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Weekly Predictions – 31st July to 6th August By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla - Seniors Today
Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Weekly Predictions – 31st July to 6th August By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla


Ganesha says in your moon sign, Ketu is present in the first house and if any case was pending in the court, then you can make yourself restless thinking about its result. Because of which the atmosphere of the family will also appear disturbed. Jupiter is present in your Moon sign in the first house and this week you will feel that money is coming in your life, but the financial problems of the past have made your ability to think creatively useless and helpless at this time. That you are feeling completely incapable of using the money properly. Overall, this week will be very beneficial for your family life. Because during this time you will be able to get the necessary support of an elder member of the family in getting rid of any of your problems. However, for this you need to tell your family about your problem in the beginning itself. Before doing any business in partnership with any acquaintance or close or relative, do listen to your gut feeling about it. Because it is possible that you were not giving importance to the suggestions of those whom you considered small, they may give you some big suggestions for expansion in business. Taking advantage of the knowledge of your gurus this week, do not hesitate to take their help and cooperation. Because during this time their knowledge and experience will help you to understand the subjects, so that you will be able to give better performance in every future exam.


Ganesha says in terms of health, you can overcome many of your problems by doing Pranayama during this period. In such a situation, instead of spending your energy on many tasks this week, focus only on those tasks which are necessary. Jupiter is present in the twelfth house in your moon sign and this week you will get luck in financial life, but you If you want to make any investment during this time, first assess the facts and only then invest. Otherwise your money may get stuck. This week some kind of program can be organized in the family, on which you will have to spend a lot of your money. This will increase your mental stress, as well as you will find yourself unable to concentrate on your work area due to excessive domestic work. This week you may feel a bit lethargic or a victim of victim-complex, but despite this, you will also be eager to get appreciation for everything you do. Saturn is present in the tenth house in your moon sign and due to this you will get some auspicious opportunities to progress in your career. In the field of education, the natives of this zodiac will have to take the help of their elders and teachers to get the desired results this whole week. In such a situation, understand that if you are trying to understand every subject alone, then you will have to spend more energy and time on it than necessary. Therefore, it would be better for you to take the help of elders while studying.


Ganesha says mentally, you will not feel stable this week. That’s why you will need to take the most care that, while talking in front of others, take care of the masculine, and behave well with others. Otherwise apart from getting stressed, your image can also get damaged. It is possible that this week you may withdraw money from an ATM, but due to some reason that money or your wallet may be lost. So you need to be careful yourself to avoid every such adverse situation. Otherwise, your lack of caution in these matters can cause you a big loss. If you live away from home, whenever you feel lonely this week, then in one way or the other your family will make you feel that they are emotionally present with you every moment even though they are far away. This will save you from depression. Along with this, it will also help you a lot in taking a wise decision. Saturn is present in the ninth house in your Moon sign and businessmen may get some good news or news this week. You will be seen dancing with happiness just by listening to it. It is possible just by listening to this news that you feed sweets to the personnel working under you. In such a situation, if you give them sweets as well as some extra money in salary, then their respect for you will increase further. Mercury is present in the eleventh house in your moon sign and this week’s period will bring good results for the natives of your zodiac in matters related to education. But despite this, you will limit yourself to your comfort zone so much that even facing some minor challenges will seem like a huge task to you. So it will be better for you to try to keep your focus towards your education by taking yourself out of your comfort zone as soon as possible.


Ganesha says this week you will feel extremely tired, due to which you may get angry about small things of others even without wanting to. This will make others appear to be running away from you, and you will find it difficult to get their support. Jupiter is present in the tenth house in your Moon sign and this week especially, you have to avoid all kinds of long-term investments. The best option for this is going to be to go out with your friends to spend some happy moments. Because with this you will get an opportunity to develop your thinking ability along with relaxation. This week you will have to do many family and domestic work, due to which you will feel more tired. In such a situation, without putting all your energy into one task with enthusiasm, do each task slowly and properly. During this time, if needed, you can also take the help of other family members. You are often seen doing more than necessary for your friends. This week in the workplace, it is possible for you to meet that special person, whom almost everyone in the workplace wants to meet. But on the strength of your hard work and dedication, making these impossible possible, you will be able to meet them. In such a situation, go well prepared at the time of meeting them, and avoid talking about anything useless in front of them, which will harm your image. Listening to music or dancing is a panacea to relieve many types of stress. In such a situation, listening to good music or dancing this week can release the stress of the week.


Ganesha says Jupiter is present in the ninth house in your Moon sign and this week will provide very good health on the health front. Although minor problems will come and go, you will not become a victim of any major disease and physically you will be healthier than before. This week, through many mediums, you will continue to gain money continuously. In such a situation, at the beginning of this week itself, you are advised to make a good plan and plan in your financial life. Because only by doing this, you will be able to save your money to a great extent, as well as save it. This week, due to a sudden new responsibility related to family and home, all your plans can be disrupted. During this time, you will feel so trapped in domestic work that you may also feel that you are doing more for others and less for yourself. Because of this, some anger can also be reflected in your nature. Saturn is present in the seventh house in your Moon sign, but after the middle of the week, you would like to spend the rest of the time in the arms of your lover, being successful in completing all the work-related tasks ahead of time. This week, in your career, you are expected to get desired results. But for this, you will need to increase your creative potential. This week, for those students who keep learning something or the other, their intellectual ability will improve, but other students may face many harmful consequences along with a decline in their ability.


Ganesha says Rahu is present in the eighth house in your Moon sign, and this whole week, the drivers are instructed to take special care, because it is possible that your slight carelessness may prove to be harmful for you. This week, avoid investing in any land or any property even by mistake, otherwise doing so can be fatal for you. Because it is possible that apart from the loss of money from this investment, you will also have to face a family financial crisis. If you stay away from family in connection with your work or your education, then to a large extent you can get rid of these problems this week. Also, on the strength of your speech, you will make people your own during this period and will be successful in establishing peace and harmony by removing all the differences in their minds. According to your moon sign, Saturn is present in the sixth house and this week your unique way of working will attract many big people toward you. In particular, businessmen are going to be more benefited because this will increase their chances of getting new investors. This will help them to earn good profits in the future as well as get an appreciation of their work from others at the workplace. For students who are thinking of pursuing higher education, the middle of the week will be very good for them. During this time you will get more success because the position of the planets will be good for you.


Ganesha says to recover, be well rested. As you will have enough time for yourself this week, so take advantage of the opportunity and go for a walk for good health and if possible, even at home, you can do some small exercises. This week, do not lend money to anyone, even by mistake, and if it is necessary to do so for any reason, take all the documents in writing from the lender when he will return the money. By doing this, you can save yourself from many types of risks. In family matters this week, unwanted interference from outsiders can create tension between you and your elder family members. Whose effect will directly affect your words. It is possible that the ups and downs going on in your personal life may make you restless. Due to this, your nature may become irritable, due to which your career will also be affected and you will be unable to keep yourself focused on any work. Due to this, you will have to face many problems in the coming time. Mercury is present in the seventh house in your Moon sign, and during this time students studying IT, engineering, etc. will be able to achieve good results even after putting in less effort. Because chances are that whatever exam you will give during this time, you will get an opportunity to showcase your talent while getting good marks.


Ganesha says if you were suffering from a major illness, then this week the hard work of the doctor and the proper care of your family members will improve your health. For this reason, you will be able to get rid of this disease forever. Chances are being made this week that some of your equipment or electronic items or any kind of gadget may get damaged. On which you may have to spend your extra money, going beyond the financial plan. In such a situation, it would be better for you to take care of your belongings from the beginning. If you live away from home, whenever you feel lonely this week, then in one way or the other your family will make you feel that they are emotionally present with you every moment even though they are far away. This will save you from depression. Along with this, it will also help you a lot in taking a wise decision. Saturn is present in the 4th house in your Moon sign and this week, despite the abundance of work at work, tremendous energy can be seen inside you. However, in spite of this, you may be unable to complete all your work before the due time. Mercury is present in the sixth house in your Moon sign and for those students who want to enroll in a professional course, this week will be much better than usual. Because during this time your previous hard work will pay off, so you will be able to get admission to a good institute as per your wish.


Ganesha says Rahu is present in the fifth house in your moon sign and negative thoughts will dominate your mind this week. Because of this even if something good happens to you, you will be seen looking at it from a negative point of view. As a result, you may deprive yourself of many good and profitable opportunities. That’s why improve this nature of yours. For this, you can also take the help of yoga and meditation. In financial life this week, there will be some increase in your expenses. But the good thing is that during this time, this time will bring a significant increase in your income. Which will help you to strike the right balance in your financial life. This week, realizing your responsibilities towards your family, you will give the necessary priority to the needs of the family members. In such a situation, it would be better for you to become a part of their happiness and sorrow, so that they feel that you really care about them and they can keep their things open in front of you. This week, you can see some positive changes in the workplace as per your wish. Because there is a possibility that on the success of the strategy or plan you were working on, you will receive open praise from others. With this, you will be able to develop a different effect in the office, due to which now everyone will be interested in talking to you. Mercury is present in the fifth house in your Moon sign and this week will be full of problems for students studying in engineering, law, and medical fields. Because during this time they may face a lot of difficulty in taking the right decision, due to which they may have to bear the brunt of being embarrassed in front of others due to lack of performance.


Ganesha says from the point of view of the health of the people of your zodiac, this week will be very good. Because during this time you will not have to face any major problems. So, taking advantage of this positive time, enjoy the fresh air with your near and dear ones. Saturn is present in the second house in your Moon sign and in terms of financial matters, this week is likely to be very good for your natives. Is. Because during this time the vision of many planets will work to provide you with many opportunities to increase your income and add to your accumulated wealth. This week your friends will make you happy by making some wonderful plans. This plan can be to go out somewhere, where you will get an opportunity to have fun again with your friends. This week you may feel a bit lethargic or a victim of a victim complex, but In addition, you will also appear eager to receive praise for everything you do. Due to this, you will be able to get some auspicious opportunities to progress in your career. Mercury is present in the fourth house in your moon sign and during this time all the students who had complaints that their attention gets distracted from education quickly, this week is going to be auspicious for all those students. Because during this time your attention will not be confused with education and also because of your friends you will be able to get rid of all kinds of obstacles.


Ganesha says Saturn is present in the twelfth house in your Moon sign and any kind of discomfort in your life can disturb your mental peace. So for a better healthy life, avoid troubling your body. People will notice your hard work and dedication this week and because of this, you will be likely to get some financial benefits. However, during this time there are high chances that your life partner will help you to get out of any trouble by giving you financial help. This week, it is possible for you to meet many big people in society. In such a situation, take proper advantage of this opportunity, you will have to make efforts for it yourself. Because this meeting will work to get you respect in the family along with your status in society. In your professional field, you will have to face many obstacles, which will not be an easy task for you to overcome. So from the beginning of this week, keep yourself calm and face every situation. Only then you will be able to solve something or the other. Mercury is present in the third house in your moon sign and the middle of the week will be very good for students who are thinking of pursuing higher education. During this time you will get more success because the position of the planets will be good for you.


Ganesha says Jupiter is present in the second house in your Moon sign and this week, despite a busy routine, your health will be better than usual. But don’t be negligent towards your health, not making the mistake of assuming it to be true forever. In such a situation, respect your life and health, and adopt a good routine. Otherwise, you may have to face some problems in the future. This week you have to learn to value both your time and money. Otherwise, due to financial constraints, the coming time may affect different areas of your life. Due to this, you will have to face many types of problems. You often promise others more than your capacity, due to which you get yourself into trouble even without wanting to. But this week you have to avoid doing so. Otherwise, you may lose your credibility. So promise only that which you are capable of fulfilling. Saturn is present in the twelfth house in your Moon sign and this week you will have to work hard as well as increase your skills to grow in your career. Otherwise, you will not be able to complete any work on time. This will have a direct impact on your career and at the same time, you may feel difficulty in taking decisions. Those students who have been working hard can be awarded scholarships in their school or college this week. This will also increase your respect, as well as your family will feel proud to see your hard work.

Chirag Daruwalla
Chirag Daruwalla is the best celebrity astrologer who is one of the most famous names in the astrology world. Chirag Daruwalla has more than 18+ years of experience. You can ask for any advice related to career, health, finance, business, money, and love marriage. He has complete knowledge, solutions, and guidance to all the problems related to life. If you want to avail his astrological services then you can visit his website For guidance on problems related to your life, you can talk to Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla on Call/Whatsapp: +91 8141566266 or also mail:

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