to this your financial condition can worsen. But this will increase your status in the family, as well as you will be able to improve your relations with family members. For those people or students who live away from home, the feeling of loneliness will bother them a lot this week. During this time you will find yourself very lonely, due to which you can also feel a strange tightness. In such a situation, do not let your loneliness control you this week and when you get time, go out somewhere and spend time with some friends. Saturn is present in the tenth house in your Moon sign and as far as your career horoscope is concerned, this week your efforts and ideas will be fully supported by your destiny and with the help of which your career is likely to get a good boost. In such a situation, keep trying continuously to achieve your goals. In the field of education, you will perform very well as expected and this period will pave the way for you to move forward in life. During this time, students will be successful in achieving their goals and objectives, while developing a specific interest in their studies.


Ganesha says this week is looking favorable. Since you are more likely to avoid any major illness during this time, enjoy better health and consume Vitamin-C-rich foods regularly. Our elders always used to give us a lesson that ‘Jitni chadar hoti hai, as much as one’s legs should be spread’, and this idiom is going to fit perfectly for your zodiac sign this week. Because during this time you will need to control yourself the most while avoiding spending. The sudden arrival of guests is possible at home this week. Due to this, there will be peace in the family environment. During this time you will get a chance to eat delicious food at home, as well as you will spend most of the evening with the guests. With this, you will feel hesitant to trust other people even at the workplace. Due to this many of your important works can be interrupted. In your moon sign, Mercury is present in the eleventh house and your weekly horoscope is showing good results for you in education. Due to this, the students will get good results. During this, you will get the fruits of your hard work and you will feel capable of achieving success in competitive exams.


Ganesha says if you eat non-vegetarian, then this week you will be able to get rid of the problem of weakness. However, it would be better to eat home-cooked food instead of ordering food from outside and walking for about 30 minutes daily to digest the food. Those who were now blowing their money without thinking may be in great need of money this week. Due to this, you can understand during this time what is the importance of money in life. So, behave like a responsible person while keeping a check on your expenses. There is bound to be bickering between members of the family, and something similar will happen to you and your family members this week. Due to this, you may have some minor problems. However, do not let this disturb your mental peace, and try to find a solution to every problem by sitting together. In your Moon sign, Saturn is present in the eighth house and this week, the spirit of competition will be most visible in you at the workplace. For this reason, you will be seen as ready to complete your tasks before everyone else. But the excess work can prove to be a bit tiring for you. To achieve success in the field of education, your sign people will need to be committed to their goals this week. Otherwise, all your previous hard work may go in vain. That’s why take any step at this time, thinking of your goals only.


Ganesha says this week you will realize that the real root of your unhappiness can be the physical and mental illness that you were troubled by for a long time. In such a situation, to avoid them, try to keep yourself happy. Jupiter is present in the ninth house in your moon sign and financially, this week is going to be very auspicious for the people of your zodiac sign. In such a situation, do not let your efforts fall even a bit during this time because favorable planetary positions can provide excellent opportunities for you to increase your wealth at this time. Your energetic, lively, and warm demeanor will delight everyone around you, especially your family members. Because of this, you will also get love and affection from your parents. This week is going to be good for you in terms of your career. Because during this time you will be able to get rid of any of your disorders, due to which you will be seen trying harder than before in your workplace to achieve your goals. This week, students of your zodiac sign will be able to get the support of their teachers and parents. In such a situation, it is also suggested to you that while removing all your hesitation, keep taking the help of your teachers.


Ganesha says this week is also going to be slightly better from the health point of view. However, during this time you have to pay special attention to some things, such as: If you get time, do exercise or yoga in the park and walk regularly for about 30 minutes in the morning and evening. Harmful planet Rahu in the eighth house of your moon sign. are present and because of one of your colleagues at work this week, your image will be tarnished. This will not only put a brake on your salary increase, but also you will have to face financial loss. There is bound to be an improvement in the financial condition this week, but the ill health of a member of the family may require medical attention. Due to this, your mental stress will also increase. This week is expected to be normal for businessmen. However, if you want to do better in your career, then without wasting time, you will need it the most at this time to make a new plan. The presence and influence of many auspicious planets in your zodiac during this week will help you get marks in the examination according to your hard work. So work hard and take help from your teachers, if needed.


Ganesha says you should especially avoid consuming alcohol or other intoxicants this week. Because chances are being made that this will not only harm your health but will also increase your stress. This week you will get monetary benefits, after which you can increase your prosperity and financial security by investing money in some good investments. For this, you can also take an important decision about a partnership business with your relative or someone close. This week you are instructed not to lose patience in case of arguments with family members. Because it is possible that while discussing something, there may be a difference of opinion between you and the members, after which your family members can make a mountain of mustard seeds on some small matter. So if you don’t give them a chance, then the matter can be resolved by itself. This week, there are chances of making good profits in your income. Because the hard work done by you during this period will definitely pay off in the workplace. So that you will be able to get all those good results, which you really deserve. However, during this time, do not leave any work incomplete in the middle due to arrogance, otherwise, it can cause problems for you. Mercury is present in the seventh house in your moon sign and the natives of your zodiac sign will be able to get rid of all kinds of problems in the field of education this week. Due to this you will feel relaxed as well as refreshed. In such a situation, taking advantage of this time, apart from your studies, try to give some time to physical activities as well.


Ganesha says the previous week had brought an increase in your mental stress, but this week you can also decide to remove that stress. For this, to relax, you will refresh yourself by spending some quality time with your close friends or your family. However, during this time you are advised to take only good and nutritious food. Your moon sign Jupiter is present in the sixth house and if you were thinking of making any investment related to your home, then this week is more than normal for that. Hope to be better. Because this investment will be beneficial for you, as well as you will be able to get extra money from any part of your house through rent, etc. In any major decision taken in your personal life, you will not get the support of your family. Due to this, you will feel very lonely, as well as the thought of going away from them may come into your mind. If you had faced some disappointment in your career in the past, then this week things will start recovering and your business will start moving in a positive direction. Due to this, you will also be successful in getting rid of your mental stress. Mercury is present in the sixth house in your moon sign and there will be a possibility of many changes in the behavior of the students this week, due to which the students of this zodiac will not have good relations with their teachers. Also, there can be a debate. However, they need to avoid any such fights, otherwise, your image among other teachers and your other classmates may get damaged. Because of this, you will also deprive yourself of their help and cooperation in the future.


Ganesha says this week you will need to eat good food by making proper improvements in your diet. Because it will prove to be helpful in increasing your mental toughness, along with helping you lead a full and satisfying life. So avoid spicy food and enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables. This week you will be in the mood to travel and spend money while looking for some relaxing moments from your busy life. But you have to be very careful while spending any kind of money. Because it is possible that at this time you can get peace while spending money, but later you may have to repent for this work. This week, excessive work at work can deprive you of family happiness. However, if you want to get relief from your mental stress, then you will need to spend some time with family members. So whatever you do, give your time to the family members. Saturn is present in the third house in your Moon sign and For the natives of this zodiac, this week will prove to be very auspicious in their career. Because during this time you will get all the desired results. At the same time, these times will be successful in providing immense directional strength and ability to achieve your goals and ambitions, in your career and professional life. According to your moon sign, Mercury is present in the fifth house and the time period of this week will bring good results in matters related to education for the natives of your zodiac sign. But despite this, you will limit yourself to your comfort zone so much that even facing some minor challenges will seem like a huge task to you. So it will be better for you to try to keep your focus on your education by taking yourself out of your comfort zone as soon as possible.


Ganesha says saturn is present in the second house in your moon sign and it is possible that this week you may have to go on a work-related trip. In such a situation, this journey will prove to be very tiring and stressful for you. So it would be better to avoid any travel now, if not necessary. Although this week is going to be better from the financial side, in spite of this you should avoid investing any kind of money right now. However, if for some reason it is not possible to do so, it will be necessary for you to take your steps towards any investment very thoughtfully. You will feel this week that friends, relatives, and family members do not understand your needs. Due to this, you may have wrong feelings towards them. In such a situation, you will also need to understand that instead of bringing changes in others, if you bring changes in yourself, then you will be able to keep yourself stress-free to a great extent. This week is going to be great for inner refreshment and for your entertainment. Only you will need to be very careful during all kinds of business transactions this whole week. Mercury is present in the fourth house in your moon sign, so be more careful about it than before. This week, there is a possibility of a special trip for those students who wish to go abroad for education. So, if you are making efforts in this direction, then you should continue your efforts because you will definitely get success.


Ganesha says saturn is present in the first house in your Moon sign and this week is good in terms of health, but your excessive thinking on anything can give you mental stress. That’s why you will try to make some improvement in this habit of yours, and you will be able to get success by the end of the week. You will be able to save a major portion of the income that you were spending on your parents’ health this week. Because the poor health of your parents will improve, due to which you will also be able to save your money. So keep taking care of them right from the beginning. This week there will be a festive atmosphere in your family and all the members will look happy. Seeing the happiness of people in the family, a smile will also appear on your face and you will be successful in achieving family happiness. Businessmen of this amount may have to go on an unwanted journey related to the field this week. That’s why it would be better to avoid this journey now, otherwise, along with mental stress, you will also have to bear financial loss. Mercury is present in the third house in your Moon sign and if you are studying away from home, then this week you may get some news related to your family. Due to this, you will feel completely unable to concentrate your mind on your studies.


Ganesha says although this week is good in terms of health, your excessive thinking about anything can give you mental stress. That’s why you will try to make some improvement in this habit of yours, and you will be able to get success by the end of the week. Jupiter is present in the second house in your Moon sign and for the natives of your sign, money-related matters will give you beneficial results this week. Because not only will your financial condition be better at this time, but also this time seems more suitable than usual for taking any financial decision. Your relatives or friends will help you to talk and contact this week, people whom you meet only occasionally. Because this time is going to be particularly good for you to re-develop and improve your old relationships. Something positive may happen at the workplace this week when you will realize that the person you thought was your enemy in the office is actually your well-wisher. So it is up to you to make a good decision to forget all your bad experiences with them and start fresh and positive. Mercury is present in the second house in your Moon sign and students aspiring for higher education can get success according to their ambition this week. But for this, while working patiently, they have to be careful while taking every step and decision toward their education. In such a situation, if you face any problem while taking any decision, then you can take the help of your elders.

Chirag Daruwalla
Chirag Daruwalla is the best celebrity astrologer who is one of the most famous names in the astrology world. Chirag Daruwalla has more than 18+ years of experience. You can ask for any advice related to career, health, finance, business, money, and love marriage. He has complete knowledge, solutions, and guidance to all the problems related to life. If you want to avail his astrological services then you can visit his website For guidance on problems related to your life, you can talk to Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla on Call/Whatsapp: +91 8141566266 or also mail:

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