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Spot the difference #76

Spot cover

Spot the difference


Solution for the – Spot the difference #76

Solution for Spot the difference #76

Differences are:
1. Flower plants
2. Tree/Plant is missing
3. Sunglasses missing
4. Dustbin
5. Shoe missing
6. Extra cloud
Spot the difference

Entertainment Review: Never Have I Ever Season 4

Never have I ever review Seniors today

Watch any show from the US or UK now, and there will be at least one Indian character in an important role; it’s not just a result of inclusivity contracts, but because Indians have integrated into Western society, without losing a sense of their own culture. When Never Have I Ever was greenlit by Netflix in 2020, it was among the first American web series that had an Indian teen as the lead, and the Indian way of life – the poojas, rituals, dancing to Bollywood songs, blingy costumes and nasty Aunties, effortlessly built into it.

The show created by Mindy Kaling and Lang Fisher, loosely based on the former’s own growing up years in the US, has the bright, nerdy and rebellious Devi Vishwakumar (played by Maitreyi Ramakrishnan) as the lead, with Poorna Jagganathan playing her strict mother, Nalini, and Sendhil Ramamurthy as her father, who died young, but still plays an important role in her life. For some reason, tennis star John McEnroe is the narrator of Never Have I Ever, a role he performs with dry humour that is built into the script.

Born in the US, Devi is not the typical American-Born Confused Desi, the ABCDs who were one the objects of scorn; she sees herself as American, and hates the occasions when she has to dress in itchy saris and be taken to an Indian function. But she is also Indian enough to have great academic aspirations, and dreams of going to Princeton.

Season 4 of the show has just dropped, in which Devi is a bit more settled, less emotionally or sexually chaotic and on the way to finishing high school, which means leaving the safety of home to go to college. Her two besties, Fabiola Torres (Lee Rodriguez) and Eleanor Wong (Ramona Young) have also grown with her, after much bickering and making up. In the first season they were given the horrid nickname UN, not because of their racial diversity—the UN stood for unf***able nerds. Devi lusted after Paxton Hall-Yoshida (Darren Barnet), the leader of the good looking boys called Hot Pockets, while her nemesis in the classroom was the supersmart Ben Gross (Jaren Lewison).

Over the last three seasons, Devi and her pals had a lot of boyfriend troubles, hooking up and breaking up with a succession of dudes. At home, Devi’s mother is appalled when her niece Kamala (Richa Moorjani) who lives with them while completing her PhD studies, first accepts the Indian tradition of the arranged marriage and then rebels against it. But when Nalini herself meets a suitable mate, and what’s more, her mother-in-law Nirmala (Ranjita Chakravarty) finds herself a partner, Devi’s romantic see-sawing does not look too problematic.

The series has been praised for its non-stereotypical depiction of Indian-Americans, but it is also too treacly and cutesy, while Devi’s is always excessively hyper. But at a time when so many people of Indian origin are in positions of political and economic power in the West, it was about time the community was properly represented in popular culture. Never Have I Ever may not be the ideal medium, but it’s a start.

Never Have I Ever Season 4
Created by Mindy Kaling & Lang Fisher
Cast: Maitreyi Ramakrishnan  Poorna Jagannathan, Richa Moorjani, Jaren Lewison and others
On Netflix

Foods for arthritis

Food for Arthritis

When you think of arthritis, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

Is it joint pain?

Well, if it is then you’re not wrong.

Arthritis is a health condition that causes chronic inflammation, pain and damage in your joints, bones and other body parts, depending on the type of arthritis you have.

 There are several types of arthritis. All cause pain, swelling, inflammation and stiffness in the joints.

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
  • Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Lupus
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis

Did you know that dietary intervention can help relieve the severity of arthritic symptoms and even improve your quality of life?

This article is all about foods to avoid if you suffer from arthritis pain and symptoms.

People with arthritis should avoid inflammatory foods. The best way to identify foods that trigger inflammation is by following an elimination diet. Add foods methodically to your diet so it is easier to identify what is causing you pain.

A few simple modifications to your diet can go a long way. Here are some foods to avoid if you have arthritis or arthritic symptoms-


It’s best to limit your sugar intake in general. But if you suffer from arthritis, consider this all the more reason to. Foods with added sugar and high sugar foods like candy, soda, breakfast cereals, ice cream, packaged sauces, fruit juices or baked goods should be avoided at all costs. Always check food labels for added sugars, you’ll be surprised at how much is added. Other ingredients to watch out for include corn syrup, sucrose, fructose or maltose, sugar alternatives like aspartame and sucralose as well.


Nightshades is a group of vegetables that contain the compound solanine and small amounts of alkaloids. While some alkaloids have positive effects on human health. Unfortunately, nightshades tend to aggravate arthritis symptoms. Hence, it is best to exclude them from your diet. Nightshade vegetables include tomatoes, bell peppers, chilli peppers, eggplants and potatoes.

Processed meats and red meats

Research has linked red meat and processed meat to inflammation. This obviously means that if you suffer from arthritis its time to cut down or avoid these foods. Plant-based diets have shown to relieve arthritis symptoms and reduce inflammation in the body.

Foods high in purines

A low-purine diet is often advised if you suffer from arthritis. Purines are substances in foods that get converted to uric acid in the body. If uric acid builds up in the bloodstream it can cause a lot of problems. Organ meat like liver, beer, alcohol, cured meats, mussels, scallops, cauliflower, mushrooms and beans have high amounts of purine. Try to eliminate these foods from your meal plan. .


Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, barley and rye which can increase inflammation in your body. Try going gluten-free if you suffer from arthritis symptoms and see if they improve.

Foods high in salt

Cutting back on salt is a good idea if you suffer from arthritis. Excessive salt and sodium can cause you to develop arthritis symptoms or other conditions. A low in sodium or no salt diet is recommended. You can add flavour to your food using spices like ground pepper, oregano, cumin, minced garlic, garlic powder, onion powder or chilli flakes

Refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates include added sugars. The grains are thoroughly processed which removes the fibre and nutrients present in them. Diets high in refined carbohydrates are known to increase inflammation in arthritis patients. Examples of refined carbs are white bread, white rice, baked goods, desserts, packaged pasta and noodles. Try to eat more complex carbohydrates, like brown rice, quinoa and whole grains.

Highly processed foods

Fast food, breakfast cereal and baked goods are ultra processed typically high in refined grains, added sugar, preservatives, vegetable oils and additives which are all inflammatory ingredients. Avoid eating processed foods as much as possible.

Fried food

Fried food is a big trigger for arthritis. They contain trans fats which trigger inflammation in your body. Opt for air frying or baking your food instead of pan frying or deep frying.

Dairy products

The protein in milk and dairy products can irritate the tissue around joints and cause inflammation. If you suffer from arthritis, it’s best to avoid dairy products as much as possible. Now with dairy alternative products available in the market, it’s much easier to find a suitable substitute. Mayonnaise, margarine, cream cheese, butter, milk, yogurt and cheese.

Alcohol and tobacco

Alcohol causes inflammation in your body. Arthritis is due to inflammation in the body. Restrict or avoid alcohol as much as possible. Tobacco is another product that can increase your risk of developing arthritis or worsen your symptoms. Stay away from it, in every and all forms.


Although eggs are protein rich and very healthy for most people, if you suffer from arthritis,  regularly eating eggs can increase swelling and joint pain. The yolks contain arachidonic acid and saturated fats which triggers inflammation in the body.

Omega-6 fatty acids and certain vegetable oils

Healthy fats are necessary for the body but certain vegetable oils and foods have omega-6 fatty acids in it which may worsen arthritis symptoms. Corn, safflower, sunflower, peanut and soy oils have omega-6 fatty acids in it. Avoid these oils whenever possible and cook with olive oil instead. Some other common sources of omega-6 fats include soybeans, corn, certain nuts and meats. Opt for foods with omega3 fats instead.

Foods high in AGEs

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are molecules created when sugar and protein or fat reacts with one another. They exist naturally in uncooked animal products and are also formed through certain cooking methods. High protein, high fat animal foods that are fried, roasted, grilled or seared are the richest sources of AGEs.Some other sources of high AGEs are french fries, processed cheese, margarine and store bought mayonnaise.When high amounts of AGEs accumulate in your body, it leads to oxidative stress and inflammation which can progress arthritis.  Replacing high AGE foods with nutritious and whole foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, lean proteins like fish can reduce the total amount of AGEs in your body.


Packaged food is convenient especially if you live a hectic life and are always on the go. But after a point, the additives present in packaged foods will take a toll on your body. Things like monosodium glutamate (MSG), aspartame, added sugar and added salt cause  increased inflammation in your body. So avoid packaged foods as far as possible if you suffer from arthritis.

Winding up…

If you have arthritis, a healthy diet and lifestyle is one of the main ingredients to help improve your symptoms.

Consult a dietician or health professional to figure out what foods are best for you to eat. Simple diet changes can make a huge difference in managing your symptoms.

 Tip- Keep a food diary to track any reactions you have to foods, what foods suit you and what foods should be eliminated from your diet.

Does turmeric really work?

Most of turmeric’s reported health benefits are linked to compounds called curcuminoids. tarapong srichaiyos/ Shutterstock

Turmeric has been used by humans for more than 4,000 years. As well as cooking and cosmetics, it’s been a staple of the traditional medicine practice of Ayurveda, used to treat a variety of conditions from arthritis to wind.

Even today turmeric remains a popular health supplement. There are plenty of articles and social media posts claiming the benefits of this spice for everything from brain function to reducing pain and inflammation.

But while some of these claims are linked to evidence, most of this research is in cells and animals, making the actual effects on humans less clear.

While turmeric is reported to contain over 100 different compounds, most of its reported health benefits are linked to specific compounds called curcuminoids (the most abundant being curcumin).

Curcuminoids are phenolic compounds, which are molecules that plants often make as pigments or to discourage animals eating them. This is what gives turmeric its distinctive colour, but it can also change how cells function.

Many of the potential health effects of turmeric have been linked to these phenolic compounds which, in the lab, have been shown to have an antioxidant effect.

Antioxidants are substances which prevent or slow damage caused by free radicals – a harmful type of molecule that can cause inflammation, and has also been linked to heart disease and cancer.

But while turmeric does indeed act as an anti-inflammatory, many of the health benefits caused by this effect have only been proven in the lab (using cells) or in animals.

For example, one study fed obese mice one gram of curcumin per kilogram of body weight. After 12 weeks, they found that the mice given curcumin had similar improvements in brain function and lower levels of inflammation in their liver as the mice who had been on a weight loss diet.

So while this may have translated to healthier mice, it’s unclear whether the same would be true in humans. Not to mention that had this study been conducted in humans, an average 70kg person would have needed to consume over 2kg of turmeric daily during the trial – which would be impossible.

Since no similar studies have yet been conducted on humans, we still don’t understand whether turmeric reduces inflammation in a similar way.

Effect on pain

Yet despite the lack of research showing benefits in humans, turmeric (and curcumin) are widely marketed as anti-inflammatory supplements for a range of conditions – including joint pain and arthritis.

According to the results of one review, it does seem that in human trials turmeric supplements may have a modest benefit on pain compared to a placebo – and in some cases as as beneficial as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Some participants taking supplements reported less pain. Pixel-Shot/ Shutterstock

But the studies included in this review appear to be of variable quality. Many were conducted using a very small population (ten people or fewer) and had a wide variation in the amount of turmeric participants were given. This means it’s hard to make a clear recommendation that turmeric is effective for pain.

Turmeric has also been suggested to have anti-cancer properties due to its anti-oxidant effect. In the lab, curcumin has been shown to reverse DNA changes in cells which cause breast cancer. But it’s less clear whether turmeric reduces the risk of cancer or supports treatment in humans.

Some research has shown that using a turmeric gargle could reduce the side effects of radiotherapy in people with head and neck cancers, however.

It may also help people with a rare genetic condition called familiar adenomatous polyposis, with one clinical trial finding that consuming 120mg curcumin (about the same as a teaspoon of turmeric) was linked with fewer cancer-causing polyps for people with this condition – which can be a sign of the early stages of cancer.

With inflammation being linked to many cognitive health conditions such as dementia, some research has sought to understand whether turmeric can benefit brain function. So far, it’s unclear whether turmeric has any effect.

The trials that have been conducted in humans have generally been very small, with a lack of consistency in study design, dosage and how they measured cognitive effects. Again, this makes it difficult to see whether turmeric really does have an effect, or whether any cognitive improvements are due to other factors.

Does turmeric really work?

A major challenge in getting turmeric to work in our bodies is getting it from our gut into our bloodstream. Curcumin is quite a large compound – and as such can be hard for the body to absorb into the bloodstream because it isn’t very soluble in water.

But other research suggests that turmeric works by acting on the bacteria in our guts. Although more data is needed on whether this is true in humans, it could suggest that turmeric doesn’t need to be absorbed into the bloodstream in order to provide health benefits because it’s already absorbed through our gut.

Another challenge is the amount of turmeric needed to see benefits. In many studies only the curcumin extract is used – which makes up only about 3% of turmeric powder itself. With many studies giving greater than 1g of curcumin per kilogram for a mouse or rat, the equivalent amount for these effects to be seen in a human would be difficult to achieve – even in supplement form.

Turmeric is a great spice, giving a pleasant earthy flavour and vibrant natural yellow colour to food. But it’s far from clear how its reported benefits translate to human health. So, enjoy turmeric as a spice and a colour in food, but don’t rely on it to deliver major health benefits or to treat or cure disease.

Alert mind, youthful body


Ever wonder why some people live to 90 or 100 with utmost grace and happiness?

Getting older is inevitable. It’s a process that brings with it a lot of emotions- for individuals themselves, for caregivers and for loved ones. While you can’t control Mother Nature, you can do things to slow down the physical and mental ageing process. From the foods you eat, to the people you interact with- everything about your life has an effect on how your body ages.  After all, these years are called the  “golden years” for a reason.

Of course, good genes and health are vital but your outlook to life matters the most. Do not take life too seriously, taking everything with a pinch of salt (except your food) might just be the answer to blowing out those 95 candles on your birthday cake.

Ageism “the silent epidemic” – Ageism comes with prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping based on age. It happens at work, to celebrities (especially women), in the healthcare industry and even in movies.

What does it mean to age gracefully?

While ageing gracefully is very relative and can mean something different to everyone, whether it’s letting the greys kick in or finally being able to say “I am a senior citizen”, it all boils down to one thing —

Do what makes you feel good.

Like a bottle of wine, you can get better with age with the right care.

Tips for ageing gracefully —

  1. Exercise and stay as physically active as you can- Noone is asking you to run marathons or swim across the ocean but staying physically active or engaging in some form of exercise on a regular basis can slow down ageing. A simple walk around your neighbourhood, a swim or even group exercise classes. Whatever suits you as long as you’re moving your body. Regular exercise significantly lowers your risk of diseases, helps you retain your mobility, lowers stress and even improves sleep.
  2. Mind your diet- Healthy foods are the way to go when it comes to ageing. Load up on fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and low-fat like yogurt or cheese. Avoid using solid fats for cooking and use oils instead. Most importantly try to stay away from processed foods, refined sugar, alcohol and unhealthy fats. Last but not least, you should keep your salt intake to the bare minimum to keep your blood pressure down.
  3. Drink plenty of water- Stay hydrated. It’s as simple as that. Your brain, skin, vital organs and energy levels will thank you. Fill a large water bottle in the morning and take it with you wherever you go. This way you remember to drink water and can monitor your liquid intake.
  4. Be kind to your skin- If you treat your skin with care (inside and out), protect it from the elements and be gentle on it- it will reflect on your skin.
  5. Mental health matters- the health of your mind matters a lot more than you think. Keeping your stress levels low and staying mentally healthy will help you age well. Do things that will elevate your mood like spending time with friends and loved ones, going for an outing, exercising, meditating, doing yoga, joining a class, reading a book. Do things that make you happy that ignites joy deep within your core. Mental health is linked to your physical health. If your mind is happy it will reflect on your body and vice versa.
  6. Live in the moment and practise mindfulness- Mindfulness is all about acceptance and living in the moment. Focus on the present and let everything just wash past you. Practising mindfulness can help you age better,mentally and physically. You can predict life, so try to make the most of every moment. Enjoy how you turned out after all, you’re currently the person you couldn’t wait to grow up to be.
  7. Get enough sleep- Good sleep is important for your physical and mental health. Sleep helps your body reset, heal and rejuvenate. As we get older our body needs longer to reset, so make sure you give yourself enough time to rest and sleep.
  8. Take care of your mouth- this might sound odd but take care of your teeth. Bad oral hygiene ages your teeth, smile and overall self. Brush your teeth twice a day, flossing is a must and don’t forget the mouth wash.
  9. See a doctor regularly- Seeing a doctor regularly can help make sure everything is running smoothly and on track. See a doctor anytime you feel like something isn’t right. Do regular tests, screenings and do not forget to take your medicines.
  10. Be grateful- Learn to appreciate the life you have lived and the life you are living. Find easy ways to cultivate gratitude, have a gratitude journal or recount everything you’re grateful for before you sleep. Try to stay positive and look at this chapter of your life through a hopeful and grateful lens.
  11. Accept your age- Ageing gracefully isn’t about trying to look like a 20 year old when you are well above 60, it’s about living your life while having the physical and mental health to enjoy it and the secret ingredient is acceptance. Acceptance of your age, embracing it and knowing its your strength and not your weakness.

 Takeaway —

Ageing gracefully does not require ‘going under the knife’ or to get boat loads of plastic surgery. Ageing gracefully is more about being healthy and happy than hiding your wrinkles and lines. Maintain a healthy lifestyle at a pace that suits you. It’s natural to have challenges at every stage of life. Don’t be afraid to speak to someone about your concerns.

“Your face is marked with lines, put there by love and laughter, suffering and tears. It’s beautiful.” – Lindsay Sands

Piles and Colon Care for Seniors


On 03 June, 2023 Seniors Today hosted their weekly Health Live Webinar with Dr Pravin Gore, a Senior Proctologist, specialist in colorectal surgery who spoke on and answered questions about Piles and Colon Care for Seniors. 

About Dr Pravin Gore

Dr Pravin Gore has done his MBBS and DNB in General Surgery. He did his Fellowship in Colorectal Surgery from Madhurai and an Advanced Colorectal Surgery Fellowship from Birmingham and a Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Training in Rome University. He has been pursuing his practice for over two decades in Mumbai. He is attached to elite hospitals such as the Wockhardt Hospitals and other hospitals. He is also an honorary member of the Department of Proctology at the GT Hospitals. He has received the prestigious Dr Abdul Kalam Azaad award for his excellence in Colorectal Surgery from the former Chief Minister of Telangana state. 

Dr Gore is arguably the only surgeon in India to offer botulinum toxin as a treatment for anal fissure surgery. He has pioneered the technique of BUSH. He has been a faculty at the national and international levels and has delivered several lectures, has many publications and text book chapters in his name. He is one of the only 3 proctology specialists in Mumbai. And one among the 46 surgeons who focus on colorectal surgery. 

Anorectal problems/ issues are the kinds of problems where the patients suffer behind the closed doors of their bathroom and they do not want anybody else to know about it. These patients keep silently suffering due to embarrassment and lack of knowledge of what to do and whom to consult. 

Just like all fevers are not malaria and all coughs are not tuberculosis, just like that, all bottom- problems are not piles. 

Piles, also known as haemorrhoids are often confused with 27 other bottom problems which can present with similar symptoms. 

There are normal blood vessels that supply blood to and around the anus and are attached to the wall of the anus. Because of hard stools, constipation and forced passage of stools, there can be a tear in the walls of the anus leading to bleeding and this can also lead to loosening of the elasticity of the vessels, walls and their support. 

If a patient visits his physician at an early stage, the 1st and 2nd stage of haemorrhoids, diet and lifestyle changes are enough to take care of the hemorrhoidal issues in addition to oral medication and local applicant ointments that can help with the concern. 

However, if the precipitating factors such as constipation, hard stools, forceful passage of stools persists, the haemorrhoids can either return and also progress in grade and severity. 

Grade 3 and grade 4 piles- which is when the haemorrhoids come out of the anus and can be reduced with a finger and sometimes they become non- reducible, is when the patient requires surgery. This is where colorectal surgery comes into play. There are bloodless ultrascopic scalpel, lasers and staplers available. 

Thus, not all bottom problems are piles and not all piles require surgery. And even if you require surgery, multiple modalities are available which are tailor made for the patient and his requirements. 

A balanced diet is advised as a preventable measure for haemorrhoids. Along with diet, a healthy lifestyle with a calm and stress free life, healthy sleeping habits, eating habits also play an important role. 

Avoid junk food and a sedentary lifestyle. 

All of this can also precipitate constipation which can further lead to haemorrhoids. 

No urge to pass motions is constipation. 

Incomplete passing of stools is constipation. 

Hard, rocky stools are also constipation. 

As age advances, the moment of our intestines also slows down. Thus, for a senior it is okay if you pass stools every 30- 32 hours instead of every 24 hours, as long as the stools are not rocky hard, or you have not passed stools in over 2 days.

Be aware of the movements of your intestines. Your stools are formed and pushed from the rectum and are passed through the anus which in coordination with the rectum opens simultaneously. 

Forcing or straining is detrimental in case of a patient of constipation. 

Contributory factors for constipation include:

  • Age 
  • Diet 
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Less intake of water 
  • Different postures 

The cause of constipation needs to be located. Is it in the intestine, rectum or at the anus. Depending on this, we treat the patient.

High Carb Foods That Are Incredibly Healthy


The endless options of low-calorie, low-carb, high fibre, gluten free, low-fat foods with a multitude of opinions put out by F&B companies, is actually causing a frenzy in everyone’s mind on what we should eat and what we should not.

So let’s break it down in a simple way to understand what we should be eating.

We need three macronutrients to maintain a healthy and balanced diet —

protein, fats and carbohydrates.

Unfortunately, carbohydrates (carbs) are the most misunderstood macronutrient of the three.

Carbs have the worst reputation when it comes to foods to eat. It’s a common misconception that carbs cause weight gain, type 2 diabetes and are overall bad for your health. However truth be told, Carbohydrates give our bodies fuel and energy to function efficiently. While low carb diets can be beneficial for some people, there’s absolutely no reason to eliminate this food group from your diet. Many nutrient-dense, fibre-rich carbohydrates are actually very good for you.

Most foods contain carbs in some form, carbs in the form of sugar or in the form of fibre, of which fibre is obviously better for your health.

There are three types of carbs —

  • Starch like potatoes, grains and bread. They are usually plant based.
  • Sugar can be found in natural sources like fruits or refined foods like soda, candy or baked goods.
  • Fibre isn’t actually absorbed by the body. It is a tool to keep your digestive system on track and running smoothly.

Here are some high carb foods that are incredibly healthy and you should include in your diet —

Cereals and Grains —

  1.  Quinoa- Quinoa has gained popularity in the last decade. It is a nutritious seed that is often classified as a pseudocereal, prepared and eaten like a grain. Cooked quinoa is 70% carbs, making it a high carb food but a healthy one. It’s also a good source of protein and fibre making it a healthy favourite. Quinoa is gluten free, versatile and very easy to prepare.
  2. Brown rice- All white rice was once brown rice. The grain is still in its fibrous state when it is brown. Brown rice is chewier and nuttier than white rice but it is definitely much healthier. Opt for brown over white rice, if you’re a rice lover like me.
  3. Oats- This marvellously healthy and gluten free whole grain is a good source of vitamins, minerals, fibre, protein and antioxidants. Eating oats can keep you satiated for a long period of time. Oats are known to help lower cholesterol and blood sugar. This breakfast staple is better if it is rolled or old fashioned instead of in the form of steel cut or minute oats.
  4. Buckwheat- buckwheat is also considered a pseudocereal. Despite its name, buckwheat is not related to wheat and is even gluten free. Raw buckwheat is more carb heavy than cooked buckwheat groats. Very nutritious, full of fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals, eating buckwheat is beneficial for heart health and blood sugar regulation. Buckwheat is a large seed that looks like a grain. It can be cooked into noodles, made into a flour for rotis, cakes, pancakes, boiled to eat as a rice substitute or even eaten raw.
  5. Barley- Don’t be fooled by the sugary concentrate of lemon barley water or beer, they don’t contain the nutritional benefits of eating barley as a whole grain. Barley comes in two forms- hulled and pearled. This heart-healthy grain can be a great addition to salads, as a rice substitute or eaten on its own.

 Legumes —

  1.  Lentils- Dal or lentils is cooked every single day in most Indian households. It is full of protein, fibre, iron and folate. It’s available in different varieties like brown lentils (kala dal), split green lentils (hara moong), yellow split lentils (yellow moong), red lentils and orange lentils (masoor and toor dal). This versatile food can be made into sauces, curries, soups, as a stir fry or a salad ingredient .
  2.  Beans- There are many types of beans like kidney beans (rajma), chickpeas (kabuli channa), black-eyed peas (chawli), soy beans, edamame, black beans, lima beans and flat beans. Each one is full of fibre, folate, protein and potassium and they’re fat free! You can buy them canned or dry and add them to curries, dips, spreads, soups, stews, salads and pastas. Go easy if you’re adding beans to your diet for the first time as too much of it can cause bloating and gas. Try soaking your beans overnight to remove some of the heat.

 Fruits & Veggies —

  1.  Potatoes- This delicious tuber is rich in vitamin A, starch, sugar, fat and vitamin C. They’re also full of antioxidants, which are compounds that help neutralise free radicals in your body and protect it. Let’s cut to the chase- If you are wondering whether you should eat white or sweet potatoes, the answer is do whatever you please. Just keep in mind that the way you prepare this root veggie is what determines its nutritional value.
  2. Beets- This non starchy vegetable is packed with nutritional goodness. Typically not considered a carb, it is a must to add to your diet for all its health benefits.
  3. Bananas- One of the most popular fruits, bananas are high in carbs. Its nutritional value is great for health. Bananas can be incorporated in different recipes or eaten plain as a quick snack. This high-carb fruit has a bad reputation but it can do wonders for your health by lowering your blood pressure and improving your heart health.
  4. Grapefruit- This citrus fruit contains 8% carbs and is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Grapefruit enhances your heart health and helps you manage your blood sugar levels. Try to add this fruit to your diet either in a salad or eating it raw.
  5. Apples- Tart and crisp, apples are available in many colours, sizes and flavours with each one full of vitamins and minerals. Apples do contain carbs but let me assure you, it’s healthy carbs. Eating apples is one of the best things you can do for your body.
  6.  Oranges- The most popular citrus fruit, oranges do contain carbohydrates. Lucky for you, these carbs are considered to be healthy and a must if you can get your hands on them.
  7. Berries- All types of berries are good sources of complex carbs and are packed with nutrients. Whether you opt for fresh, frozen or dried, berries can elevate any dish or even be eaten simply as a snack. Don’t shy away from berries when it comes to healthy eating!

High carb foods to limit or avoid —

Avoiding refined carbohydrates with little or no nutritional content is essential. Here are some carbs to run away from-

  1. Candy or processed sugar
  2. Sugary breakfast cereals
  3. White pasta, white bread and refined white rice
  4. Cookies, muffins, and other baked products
  5. Artificially flavoured and sweetened yogurt
  6. Potato chips
  7. Sugary juices and sodas with high fructose corn syrup and sugar content
  8. Processed foods

Things to keep in mind —

It’s a myth that all carbs are unhealthy.

A balanced diet should always include carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Opt for whole grain carbs instead of refined carbs. Keep this in mind when you go grocery shopping.

Do not introduce new foods into your diet all at once. Do it gradually so as to avoid any unforeseen reaction.

Lastly, focus on eating the more nutritious carbs you enjoy instead of forcing yourself to eat foods that don’t appeal to you just because they are considered “healthy”.

Having a healthy relationship to food is so important to build a sustainable and healthy lifelong diet for yourself.

Weekly Predictions – 5th to 11th June By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla



Ganesha says in this week, there will be chances of completing many tasks on the basis of work skills. If you want to inspect the schemes in far-flung areas. So you will be successful. There will be possibilities of considering important points in personnel life this week. Very possible. Will have to go somewhere for travel and migration. This week will be very special for the students. Whether it is about preparing subjects. Or should it be about going for an interview? There will be opportunities for continuous progress. In the middle part of this week, significant progress will be expected in settling the money transactions. As a result, do not hesitate to continue the efforts at your level. In love relations, there will be moments of love between the partner. There will be moments of laughter and happiness in the courtyard of married life. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good. Some will be worried about legal references.


Ganesha says this week there will be chances of significant progress in dealing with references related to building and land. If you are engaged in doing traditional business. So the movement of the stars will continue to give pleasant results. Although health will remain troubled due to some diseases and pain. Deep tensions can arise between relatives in some matters. In such a situation, one should avoid getting angry suddenly, otherwise, there can be a situation of quarrel in the relationship. There will be some good news from the children’s side in the middle of this week. There will be moments of love between them in love affairs. If there are any money transactions, you will be able to settle them. There will be opportunities for continuous progress in the aspects related to livelihood. In the last days of this week, there will be moments of movement in a special relationship. If you are looking to invest capital. So, the movement of the stars will continue to give the gift of success.


Ganesha says this week, the movement of the stars will be helpful in increasing the physical strength and taking it forward. Therefore, do not weaken your understanding at your level. If there are any previous diseases and pains. So be able to remove them. There will be moments of love between siblings. Due to this, the mind will be happy. If you are engaged in finalizing the works of any religion and charity. So the movement of the stars will continue to give the desired results. So don’t weaken the level of understanding. On the strength of your efforts, your recognition in related work and business will increase. Due to this, the mind will be happy. If you are engaged in purchasing any land and building. So the movement of the stars will continue to give the desired results. In the last days of this week, significant progress will be expected in the education and advancement of the son and daughter. Therefore, do not weaken your understanding at your level.


Ganesha says this week will be important in handling the references of land and building. If you are a top official of the concerned department, then you have to respond to any legal notice in the respective fields. If you are looking to invest capital. So the movement of the stars will continue to give the desired opportunities for growth. But due to some diseases and pains in your health, you will be troubled. Therefore, there will be a need to be careful about food and drink. There can be deep tension in some things between relatives. But again in the second part of the week, the movement of the stars will give auspicious and positive results. Due to this the body and mind will be happy. In the third part of this week, there will be chances of desired growth in the respective competitive fields. If you are engaged in the construction of a building. So the movement of the stars will continue to give pleasant results. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts at your level.


Ganesha says tn this week, there will be chances of significant progress in increasing physical capabilities and removing diseases and pains. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts at your level. If engaged in the investment of physical capital. So the movement of the stars will continue to give gifts of important results. If you are a politician, actor, or actress. So, while addressing the public in the respective areas, we can express our gratitude towards them. And through related schemes, the development of the area can be heard. There will be moments of love between wife and children. If there is any dispute first. So there will be the desired kind of edge in removing them. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. So it will be good. However, due to deep tension in some matters among relatives, you may get upset in the middle of the week. There will be chances of significant progress in earning and raising money in the third part of this week.


Ganesha says the stars of this week will be the ones to raise the material comforts and run in the fields related to livelihood. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts at your level. However, due to the increasing expenditure on money matters, you will be troubled. Therefore, do not weaken your understanding at your level. So it will be good. This week’s stars will be somewhat weak in terms of health. Therefore, if you do not weaken your understanding, it will be good. Although aspects related to livelihood may have to run continuously. In the middle part of this week, however, again the movement of stars will be auspicious and positive. In such a situation, you will be the master of good health. And there will be moments of love between wife and children. In the last days of this week, you will be engaged in buying expensive clothes and jewelry. This week will be more exciting and special for the students.


Ganesha says this week’s stars will give status in social and political life. As a result, there will be opportunities for continuous progress in related fields. However, there will be significant progress in dealing with the aspects related to livelihood. At the same time, there will be opportunities for continuous growth in the areas of work and business. Although you will be continuously successful in handling the aspects related to livelihood. That is, this week’s stars will be giving opportunities for significant progress in the fields of film, acting, medicine, management, and technology. That is, this week you will be able to achieve a special milestone in your career. So don’t hesitate to continue the efforts. So it will be good. In the middle of the week, you will be troubled due to increasing expenditure in money relations. There can be an expenditure in money matters. If you are looking to invest capital. So the movement of the stars will continue to give pleasant and wonderful results.


Ganesha says there will be opportunities for desired progress in work and business this week. It is quite possible that you may be nominated for some special responsibility by the concerned department. If you are a young man or woman looking for employment in private and government sectors. So the movement of the stars will continue to give the desired results. That is, the efforts for employment in related fields will be successful. However, there will be a need to move forward to make the process of teaching and taking forward the son and daughter more vigorous. There will be chances of desired progress in earning and raising money in the middle of this week. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. So it will be good. In love affairs, there will be moments of respect and love for each other in the middle of this week. Although in the middle of the week, there may be an expenditure in terms of money. Opponents can trouble you.


Ganesha says this week, to deal with the aspects related to livelihood, you will have to travel and migrate to far-flung areas. If you are engaged in doing any religious and charitable works. So the movement of the stars will continue to give important results. On the other hand, there will be opportunities for important progress in political and social life this week. However, in the middle of the week, there will be more success than expected in the respective fields. If you are employed, can be nominated for promotion in the respective fields. However, this week’s stars will be somewhat mild in terms of health. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good. Although there can be tension in some things between the relatives. But again in the last days of the week, the movement of the stars will give success to the efforts to earn and raise money. So don’t hesitate to continue the efforts. So it will be good.


Ganesha says in this week, there will be opportunities for desired progress in dealing with legal aspects. If you want to travel and travel somewhere. So, the movement of the stars will continue to give the gift of happy results. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts made. If you are into mining, medical, commissioning, manufacturing, and other sectors. So the movement of the stars will increase the number of raisins. That means a long workout may have to be done to penetrate the desired targets. So don’t weaken the level of understanding. So it will be good. Although there will be chances of sudden monetary gain this week. But due to some stress in health, you will remain worried. In love relationships, this week there can be some differences between the partners. But again from the middle of the week, there will be a positive atmosphere in the family. Very possible, you may be nominated for promotion this week.


Ganesha says in this week, there will be moments of laughter and happiness in the courtyard of married life. If you are eligible for marriage. So a suitable life partner will be there to indicate the coming. However, more efforts will be needed to address the aspects related to livelihood. If you want to travel and stay in the country and abroad. So the movement of the stars will continue to give pleasant results. Although there will be moments of love among the relatives. But again in the middle of the week, the movement of stars will lead to expenditure on money matters. However, there will be dividends in capital investment. However, the enemy side may conspire to disturb during this time. Therefore, there will be a need to be careful in related areas. If you are engaged in completing work related to any social and political life. So the movement of the stars will continue to give pleasant results.


Ganesha says in this week, you will be able to complete the work related to livelihood. Whether it is about private and government sectors or business-related aspects, the movement of the stars will give pleasant results. The movement of the stars will be pleasant and wonderful for the students. If you are going to appear in any competitive exam. So the movement of the stars will continue to give the gift of pleasant and wonderful results. Although there will be a need to continue continuous efforts in capital investment and completion of work related to foreign countries. However, this week’s stars will be somewhat weak in terms of health. Therefore, pay full attention to food and drink. In love relations, there will be moments of love between the partner. But avoid getting angry about small things. However, the movement of the stars will be pleasant and spectacular in terms of attaining physical comfort. That is, this week’s stars will be giving desired results in the respective fields.

Birthday Predictions – 5th to 11th June By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Birthday cake

5th June

Ganesha says you will attempt to go to whatever length to carry out and achieve your predetermined plans. Even though your family discussions wind up being bitter, only sweetness will fill the void in the end. Before starting any project, you are a dependable source who carefully investigated all the information. Your health conditions could not satisfy you. Through financial assistance that you might receive due to luck, your assistance to the poor and needy will help to dry their sorrows. Your profession may have many twists and turns, so you must exercise great caution.

6th June

Ganesha says you enjoy leading a self-determined lifestyle. You need to be careful to seize the opportunities that knock on your door. You will become a wonderful person because of your insatiable passion for accomplishing your objectives. Avoiding excessive displays of winning emotions is an urgent need right now. With no expectations or complaints, you will accept life as it is. What you experience in life is a series of ups and downs. In order to prevent resentment from dividing you from your admirers, try to avoid disagreements with them.

7th June

Ganesha says you adore leading an independent life. Opportunities will knock on your door, so be careful to seize them. You will become a wonderful person because of your unquenchable desire to achieve your objectives. Avoiding excessive displays of winning emotions is a crucial current need. With no expectations or complaints, you will accept life as it is. Your life will be full of ups and downs. Avoid disputes with your admirers to prevent resentments from dividing you.

8th June

Ganesha says your original concepts would provide you with the most sought-after abilities. A large crew is relatively simple to manage. You would perform exceedingly well in the upcoming time and get amazing honours and awards. But occasionally, because of your snarky and peculiar behaviour, you start to seem mysterious to your friends. At a professional front, you must restrain or conceal your erratic behaviour. You will undoubtedly increase your savings but you will also likely indulge in extravagant spending. It would be planned to be brief but exciting for a change.

9th June

Ganesha says joining the crowd, you keep yourself informed at all times. Your sense of unbelievableness could propel you to fame in the near future. Similar to how honey attracts more flies than vinegar, you are surrounded by kind people. You have good leadership qualities, which will help you succeed as you move up the organisational ladder.To avoid creating fractions, you should be devoted to your coworkers. Even if your family comes first in your life, you find yourself having less time to spend with them.

10th June

Ganesha says about your life experiences and its substance, people will be incredibly curious. This romantic relationship is a win-win for you. Your level of intimacy will probably rise, and you might be preoccupied with creating your wedding invitation. You will fulfil all of your requirements through your spouse and receive your desired outcome. It will take time for you to travel through a long passage as the number of people who admire you will continue to grow. Love, sacrifices, provocations, disengagement, and peace are all available to you at this moment. You’ll always achieve the outcomes you want by learning from experience.

11th June

Ganesha says you’re more likely to actively explore the notion of your business deal. You always look into anything that comes your way because you really think that “No pain, no gain.” Your prowess could occasionally bring you into disrepute. Check your toad-like characteristics, which include conservatism and introversion and a preference for staying in one place. You can be concerned if the number of people who support you declines since it could make you feel as though you have no one to encourage you.

Solution for Spot the difference #75

Differences are:
1. Sun
2. Houses
3. Fence
4. Hairstyle of man
5. Boy
6. Cow
Spot the difference#75 solution

Spot the difference #75


Spot the difference#75


Solution for the – Spot the difference #75


Entertainment Review: Taj: Reign Of Revenge

Taj Webseries

The second season of the Taj series drops on Zee5 not too long after the first. Taj: Reign Of Revenge, starts 15 years after Divided By Blood. Nobody seems to have aged in the interim, they just acquired longer hair.  Emperor Akbar is still wondering who would make a suitable successor; the rebellious Prince Salim, living it up in designer tents with an inexhaustible supply of booze, is still digging up the forest looking for Anarkali’s corpse.

Nothing much has changed in the tenor of the show, directed by Vibhu Puri, taking over from Ron Scalpello, except that the sons (Mitansj Lulla, Jiansh Aggarwal) of Salim (Ashum Gulati) and the unfortunate Maan Bai (Anushka Luhar) have grown up and are coveting the throne too, along with dissolute Uncle Daniyal (Shubham Kumar Mehra). Akbar (Naseeruddin Shah) wants the exiled Salim to come back and prove himself worthy of the throne, but the dude with tousled hair and man bun, is still too absorbed in wine and belly dancers. He does keep up his practice with the sword though, and beats a well-built rival in the wrestling arena.

Nobody bothers about poor Maan Bai languishing in the palace, doped on opium, but Akbar’s three queens (Zarina Wahab, Padma Damodaran, Sandhya Mridul) are still eyeing the position of the power behind the throne. As Jodha tells an upstart Mehrunnisa (Sauraseni Maitra), the men may rule, but they are ruled by the women who conquer their hearts.  Mehrunnisa wants to marry Salim and become the Mallika of Hindustan, but she is forcibly married to the pervert Ali Quli (Rouhallah Quazim) to get her out of the way. Akbar also shows her the wall where Anarkali was buried alive, but the woman who hangs around taverns, without purdah, to meet Salim is not so easily intimidated. The show does not bother much about history and has mixed and matched its own ‘facts’ (writers William Borthwick and Simon Fantauzzo), but it has been recorded that Ali was eliminated by Salim, and Mehrunnisa, renamed Noorjehan did become Empress and ruled the country, as her husband lay around intoxicated.

Mughal history is replete with men killing their brothers and nephews to snatch the crown; still, in spite of all the debauchery and violence, the show can hardly be taken seriously as history, because it all looks superficial, and the actors are middling to deplorable. The characters are barely human, and almost never seen in situations where they are not acting, so even if they are capable of human emotions, that does not show—they all look like robots in period outfits. Emperor Akbar was supposed to be a great ruler, but this show gives little indication of why he was so popular. The series is grand looking though, with no expense spared on sets, costumes and battle scenes.

Four episodes have dropped, four more to go but a sneak peak, hints at the origin story of a romantic future Emperor and the love of his life.

With the Mughals being redacted from history textbooks, films and TV will probably be the only record –fictional though it may be—of their lives and legacy for consumption by the general public.  So more research, less garnish, please.

Taj: Reign Of Revenge

Directed by: Vibhu Puri

Cast: Naseeruddin Shah, Dharmendra, Aashim Gulati, Shubham Kumar Mehra and others

On Zee5

7 tips for a healthier relationship with your phone

Senior reading book

How long do you spend staring at a screen every day? According to one report, the average person spends about seven hours a day on screens connected to the internet. And that figure is going to be even higher if your job is mainly done in front of a computer.

Most of us over-use digital devices, spending too long either working or enjoying being distracted on phones, tablets, laptops or even VR headsets. We are accused of being addicted to tech and warned of the dangers to our physical and mental health.

One significant paradox here is that we often retreat into the digital world to escape the stresses of the physical world, but can end up simply collecting other kinds of digital and physical stress along the way.

As a parent, I became concerned a few years ago about the effect my digital life was having on my work and family. I did some research of my own, changed the way I used my devices and even wrote a book about the dangers of what I call the “digital inferno”.

Break free from screen time addiction: seven tips for a healthier lifestyle. pexels/anna shvets

It’s only in recent years that longer-term studies have been published on the issue. And taken together, these studies comprise a growing and significant body of knowledge, that is hard to dismiss or ignore: too much tech can cause issues for us humans.

To be clear, digital devices offer significant benefits – think connection, education, entertainment. The danger is when our overuse of them becomes toxic to our health.

From a personal perspective, eye strainneck achepoor sleepstressrepetitive strain injuries of all kinds and impaired hand function are just a few of symptoms I’ve had over the years thanks to my overuse of screens and devices – and research shows I’m far from alone.

If any of these symptoms describe you (or anyone you know), or you just feel too much of your life is taken up with staring at a screen, then you might find my advice on how to regain control of your tech helpful.

How to regain control

  1. Practice putting down your digital devices consciously

Keep them out of sight and put them away when you aren’t using them, especially at night. Banish them from the bedroom, get an alarm clock (so you aren’t using your phone alarm) and you’ll sleep better without the late-night scrolling. And get out of the habit of watching TV with your phone next to you. Just focus on one task at a time without the distraction of another screen.

  1. Set yourself screen time limits

Too much screen time can give you headaches. Be mindful of the way your use your tech and make use of features like voice notes, which allow you to stay up-to-date with communication without staring at a screen for a long time.

  1. Stop allowing digital distractions

Constant interruption can induce physical and mental stress. Turn off notifications and alerts when you want to fully focus on a task. And keep your phone off your desk. Research shows that having your phone nearby, even if it’s not buzzing or ringing and even if the power is off, can hurt your performance.

  1. Schedule proper digital-free time

Depression and anxiety is one result of digital overload. So getting away from your digital world for a while is important. Take a walk in nature, read a book, go for a bike ride – anything that takes you away from the screens for a while.

Maybe just read the book? pexels/tranmautritam
  1. Make screens easier on the eyes

Screen overuse can strain our eyes and affect our eyesight. Don’t squint at tiny screens to do work that would be better done on a larger-screen laptop. Reduce the blue light on devices and make use of all the other helpful accessibility features. Start with that screen glare. And also make sure the volume doesn’t burst your ear drums.

  1. Take control of the chaos of information overload

Organise your phone, computer and tablet so you can use them more efficiently. Some apps really do help you take charge of your life and work more calmly and effectivelyTime-tracking apps measure how much time you’re spending (wasting) on your screen – prepare to be horrified! We regain mastery over our digital devices when we become more proactive in their use.

  1. Sit well when you are digitally engaged

Slouching over a phone or hunching over your laptop will harm your neck and your back. Sit upright, stretch regularly and exercise often – without your phone.

Be a digital decider

These seven tips should help you regain a sense of control over your digital life. For me, it’s all about sleeping and waking better after leaving my phone downstairs. It’s about having dedicated, planned digital time and specific times when the phone has no place in what I’m doing.

Yet it’s also about enjoying these tech miracles in a more satisfying way and using them more consciously. I like to think of myself now as a digital decider and not just another digital casualty.


How Long Will It Take Me to Lose Excess Belly Fat?


Did you know? Fat has a bad reputation but it isn’t all bad. Good fats are essential for our bodies to thrive.

Did you know? Too much belly fat is called visceral fat (bad fat) which can cause health problems if not managed.

Did you know? The timeline for losing belly fat is directly proportionate to your overall weight loss.

Did you know? People who want to lose weight often want to do so around their abdominal area first but it’s not easy to target fat loss.

Slimming down and being done with that jiggly belly, every last bit of it, is something most of us want to master. If you’re wondering how to win this battle of getting rid of unwanted fat and how long it will take, there are answers.

Unfortunately, the answer is not as simple and clear-cut.

Nutrition and exercise go hand in hand when it comes to burning off your fat. Pairing a calorie deficit diet along with regular physical activity will reduce your overall body fat percentage including your belly region.

How long does it take for people to lose belly fat?

That answer is different for everybody.

Truth be told — There’s no shortcut to lose belly fat. Crash diets and weight loss supplements and teas, detoxes and programmes won’t do the trick. It is almost impossible to target belly fat alone. Reducing your total body fat percentage will shrink your waistline as well and even improve your health.

How long it takes to achieve fat loss varies from person to person.

A reduced-calorie diet will help you lose around 1 kilogram of fat a week. Incorporating exercise into your routine will help speed up your metabolism and tone your belly area.

Your best bet is losing overall body fat and once you start losing weight, your belly will get slimmer. In my case belly fat is always the last to leave my body.

Losing belly fat is dependant on 2 things-

  1. A caloric deficit diet full of protein
  2. Exercise that includes weight training

 How long does it take to burn fat? Let’s do the math —

You have to burn approximately 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat.

So to lose one pound a week, you have to eliminate 500 calories from your diet every day.

That’s the caloric deficit required per day.

If you manage to achieve this feat you could lose four pounds in a month and it could take one to two months before you notice your waistline slimming.

Increasing your physical activity and exercise will also help you burn more calories and build muscle mass. But keep in mind that muscle is heavier than fat. So while you may be looking and feeling leaner and toned it may not show on the weighing scale.

Everyone is different. There are many variables that affect what it takes to burn a calorie. The larger you are, the more calories you can burn, males have more muscle than females which helps them burn more calories and the amount of physical exercise you do determines the number of calories you burn.

Cutting inches off your waistline requires a lot of hard work, following the right balance of diet and exercise and most importantly patience.

How to create a caloric deficiency?

Calories are units of energy from food. It’s quite simple, the more energy you use, the more calories you burn. Unused calories get stored as fat. You can burn stored or extra fat by consuming fewer calories and burning more energy.

Here are some ways to cut calories —

  • Switch drinks- drink water instead of sweetened sodas and juices
  • Reduce your alcohol intake. Alcohol= calories
  • Opt for black coffee instead of flavoured coffee with added cream and sugar
  • Avoid high-calorie foods like refined carbs, sugar and fried food
  • Avoid fast food and ultra-processed food
  • Eat fresh food instead of prepackaged food
  • Check the number of calories in foods. You can use a calorie counting app or food journal for this.
  • Reduce your portions sizes- Try using a smaller plate or bow to trick your brain
  • Avoid using refined oil while cooking
  • Use tiny amounts of oil while cooking
  • Eat slowly and wait for 20 minutes after eating to make sure you’re full before taking another helping.
  • Don’t eat in front of the TV. It’s easy to get distracted and eat more than you need to.
  • Include a lot of protein in your meal.

Foods to eat to help lose belly fat —

Coming to the food options, there is no magical food or elixir out there that will bust your belly fat. But there are smarter food choices you can make.

  • Eat fresh food instead of prepackaged food
  • Drink wter instead of sugary drinks
  • Black coffee or green tea instead of milky, sugary counterparts
  • Nuts and dryfruit instead of junk food snacks options
  • Reduce your alcohol intake and make wise choices of low sugar alcohol
  • Replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates

Exercises to help you burn belly fat and burn calories —

Exercises that target the abdomen may not affect your visceral fat, but they can help strengthen and tone your muscles. The most important thing is to keep moving.

  • 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise
  • Aerobic exercises
  • Strength and weight training to build your muscle mass
  • Stretching to keep your body supple
  • Yoga or pilates
  • Walking or jogging
  • You can use free weights, weight machines, or resistance bands to make your workout slightly difficult

 A few additional tips to keep you active-

  • Park farther away from your destination and walk to rack up those extra steps
  • Use the stairs instead of elevators and escalators
  • Walk for 10 to 15 minutes after your meal
  • The more you move, the more calories you burn

Takeaway —

Weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day to track overall weight loss. There’s never a one-size-fits-all approach that works. Focus on making healthy and smart choices that keep your body fit and automatically your body goals will be achieved. Be patient and consistent, stay the course and make sure you choose the sustainable route so you can keep up and maintain your progress.

Should you shower in the morning or at night?


Everyone has their own shower habits and routines.

Some shower on waking before breakfast,

some after,

Some shower as soon as they reach home,

Some just before turning in for the night.

Whatever your preference, the AM shower versus the PM shower is a long standing debate.

Let’s find out if there are any scientific benefits to showering at night versus in the morning?

Morning showers pros & cons:

People who swear by morning showers will tell you that there is no better start to the day than a cool rinse under the shower.


  • A morning shower is a refreshing wake-up call. It will wash away the grogginess, sleep and leave you feeling refreshed to face the day. Research has even shown that cool morning showers boost productivity through the day.
  • Morning showers wash off sweat and bacteria. Humans tend to sweat at night. When you wake up in the morning, it might be a nice idea to wash off all the sitting sweat, bacteria and sebum off your skin.
  • There are many benefits of washing your hair in the AM. You can wash away excess oils and dirt from the previous night and feel clean. Your hair will be cleansed and ready to style, not to mention the feel good factor that comes as an added bonus.
  • Showering in the morning increases your metabolic rate by shocking your body into action. It makes you more alert.
  • From a purely mental point of view, for those who have a hard time waking up in the morning, a shower as soon as you wake up can prolong your dreaming abit and make a big difference to a slow wake-up.


  • You might go to bed on the dirtier side if you prefer morning showers. The dirt, grime, grease and debris from the day accumulate on your skin along with your skin products and bodily oils. If you go to bed without even a rinse off, you’re taking many a bacteria to bed with you.

Evening showers pros & cons


  • You are going to sleep with clean skin. An evening shower helps you wash off all the dirt and grime from the day, literally and figuratively.
  • An evening shower is a soothing way to wind down. It relaxes you and prepares your body for sleep. Many people find an evening shower very soothing, for the skin and senses.
  • For hygiene purposes, showering at night removes dirt, oil and germs from your skin and hair. It keeps you clean and can prevent infections and keep your skin immunity high.
  • For those who struggle with insomnia, a warm shower at night is highly recommended. The body naturally cools down around bedtime. A shower before bed, artificially raises your body’s temperature which allows it to cool down faster and hasten sleep.


  • Don’t get carried away in the shower. Long, steamy showers might seem like a good idea, until it’s not. The hot water can damage your hair and skin if exposed to it for too long.

Why not the best of both worlds?

One possible compromise is showering twice a day. Doing so twice a day doesn’t damage your skin and scalp, as long as both showers are quick and at the right temperature one a rinse, one a long soapy bath.

If you go to the gym after work, sweat during the day, use public transportation or work outdoors, showering before bed is a good idea. The build up of sweat, oils and bacteria from the day will do you no good, not to mention the body odour. Tucking into bed squeaky clean with comfortable breathing clothes, preps you up for a good nights rest.

A shower in the morning washed off all the bacteria and sebum from the night before. Your skin will feel cleansed, your body will be refreshed and your mind awake. A cool shower in the morning is never a bad idea.

But remember- showering too often can dry out your skin and hair, especially if you use water or suffer from dry skin or skin conditions.

What’s the verdict?

Ultimately, it’s up to you.

At the end of the day, by nature, humans are creatures of habit. It’s about knowing the pros and cons, weighing your options and doing what is best and most suited for you. Just make sure your shower leaves you refreshed.

Breathlessness – Asthma or Something Else?


On 27 May, 2023, Seniors Today hosted their weekly Health Live Webinar with Dr Aditya Agrawal, a Seniors Pulmonologist who spoke on and answered questions about “Breathlessness- Asthma or Something Else?”

About Dr Aditya Agrawal

Dr Aditya Agrawal is a leading Consultant Pulmonologist attached to several large hospitals in Mumbai. He is extensively trained in respiratory diseases both in India and the US. His special interests are in difficult-to-treat cough, asthma, bronchitis and lung fibrosis, and runs a specialised clinic for patients with chronic cough. He is a dedicated researcher and a peer influencer in the management of respiratory diseases.

Breathlessness is a subjective experience of breathing discomfort that qualitatively distinct and varies in intensity.
This means that every person will have a different experience of breathlessness which is basically breathing discomfort which will be different in intensity with each person and it will be different in the way a person experiences and feels it.
Breathlessness and its intensity is multifactorial. There are multiple physiological, psychological, social and environmental factors that will determine how breathless you are.

Perception is the way we interpret any sensation and so is the case with breathlessness. So, depending on how we perceive breathlessness, will we be able to interpret how breathless we are. There is a complex neuro-cognitive process involved which involves how you are receiving the signal, and this will tell you how breathless you are and then, this is processed in the brain to help you externally exhibit how breathless you will be. This takes into account several parameters such as- our past experiences, our mood and the environmental cues.
How we perceive breathlessness relates to a range of multifactorial complex influences.

It depends on what is happening in your lungs, respiratory muscles, the tubes that take the air from the outside to your lungs. It is also determined by the central and peripheral chemoreceptors- the receptors which help you understand the subtle changes in the body. They all take signals to the brain which processes the information and sends out these signals to the body which in turn translate into breathlessness.

Descriptors of breathlessness:
Rapid breathing
Difficulty in breathing out completely
Shallow breathing
More effort required in breathing
Not getting enough air
Suffocating symptoms
Chest tightness/ constriction
Sudden stoppage of breathing
Gasping for air/ choking
Tightness in throat

Any time you have any of these symptoms, it means that you are breathless and you need medical aid/ help.

Anytime that you have breathlessness, you should see a doctor and have it treated.

A medical emergency would be:
When you are very breathless even at rest
Severe breathlessness with chest pain- may indicate that you are having a cardiac disorder such as a myocardial infarction also known as heart attack
Pneumothorax- air filled in the lungs
Severe breathlessness with an allergic reaction, where you feel checked with or without swelling over your face, lips, etc. this is called an anaphylactic reaction
Assessment of a patient with breathlessness involves looking for the following:
Onset- sudden or chronic
Progression of breathlessness
Grade of breathlessness
Associated symptoms such as cough, wheeze, palpitations, sweating, chest pain and several more

You can say that you are NOT breathless when:
Somebody is not troubled by breathlessness unless he is doing strenuous exercise which he is not accustomed to.

Grade I Breathlessness: breathlessness on walking fast or walking on an inclined road, climbing flights of stairs

Grade II Breathlessness: walking on level ground, where you are walking slower than usual/ slower than your peers/ have to stop for breath after 15 mins

Grade III Breathlessness: you have to stop after walking 100m or a few minutes

Grade IV Breathlessness: difficult to leave home or breathlessness while performing day-to-day activities such as combing your hair or any activity involving your hands above your shoulder.

Causes of breathlessness:
Lung diseases
Chemical factors, like your blood having more acid or alkali which can cause breathlessness
Adaptation to new exercise regime
Lack of physical activity- physiological breathlessness
Problems in your vocal cords and larynx
Nasal obstruction
Heart associated diseases- vascular disorders, pericarditis, myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathies, vernacular hypertrophy
neuromuscular disorders
Metabolic acidosis
End stage diseases such as cancers

We will focus on the lung causes. This can be due to
Pulmonary embolism
COPD- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Disorders of pleura
Cystic fibrosis- complex genetic disease, more common in white population
Lung cancer
Pulmonary oedema
Pneumothorax Sarcoidosis and lung fibrosis
Pneumonia, tuberculosis
Pulmonary hypertension

Asthma can cause constriction of the muscles surrounding the lungs which constrict thereby reducing the air passing through these tubes due to the constriction. Large amount of mucus is also formed. All of this leads to difficulty in breathing.

Majority of individuals have asthma due to allergies, complicated or associated with asthma. Asthma is a very common condition and very commonly misdiagnosed.

Asthma can present as the following, apart from breathlessness:
Triggered by an external stimulus
Chest tightness

Difficulty in breathing in a lying position is a very common symptom often seen associated with heart diseases. This can be due to lack of blood supply to the heart or due to valvular heart disease. It is also commonly seen in patients with high blood pressure, damaged heart muscles, aerial fibrillation, mitral valve disorders.
This occurs because the pressure on the heart increases suddenly and there is a severe fall in the oxygen levels during sleep.
These patients present with the complaint of difficulty in sleeping on their back and say that they prefer sleeping on several pillows under them/on their sides.
These patients also complain of breathlessness that improves on sitting or standing.
Wheezing is also a common complaint. Cough and chest pain can also be present.

Weekly Predictions – 29th May to 4th June 2023 By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Zodiac Signs


Ganesha says in this week, significant progress will be expected in handling capital investment and references related to abroad. Due to this your status will remain in the related fields. There will be golden opportunities this week to upgrade the aspects related to livelihood. If you are looking to make capital investments, then the movement of the stars will continue to give positive results. But there will be chances of sudden expenditure in money matters. In the first part of this week, although there may be some diseases and pain in the health, in the second part again the movement of the stars will be pleasant and spectacular. In the last days of this week, there will be opportunities for steady progress in terms of real estate. However, the opposing side can plot something to disturb. There will be normal-level results in love affairs. But avoid tension in small things.


Ganesha says this week there will be pleasant opportunities to increase desired work and business. As a result, there will be opportunities for continuous progress in the respective fields. This week, the awareness of karma and awareness towards it will take everyone closer to those goals. From where there will be opportunities to move forward continuously. That means your reputation will continue to increase. There will be a dividend in capital investment. In love relations, there will be moments of love between the partner. This week, money will remain profitable from somewhere. As a result, there will be opportunities for continuous progress in related fields. In the middle of the week, there will be a possibility of more expenditure on money matters. As a result, the level of problems will increase. This week’s stars will be giving some weaknesses in terms of health. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good. There will be moments of laughter and happiness in the courtyard of married life. So keep up the efforts.


Ganesha says this week there will be respect and prestige in the related political and social life. If engaged in upgrading work and business. So the movement of the stars will continue to point toward pleasant results. There will be profit in capital investment. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. If you are looking for employment in private and government undertakings, then the movement of stars will give important results. Very possible, can be nominated for promotion. In the middle part of this week, however, there will be chances of significant progress in earning and raising money. There will be moments of love in love relationships. But in the last days of this week, you will have to travel and travel somewhere. However, during this time softness in health can emerge. Therefore, pay full attention to food and drink. Otherwise, you will be worried.


Ganesha says this week, according to work and business, will be engaged in making contact with the concerned people and taking them forward. If you are looking to invest capital. So, the movement of the stars will continue to give the gift of happy results. Dividends will remain increased in capital investment. That means you will be able to weave the dreams of the future. If you are looking to invest capital. So the movement of the stars will continue to give important results. In the middle part of this week, there will be chances of promotion in the private and government sectors. That is, this week you will be included in the category of a special person. Today will be a pleasant and wonderful day in terms of health. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. So it will be good. This week, being inspired by some person, you will be able to complete the work in the related areas. Overall, this week’s stars will be pleasant.


Ganesha says in view of the challenges coming in the related political and social life in this week, some special decisions can be taken this week. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. So it will be good. There will be profit in capital investment. But the opposition parties may try to create some trouble. Therefore, it will be good if you proceed with caution in the respective areas at your level. Capital investments and dividends abroad will continue to increase. Although there will be a possibility of a sudden increase in money matters. There will be mixed results this week in love affairs. From the beginning of this week, there will be a tough race to complete the work related to livelihood. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. So it will be good. In the middle part of this week, the work of any religion and public interest can be finalized. There will be chances of promotion in the last days of this week. Therefore, do not weaken your understanding at your level.


Ganesha says this week’s stars will be the ones to give moments of laughter and happiness in the courtyard of married life. As a result, you will be able to move forward like a responsible householder. There will be a dividend in capital investment. But in the context of immovable property, you may have to run continuously. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good. There will be opportunities for continuous progress in the work related to livelihood. Although there will be pleasant aspects of raising work and business. Due to this the body and mind will be happy. There will be opportunities to imbibe the mantra of self-confidence in the middle part of this week. As a result, there will be opportunities for continuous progress in related fields. This week, like other businessmen, you will be ready to do something special. Today will be somewhat weak in terms of health. So pay attention to food and drink. So it will be good.


Ganesha says this week’s stars will be helpful in fulfilling the responsibilities related to the family. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts at your level. So it will be good. Although this week, continuous efforts will be needed to deal with the aspects related to livelihood. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good. That is, this week you will be able to achieve any big achievement through your hard work. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. So it will be good. In love relations, there will be moments of love between the partner. In the middle of the week, there will be moments of laughter and happiness in married life. If you are eligible for marriage, a suitable life partner will make efforts to get close to you. In the last days of the week, the movement of the stars will suddenly increase the money expenditure. During this time an opposing party can get dragged into court cases.


Ganesha says this week, we will continue to move towards important achievements in the areas of work and business. This week there will be chances of monetary gain from somewhere. Therefore, pay full attention to your food and drink. So it will be good. If you are engaged in any competitive exam and increasing your linguistic knowledge. So there will be opportunities for desired progress. There will be chances of desired progress in dealing with aspects related to livelihood. That is, this week will be reputed as the biggest businessman and businessman of the region. There will be moments of laughter and happiness in the courtyard of household life. There will be opportunities for desired monetary gains this week. Will be full of important achievements in social, political, and economic fields. Efforts to earn and raise money will be expected to make significant progress. That means this week will be full of achievements. But due to the emergence of some weakness in health, you will remain worried.


Ganesha says this week, the movement of the stars will be about giving away material comforts. At the same time, the social and political situation will remain strong. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. So it will be good. This week there will be moments of love between parents and siblings. But due to the emergence of some weakness in health, you will be worried. Therefore, pay full attention to food and drink. So it will be good. In the middle of this week, there will be moments of love between the partner in love affairs. There will be chances of continuous progress regarding the child’s side. Due to this the process of making them intelligent and fearless will be fruitful. In the last days of this week, again the movement of stars will give pleasant and wonderful results. However, there will be constant running around in court cases. During this time the opposing side can dominate. So don’t weaken your understanding. So it will be good.


Ganesha says in this week there will be chances of significant progress in personnel and business life. As a result, some big plans can be started under your leadership. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. So it will be good. This week you can start some important plans and works for the goals of a prosperous life. So keep up the efforts. Today’s stars will be pleasant and wonderful in terms of raising your physical abilities. However, again in the middle of the week, the movement of the stars will make your exercise to complete the upcoming tasks. But due to deep tension in some things among the relatives, you will be troubled. In the last days of this week, there will be the desired kind of progress in earning and raising money. There will be progress in completing the work related to studies and teaching.


Ganesha says in this week, significant progress will be expected in earning and raising money according to the needs of production and sales. It is quite possible that significant progress will be expected in the export of related products and in promoting business in far-flung areas. Therefore, do not hesitate to continue the efforts. So it will be good. In the middle of this week, there will be constantly running around regarding real estate. If you are engaged in buying expensive clothes, then you will be successful. So don’t weaken the efforts. Although this week’s stars will be somewhat weak in terms of health. But pay full attention to food and drink. So it will be good. This means attention has to be paid to increasing the inner power. In the last days of the week, again the movement of stars will be pleasant in terms of collecting material comforts. So don’t hesitate to continue the efforts.


Ganesha says this week, there will be pleasant opportunities to increase material comforts. If you are engaged in elevating the aspects related to household life. So, the movement of the stars will continue to give you the desired destination. As a result, there will be opportunities for continuous progress in the fields of related sports, films, arts, medicine, and research. If you want to travel and travel somewhere. So the movement of the stars will continue to give pleasant results. There will be moments of laughter and happiness in the courtyard of married life. If you are eligible for marriage, then the movement of stars will give pleasant and wonderful results. However, due to inefficiencies in the mid part of the week, some will remain troubled. Therefore, do useful yoga asanas along with food and drink. There can be disputes in terms of transactions. But again in the last days of the week, the movement of stars will give pleasant results. So keep up the efforts.

Stretches to Start Your Day


Even after eight hours of a good night’s sleep, do you find yourself feeling lethargic and stiff? If so, it might be time to be done with the snooze button and refresh your morning with some stretches.

You don’t have to run a marathon the minute you open your eyes but a few stretches to get your blood flowing and kickstart your day is never a bad idea.

Morning stretches are also a great way to maintain your flexibility, improve your posture and warm up your muscles for the day.

You can actually begin stretching in bed, once your sleep is broken, lie in bed flat on your back, eyes shut, legs stretched out, and focus on your breathe, with each breathe, give gratitude for the new day, then focus on your stretched legs. Stretch them out, point your toes, flex your feet 2-3 times, circle your ankles clock wise and counter clock wise 2-3 times, finally bend your knees, twist to one side, then the other, again 2-3 times, then sit up, dangle your legs, prees your feet to the ground and stand slowly. This routine prepares your body for the day after a restful night.

Once you have done your personal hygeine bit, spend ten to fifteen minutes doing these stretches followed by a twenty minute walk if possible. These stretches can really make a difference to your body and mind and even set the tone for the rest of your day.

You will feel rejeuvenated and energetic.

Below are a few easy stretches that involve holding a position for about 15 to 30 seconds to help set off a relaxation response in your muscles.

  1. Child’s Pose —

This pose stretches out many muscles in your body. It stretches out your spine, opens up your hips, pelvis and thighs, also calms the brain and relieves stress and fatigue.

  • Begin on all fours on your yoga mat.
  • Make sure your knees are directly under your hips and your big toes are kissing each other. If having your toes touch puts too much pressure on your knees, keep them slightly apart.
  • Inhale and feel your spine grow longer, inch by inch.
  • As you exhale, take your buttocks back to your heels and tuck your chin towards your chest.
  • Stay in this position with your forehead touching the ground and your arms stretched out.
  • Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds and focus on your breath. Repeat 2-3 times
  1. Neck Stretch —

A simple neck stretch can release pent up tension. Be gentle while doing this stretch as most peoples necks tend to be quite stiff in the morning.

  • Start by slowly bringing your left ear down toward your left shoulder.
  • Lightly use your left hand and pull the right side of your head toward your left shoulder. This should bring your left ear and shoulder closer together.
  • Hold this position for 15 seconds and focus on your breathing.
  • Repeat on the other side.
  1. Cat-Cow Pose —

These two poses are done together. This flow increases the circulation of spinal fluid, lubricates your back, stretches and elongates your back and torso while gently massaging the organs in your abdominal area and relieving any built up stiffness and tension in your spine, abs and back.

  • Start on all fours in a tabletop position. Your spine should be straight and your shoulders should be over your wrists. Relax your shoulders and look straight.
  • As you inhale, curl your toes, drop your belly, arch your back and move into the cow section of this flow. Make sure your shoulders are rolled back and down.
  • Look slightly upward toward the ceiling.
  • As you exhale, press your hands into the ground, tuck your tailbone and round your upper back. Round your back like a lynx and flow into cat pose.
  • Repeat this flow for 5 to 10 breaths.
  1. Glute Bridges —

This exercise is best done on the floor but a semi hard bed is also fine. You should also avoid this stretch if you have any problems with your back, abdomen, knee  or ankles. The glute bridge opens up your hips, stretches it out and even strengthens your glutes and hamstrings.

  • Lie on your back with your arms by your side and your palms facing down.
  • Bend your knees and keep them hip-width apart while your feet are firmly flat on the floor.
  • Lift your hips, keeping your arms flat by your side.
  • Your weight should be on your feet and you should feel the stretch in your glutes instantly.
  • Hold this position for 3 to 5 breaths.
  • Slowly lower your hips back down until you are back to your starting position.
  • Repeat this for 3 to 5 cycles.
  1. Side Stretch —

Here’s a simple way to open up your chest and shoulders. This stretch can be done seated or standing.

  • Stand or sit tall with your feet hip width apart and your hands by your sides.
  • Keep your core engaged and reach for the sky with your right arm and bend sideways to your left side.
  • Allow your left hand to slide down your leg until you feel a deep stretch in the right side of your flank and torso.
  • Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat it on the other side.
  1. Knees To Chest Stretch —

I like to call this stretch the hugging yourself stretch.  Holding your knees towards your chest boosts blood flow to all your vital organs, reduces bloating and improves digestion.

  • Start by laying on your back with your knees bent and arms by your side.
  • Slowly bring your knees as close to your chest as possible.
  • Hug your knees with both hands.
  • Focus on your breath and hold the stretch for at least 8 to 10 counts.
  1. Downward Facing Dog —

This pose resets your nervous system, calms the brain down and energizes the body. This mild inversion stretch is extremely therapeutic for sciatica pain and fatigue. A lot of your body is working and stretching in this pose.

  • Go on all fours, inhale, straighten your arms, raise your hips and straighten your legs.
  • As you exhale, press into your hands and roll your shoulders down and back.
  • Your spine should be neutral in this position.
  • Your heels don’t have to be touching the ground here (it doesn’t reach the ground for most people) but work on trying to touch your feet to the ground.
  1. Cobra Pose —

This yoga pose will stretch you right out and you can slither into the rest of your day, stiffness free.

  • Lie on your stomach with your hands pressed near your shoulders.
  • Tuck your elbows in by either side.
  • Gently raise your head and chest while your hips and pelvic area remain glued to the floor. This is the baby cobra pose
  • If this feels good you can take it a step further by lifting your stomach while your hips and pelvis continue to be stuck to the floor. Now you are a full fledged cobra.
  • Hold this pose for 5 breaths and repeat a few more times to reap all the benefits.
  1. Happy Baby Pose —

Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you can’t be a baby for a few minutes every morning to release and pent up tension in your thighs, hips, groin and back.

  • Lie on your back and bring both your knees to your chest.
  • Grab both feet from the outside or grab your big toes.
  • With your knees bent, pull your feet toward your armpits so your knees are spread wide.
  • Press your shoulders and back upwards and flatten your spine.
  • Rock from side to side for 8 to 10 counts.

Tips for stretching safely —

Stretching is supposed to help prevent problems and not cause them. Make sure you take every precaution while doing your morning stretches, you can do three to four different poses on alternate days instead of all nine.

  • Listen to your body- Do what makes your body happy. While it is good to motivate and push yourself, do not overdo it.
  • Watch your posture- proper form and posture is key when it comes to stretching. This helps prevent accidental injuries.
  • Breathe- Your breath is so much more powerful than you think. Breathing helps your blood circulate and relaxes your body. Rely on your breath!
  • Don’t rush through the pose- Hold the pose and give your body enough time to respond to each stretch. No jerky movements.

 The takeaway —

Everyone has their own morning routine. Incorporating light stretching into your morning madness can do a whole lot of good. You’ll stimulate your organs, your brain, your muscles and set the tone for the rest of your day.

Stretching every morning doesn’t take much out of you and it pays off!

Birthday Predictions – 29th May to 4th June 2023 By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla


29th May

Ganesha says you should embrace any change that occurs in your life to demonstrate your adaptability. Simply follow your doctor’s advice, and you’ll soon be able to recover from all of your ongoing illnesses. If you have obesity, which is the absolute last thing anyone wants in their life, you must take extra care of yourself. Love will lead you where it needs to go. Conflicts involving ego, love, and deception could all be present in your family, so take caution.

30th May

Ganesha says everyone is riveted by your impromptu talks, and they leave the audience wanting more. You will always be in the news because of your connections to powerful players in your industry. Your statesmanship and diligence earn you respect in addition to power. More than ever, those close to you show interest in you. You provide them with the support they need to solve their challenges. In your family, you are a skilled mediator.

31st May

Ganesha says you have an artistic intellect, and one of its beauties is to appreciate and laud the lovely things. You put your all into your work, allowing you to savor each and every moment. For any of your investments, focused governance will yield significant returns. Your life will be luxurious, and you will soon achieve great achievement. You resemble a spider that enjoys making difficult efforts to achieve its goals. Your love may seem to be far away, but if it is yours, it will find you on its own.

1st June

 Ganesha says your enthusiasm and outlook on life are admirable. A concerted effort is required to pursue a passion for learning and exploration. All of your coworkers fall under your wing due to your unpopular and logical demeanor. You’ve learned from a young age that patience is the key to success. Keeping a constant eye on your kids’ education will help them succeed in life. Your films in a variety of genres will now be enjoyed by the audience. With your family and friends, you are extremely close.

2nd June

Ganesha says your unique characteristics will make you well-known in your field. Because of your always expanding ideas, people will like your business. Never forget that those who dare to dream and think unconventionally are the ones who succeed. Therefore, if you are self-assured, believe in your abilities, and pursue your goals in life, success will undoubtedly be yours. Business travel will be goal-oriented, although it may cause some health issues.

3rd June

Ganesha says no matter how the odds are stacked against you, you always attempt to fight back in life. You have an abundance of stimulating and difficult feelings inside of you, which drives you to take actions that most people wouldn’t even consider. Your continued relationship can end up turning into a lifetime kinship. You try to get in touch with folks in your contacts, but you can come up empty-handed. You can avoid further hassle from your bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and other vices, by combining meditation with medical treatments.

4th June

Ganesha says you have a very positive outlook on your academic career. You must control your impulsive tendency to seek retribution over insignificant issues. To taste success, you must be on the same wavelength as it. You always follow the rules and regulations of the system you choose to realize your deepest desires. To get your creative work started, you must attend intensive workshops. To quell your enemies’ bad spirits, you must open your hawk-eye. Avoid interacting with other group members who might represent your anxiety to you.

Solution for Spot the difference #74


Differences are:
1 AC
2 Sipper glass
3 Plug Point
4 T Shirt Colour
5 Pots shelf position
6 Extra pot


Spot the difference #74




Solution for the – Spot the difference #74

Entertainment Review: Crackdown Season 2


When strapped for thriller ideas, a director is most likely to pick a gangster plot, but if a dash of patriotism is needed, there’s always a terrorist or two on the rampage.

 Apoorva Lakhia’s Crackdown was a brisk RAW vs ISI, that is India vs Pakistan, save-the-nation thriller. The plot revolved around an ordinary young woman, Divya (Shriya Pilgaonkar), trained and sent undercover into a terrorist gang. By the end, the RAW chief had been killed and an operative, Zorawar Kalra’s (Iqbal Khan) wife Garima, revealed to be an ISI plant Mausam Masoud (Waluscha D’Souza). He quite rightly faces a great deal of embarrassment (if he can’t  save his own home from enemy infiltration, what hope does the country have? and it spills over into Season 2.

Crackdown 2 brings back ace RAW agent, Riyaaz ‘RP’ Pathaan (Saquib Salim), Divya and Zorawar, butting heads with new chief, Avantika Shroff (Sonali Kulkarni), with a rapier tongue and giant ego.

When an Indian plane with 80 passengers on board, including RP’s estranged wife Preeti (Rashmi Adgekar), vanishes from the radar, it sends shock waves through the intelligence team. Worse, they cannot find Mausam, a vital link in the events. Meanwhile, the plane lands in the Afghan wilderness, where a terrorist, Khalil (Freddy Daruwala)– who had escaped the last season with a half burnt face and wears a stylish mask– has a more sinister plan in the works.

Goaded with insults by Avantika, who in turn gets a dressing down by the PM, RP relentlessly works on the case. Zorawar is officially removed from duty and Divya, who is not a real agent, sent back home. They keep working, however, and the one who works hardest on the trail of the terrorists is the techie, Max (Ram Menon) who never seems to sleep. A bit worrisome, though, that RAW has just one all-purpose guy to track planes, trace cell phones and disarm bombs!

It’s not a spoiler that Khalil’s plot is foiled, but there is also a high body count and much treachery. Even though the plot (written by Raj Vasant, Chintan Shah, Chintan Gandhi and Varun Badola) is at comic book or video game level, Lakhia keeps the thrills coming, and the compact 30-minute episodes pack in a lot of action. The way it is edited, the scenes and locations change at a quick pace, which can be disorienting if one wants to know how a sequence ends, but it also gives the series a breathless feel. This makes it both enjoyable—if one can ignore the déjà vu—and binge-worthy, going through the eight episodes without blocking too much time.

The performances are adequate—Saleem and Pilgaonkar muster up the necessary focussed look that denotes sense of purpose and total devotion to the cause of nationalism. And it ends with the promise of a Season 3.

Crackdown 2 

Directed by Aditya Lakhia

Cast: Saqib Saleem, Shriya Pilgaonkar, Iqbal Khan, Freddy Daruwala, Sonali Kulkarni and others

On Jio Cinema

Are daily decisions stressing you out?


Almost every morning I face the same dilemmas. Whether I should wake up my wife with a kiss or let her sleep longer. Should I get out of bed or just press the snooze button? And that is even before I have had my first cup of coffee.

Our daily life is rife with so-called trivial decisions. People often feel silly for overthinking low-stakes decisions but research has shown there are logical reasons for feeling this way. Understanding why you feel so stressed by smaller decisions can help you learn what to do about it.

First, sometimes the sheer number of options overwhelms us, as we find it difficult to compare and contrast the options. Economics scholars long championed the notion that it’s better to have more choices. But in 2000, US psychologists Sheena Iyengar and Mark Leeper challenged this idea.

In one of their studies, they set up a jam testing table at a supermarket. Far more consumers bought a jam when they were given fewer options. Almost a third (30%) of customers went on to buy a jam when the stall had six flavours yet only 3% of customers bought jam when there were 24 flavours.

Drawing on these findings, US psychologist Barry Schwartz’s book The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less, argues an abundance of choices can cause people anxiety.

People often lack, or believe they lack the expertise to properly assess their options. For example, when dealing with a financial decision. And if you have goals, a lack of certainty about how rigidly you want to stick to them is probably going to give you a headache. A vague goal to “start saving more” isn’t going to give you clarity when a friend suggests going out for food and your belly is rumbling.

Also, some of the decisions we label trivial may actually have emotional high stakes. Deciding what to wear for a date, for instance, is probably not just about fashion.

While each factor is enough to create stress, when all factors are combined anxiety about the decision is only going to be amplified.

It’s your personality

Another line of research has focused on the link between people’s decision strategies and wellbeing. Researchers have identified two main decision-making strategies: Maximising and satisficing. Maximising is a tendency to try and find the best option. Satisficing, a term introduced by Nobel prize winner Herbert Simon, is a strategy that terminates once an acceptable option is found.

Maximising and satisficing have been linked to personality traits. There are people who tend to maximise and others who are more satisficers.

Schwartz and his colleagues found a negative relationship between a tendency to maximise and feelings of life satisfaction. Maximisers (compared with satisficers) were also more likely to experience post-decision regret. One explanation is that maximisers are always brooding about what they could have done and how they could have made a better decision.

To be clear, the study did not examine major life decisions about marriage or health but focused on every day decisions (although similar findings have been reported about more serious medical decisions).

Make a habit of it

Decisions can be mentally exhausting. So sometimes everyday choices feel hard because you have decision fatigue.

William James, one of the greatest thinkers of the 19th and 20th centuries, suggested habits help us cope with these complexities. Habits take away the need to think. Investing your time in building habits can stop you from ruminating on everyday decisions.

William James’ insights have inspired many contemporary researchers. One idea popularised by psychologist Daniel Kahneman’s book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, is the notion that we use two different information processing mechanisms, system one and system two. System one is unconscious, fast, intuitive. It requires little effort. System two is purposeful thinking.

Waking up at the same time every morning, kissing my wife and then making coffee has become a habit that has helped me avoid thinking too much about these activities. I let my system one take charge as much as I can, at least until I have my first cup of coffee.

US writer Merlin Mann said “thinking can be the enemy of action”. While I am not sure I would agree completely, his words do resonate with many findings from psychology.

Herbert Simon developed the idea of satisficing because he believed humans have limited cognitive and other capacities (such as memory and attention). Thinking too much — for example, whether to exercise today or not — can be stressful and frustrate the intention to do so.

You have to decide how to invest your resources (whether they are cognitive, emotional, or physical). Investing them in thinking about exercising can consume the energy you needed to exercise.

When it comes to our daily decisions, reducing the number of options can also help ease the process. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was well known for wearing similar outfits almost every day (jeans and a turtle neck or a T-shirt) partly to simplify the decision process.

It’s about accepting you have limited “decision making juice” and being conscious about how you use it. Reducing choices, developing good habits, and letting our so-called system one take charge can help us face our daily decisions.

This article is republished with permission from

Yaniv Hanoch – Professor in Decision Science, University of Southampton

Water Recipe Trend – WaterTok


Water is commonly known to exist in three states – solid, liquid and vapour. With the advancement of science, there now exists a fourth state of water known as the ‘Natural’ state.

Take a look at the variety of lables on bottled water — natural spring water, mineral water, filtered water, distilled water, purified water, sparkling water and the new techonology of alkaline water.

What really is this natural water?

It is water in its natural form which holds more energy and thus the water molecules sustain their healing power.

The term ‘bulk water’ is the water you recieve at home from your tap, this water has harnessed through dark, dingy pipes, polluted by industrial wastes, treated with chemicals, and undergone  so much abuse that its pristine form is totally lost.

Water is the drink to eternal life,

-it restores lost fluids fluids lost through metabolism, breathing, sweating, and removal of waste

-it keeps your body from overheating

-it lubricates your joints and tissues

-it keeps your skin hydrated and healthy looking

-it is necessary for the process of digestion in the body.

So we all know we need to get that water into our bodies on a daily basis. For some its easy, yet for others, its a chore.

Colas, soft drinks, flavoured drinks and juices are guzzled to keep hydrated, and now the latest trend of water recipes. The newest on the block is WaterTok.

The basic philosophy behind WaterTok is that we all need water to survive but why not jazz it up a bit? These fancy flavoured waters taste good and help you meet your daily hydration requirement but the real question is- How does WaterTok affect your health?

But let’s rewind a bit. Before getting into the questionable quality of the ingredients used, let’s acquaint ourselves with what these water recipes are exactly.

 What is WaterTok?

The name “WaterTok” is a hybrid of “water” and The social media platform “TikTok”, where the trend began.

WaterTok, is a section of hydration hyenas on TikTok, turning tumblers of water into flavoured water. These flavours include everything under the sun- From watermelon to gummy bears, cotton candy to lemon pound cake. You name it and a WaterTok flavour exists. All these recipes call for sugar-free powders and syrups.

People on TikTok are creating and sharing water “recipes” by flavouring water with sugar-free syrups and flavoured powder packets. The recipes usually have fun names, like Watermelon Crush, Orange Mermaid Water and  Unicorn Cotton Candy Water. The idea is to make water more appealing and to increase your daily water intake.

According to health experts, the diet culture propagation hidden behind this trend should set off alarm bells in your head. At first glance, it doesn’t seem like a big deal but there is a lot to take in here once you get past the bright colours and fanfare of these recipes.

This trend has the internet in a war- is it harmful or harmless?

WaterTok- Does it have any benefits?

Almost everyone can benefit from increasing their daily water intake. If you’ve been experiencing headaches, dry skin, and other signs you don’t drink enough water, either because you don’t like it or you just forget. In comes WaterTok. Who wouldn’t want to drink delicious calorie flavoured water? WaterTok has a few benefits, the primary one being- increasing your overall hydration.

WaterTok concerns —

Instead of natural infusions, WaterTok promotes sugar-free syrups and flavoured powder packets to spice up your water.

While WaterTok might be helping people stay hydrated, it most definitely is an aspartame-laced red flag.

This trend has health experts in a frenzy. Being promoted as a healthy trend with “no-sugar”, “low-sugar”, “artificial sweeteners” and “zero-calories”, these recipes are not healthy. In fact some of these drinks may be adding unwanted calories and sugar to your overall calorie intake. And we all know what added, unwanted calories mean.

In my opinion, this trend seems to be another diet culture fad.

In case you do want to jump on the WaterTok bandwagon, be sure to evaluate these risks beforehand.

  • Overhydration- While drinking water is important, too much water can do more harm than good.
  • Poor mood and increased cravings- The artificial sweeteners and flavours in these powders and syrups can increase your craving for sweet food, lead to blood sugar and glucose spikes which can affect your mood and behaviour.

 Weight gain- The unwanted calories can add up overtime and lead to weight gain instead of weight loss.

  • Digestive issues- Sucralose found in these flavours is an artificial sweetener that removes the water molecules from the sugar molecule and adds chlorine as its base instead. Some sweeteners like sucralose, tend to alter the gut microbiota and cause weight gain.
  • Dental issues- Citric acid is a common additive in these water enhancers. Too much citric acid can wear away at your teeth enamel and the food dye present in these flavours can stain your teeth.
  • Disordered eating- people will choose to drink these flavoured waters instead of eating thereby triggering disordered eating behaviours.

Why is drinking water so important?

Staying hydrated is one of the most important keys to survival, especially in the sweltering summer heat. Here’s what it does for your body-

  • Maintains normal body temperature
  • Protects the joints, spinal cord and body tissues
  • Regulates your internal plumbing system (urination, sweat and bowel movements)
  • Keeps your skin barrier plump and functioning properly

How to incorporate drinking more water into your day?

  • Use water bottles with markings
  • Set a daily hydration goal and try to hit it by bedtime
  • Use alarms and reminders to drink water
  • If you want to add flavours to your water use fresh fruit or herbs to infuse it. Always opt for natural flavours.


My final verdict on WaterTok is similar to most health experts out there. Points for aesthetic looking drinks and points for trying to help with hydration but way too many negative points for diet culture horseplay.

If you want to drink fancy water go the au naturel way with fresh fruit and herbs.

The good old Nimbu pani will always reign supreme.

Why Eating Fried Foods May Increase Your Risk of Depression and Anxiety


You are what you eat- This proverbial saying is the notion that to be fit and healthy you need to eat nutritious food. Whatever you put into your body reflects on he outside.

Have you ever noticed that you feel bloated and fatigued after a heavy, rich meal?

We all know that eating tons of fried foods is linked to obesity, heart disease and other serious ailments. But did you know that these foods can affect your mental health as well?

Fried foods are tasty and likely to provide a few moments of pleasure and especially comforting when you are anxious, sad or have had a rough day. However, if you consume them too frequently, you might find your good mood is short-lived. Yes! What we eat not only affects us physically but mentally too.

Let’s break it down and understand why…

What is Acrylamide?

Fried foods contain a chemical called acrylamide which develops when starchy food is friends, baked, roasted or cooked at a very high temperature.

Acrylamide is one such culprit for mental health changes which can cause “anxiety- and depressive behaviors” due to brain inflammation.

Acrylamide may even be the main chemical that is doing the damage when it comes to mental health. Studies have shown that acrylamide is carcinogenic (cancer causing) in animals and may even be carcinogenic to humans. Currently, the research to prove that acrylamide can cause cancer in humans is very limited which is why we say that it “may” be carcinogenic. Global health experts have called acrylamide “a human health concern”.

 What is Anxiety and Depression?

Anxiety and Depression are clinical mental illnesses. Anxiety disorders are the most common of all mental disorders. Clinical anxiety problems differ from normal feelings of nervousness and anxiousness. They are excessive and interfere with simple, daily activities making it very difficult to lead a normal life. Depression is a mental disorder that affects how someone feels, thinks and acts. Its main symptoms are feelings of sadness and loss of interest in activities that once brought joy. Depression can lead to emotional and physical problems.

The connection between fried foods and mental health —

Can eating french fries and other fried foods really put you at risk for depression?

In general, deep-fried foods are unhealthy for both our physical and mental health.

However, studies have found a correlation between the consumption of fried foods and higher occurrences of anxiety and depression symptoms. Regular consumption of fried foods, particularly fried potatoes, can disrupt your gut, increase inflammation in your body and brain and even disrupt your body’s lipid metabolism.

By paying closer attention to what you eat, and discarding fried foods you can reduce your risk of developing mood disorders.

The connection between food and mood is extremely complex but there are certain things we do know for sure and that is fried foods are a big red flag when it comes to healthy eating.

Healthy food swaps we can make —

Small swaps can make a big difference. The relationship between fried food and how it affects our mental health is quite complicated but one thing is very clear- reducing your fried food intake is a word from the wise.

  1. Change your method of cooking- opt for methods like poaching, stewing, steaming, boiling, oven-frying or air-frying instead of high-temperature deep frying.
  2. Be wary of using certain cooking oils- Tropical oils like coconut oil and palm oil are high in saturated fats so opt for oils like extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil or rapeseed oil.
  3. Swap fried for baked– Choose baked or grilled foods over fried foods. Add more whole foods like nuts, seeds, whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables to your diet. These foods are good for your gut and reduce inflammation.
  4. Make it count when you eat fried foods- Make sure your fried food intake is limited. It should be an occasional treat instead of a daily staple.


  • Whenever you decide to reduce your fried food intake, take a slow and steady approach. Look at the food, decide how many pieces you will eat, stick to that amount and eas very slowly, savouring each bite in your mouth, after all the taste lies only in the mouth, once you swallow, its gone.
  • It’s also really important to create an environment where you’re not tempted to eat fried food.
  • Use a cooking brush to coat your pan with oil or your food, this will ensure you use the minimum amount of oil.
  • Recycling of oil is an absolute no-no it is carcinogenic and destroys gut health. Oil used for deep frying, should be junked after one use, It’s a must-do.

 To conclude—

Think of what role fried foods are playing in your life.

Think of  how you feel before and after eating fried foods.

Think of the guilt you feel after overindulging in fried foods.

When you recognize the reason you gravitate towards these foods, it gives you the power to change your mindset and actions. Eating an overall balanced and healthy diet will lower your risk of developing depression or anxiety.

Ways to calm hypertension


On 20 May 2023, Seniors Today hosted their weekly Health Live Webinar with Dr Vishal Khullar, a Senior Cardiothoracic Surgeon, who spoke on and answered questions about Hypertension and Heart Health.

About Dr Vishal Khullar

Dr Vishal Khullar is Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Heart & Lung Transplants at the Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai. After completion of his super-specialisation in cardiac surgery in India, Dr Khullar honed his skills at world’s topmost medical institutions Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland and Mayo Clinic, Rochester in the United States.

Dr Khullar has performed and participated in over 7000 successful general cardiac procedures including bypass surgeries, valve replacement, complex surgeries of the aorta (including Aortic Root Replacement, Ascending Aortic Replacement and Aortic Arch Reconstruction) and Heart and Lung Transplants at these prestigious institutions.


  •   Dr Vishal Khullar, Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Heart & Lung Transplants, Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai.
  •   Senior Registrar, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, BYL Nair Hospital & TN Medical College, Mumbai (2010-2011)
  • Junior Consultant, Adult Cardiac Surgery, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital & Medical Research Institute, Mumbai (2011)
  • Associate Consultant, Cardiac Surgery, P. D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Center, Mumbai (2012)
  • Consultant, Adult Cardiac Surgery, Bombay Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Mumbai, (2013-2014)
  • Assistant Professor of Surgery, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine & Senior Associate Consultant, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA (2018-2022)

Education & Training:

  • MBBS, B. J. Medical College, University of Pune (1997)
  • MS, General Surgery, KEM Hospital & Seth G S Medical College,Mumbai (2002-2005)
  • Senior Resident, Surgical Gastroenterology and Liver Transplant, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi (2005)
  • Senior Resident, General Surgery, Fortis Jessaram Hospital, New Delhi (2006-2007)
  • MCh, Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery, Bombay Hospital & Medical Research Center, Mumbai (2007-2010)
  • Clinical Fellow Cardiovascular Surgery, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, Rochester, USA (2014-2015)
  • Clinical Fellow Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, USA (2015-2016)
  • Clinical Fellow Advanced Aortic Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, USA (2016-2017)
  • Clinical Fellow Heart & Lung Transplant and MechanicalCirculatory Support, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, USA (2017-2018)
  • ECFMG certification (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates), USA
  • United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1, Step 2 CK, Step 2 CS and Step 3, USA
  • Unrestricted Medical Licence, Minnesota Board of Medical Practice, Minnesota, USA
  • Unrestricted Medical Licence, Medical Council of India
  • Unrestricted Medical Licence, Maharashtra Medical Council, Maharashtra, India
  • Unrestricted Medical Licence, Punjab Medical Council, Punjab, India

Basics about the function of the heart:

The heart has 4 chambers. The upper two chambers are called the right and left atrium. The lower chambers are called the left and right ventricles.

The atriums are very receptive, distensible. Their basic role is to receive the blood. The right side of the heart receives the venous, deoxygenated blood from the lower and upper half of the body. Thus, the deoxygenated blood comes to the right atrium and then goes into the right ventricle.

The lower two chambers, the ventricles are muscular. Thus, the right ventricle after receiving blood from the right atrium pumps the blood through the pulmonary artery into the lungs. And as we breathe, the blood is oxygenated and is returned back to the heart through the pulmonary veins into the left atrium, from the left atrium the oxygenated blood goes into the left ventricle which pumps the blood to the rest of the body.

The heart has 4 valves. The one on the right is the Tricuspid Valve- blood goes from the right atrium to the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve.

When the blood goes through the heart to the lungs via the pulmonary artery, another valve is in place, called the Pulmonary Valve.

When the blood comes from the lungs to the left atrium, and then into the left ventricle, the valve between the left atrium and ventricle is called the Mitral Valve.

The left ventricle pumps the blood into the body through a large vessel- Aorta, through the Aortic Valve.

Coronary arteries are the vessels that supply the heart. These are the first branches of the aorta and carry oxygenated blood.

Some of the common heart diseases are :-

  • Valve stenosis and regurgitation: Mitral and aortic valves are the most commonly affected valves, leading to heart diseases. They can be affected by Rheumatic Heart Diseases. As the age advances, the valves can also degenerate.

If the aortic valve starts leaking, over a period of time, the left ventricle dilates and can lead to heart failure.

  • Thoracic aortic aneurysm: The large vessel that arises from the heart and circulate blood to the rest of the body- aorta, this vessel too can become aneurysmal, it can dilate over a period of time and sometimes it can even rupture or dissect.
  • Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart can have fatty deposits in them, which can lead to blockage in the blood vessels of the heart. For this, an angioplasty and by-pass surgery is a common intervention.
  • Cardiac Arrhythmias: The automaticity of the heart can become disrupted because of the disorganisation of the electrical signals that help in pumping the blood and the beating of the heart. These are called Cardiac Arrhythmias- irregular heart beats. Some of the common examples are Atrial Fibrillation, Atrial Flutter, etc.
  • Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (HOCM): Thickening of the muscle of the heart- myocardium. This can result in heart failure and sudden death. This is called Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (HOCM). It is a common cause for sudden death. One of the common causes for sudden death in young adults, especially athletes.
  • Pericarditis: Pericardium is the layer of the heart around the heart. There are certain conditions wherein the pericardium can become infected and cause pericarditis. The pericardium can also become very thick and lead to cardiac failure. The most common cause of pericarditis in our country is pericarditis.
  • Heart failure- the ventricles, the muscular chambers of the heart, due to disease of the heart can dilate and fail to function properly over time. This can be treated medically followed by surgical intervention.

Difference between heart attack and cardiac arrest:

Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart malfunctions and stops beating unexpectedly. There is no beating of the heart, there is a complete and total arrest of the function of the heart. Complete cessation of the electrical activity leads to cardiac arrest.

Heart attack occurs when the blood flow/ supply to the heart is either partially obstructed or competently blocked. This is typically seen in patients with Coronary Artery Disease.

Cardiac arrest can happen due to a heart attack.

Heart failure can occur due to multiple reasons- dilated ventricles, electrical dysfunctions, patients with HOCMs, valvular heart disease- when left untreated, severe aortic and mitral stenosis.

Causes of heart failure:

  • Genetic
  • Male gender are a a higher risk of CAD than female counterparts
  • Lifestyle
  • Diet
  • Exercise/ inactivity
  • Control over comorbidities such as high blood pressure, diabetes
  • Smoking
  • CAD

Symptoms of heart failure:

  • Dizziness
  • Tiredness/ fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Palpitation- conscious awareness of your heartbeat
  • Fainting spells

Ways to prevent heart disease:

  • quit smoking
  • Regular monitoring of blood pressure
  • Compliance with anti-hypertensive medication, if on any
  • Regular monitoring your cholesterol levels. LDL less than 70mg/dL- if you have a family history of heart disease/ a past history of the same
  • Regular exercise
  • Eat better, eat healthy. Avoid saturated fatty acids, foods rich in cholesterol
  • Good control over blood sugar levels
  • Reduce your salt intake
  • Include more fruits and vegetables

Treatment of heart failure:

  • Pharmacological
  • Surgical: angioplasty/ by- pass surgery for patients with blockage in the arteries. Dilated valves- valve repair/ replacement
  • Artificial pumps- Left Ventricular Assist Devices
  • Heart transplants

Disease of the heart can also affect the lungs.

Weekly Predictions – 22nd to 28th May 2023 By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Zodiac Signs


Ganesha says the mind will be pleased with the meaningfulness of some planned efforts. Will try to save the family and spread love. Along with being busy in the work area, focus on the timely fulfillment of family responsibilities. Will try to solve the blocked tasks on Monday and Tuesday. You will move towards progress with your courage and workability. New desires will awaken in the mind. On Wednesday and Friday, the mind will be worried about gathering material comforts. The mind will be troubled by the ill health of someone in the family.


Ganesha says this week, in spite of everything going well, the mind will feel distasteful. Minor health problems are possible. Negative worries about the future will arise. There are chances of expenditure in fulfilling family responsibilities. Be careful in eating and drinking on Sunday and Monday. The mind will be confused in taking any important decision. Political activism will strengthen the hold on governance. It will be a good time for the students. Be careful while traveling on Friday and Saturday.


Ganesha says new challenges of life are in front of you amid struggle and lack of spiritual practice. On Sunday and Tuesday, there will be chances to complete of some religious work in the family. Your good feelings will give you success in purpose. Will take advantage of intellectual ability in the work area. Do not be negligent in any kind of legal matter on Friday and Saturday. Difficulties are possible in the journey undertaken for some important purpose. Your proximity to people of bad and flattering nature can be harmful to you.


Ganesha says with the help of your mother, your side of the family will be strong on every issue. Negligence towards moral duties is not right. Any important blocked work in the family will be seen to be resolved. On Monday and Tuesday, hard work will be intense for the meaningfulness of any important work. The mind will be happy with the favorable situation in the work area. Your talent will flourish in the professional field. On Thursday and Friday, you will feel dissatisfied if you do not get the desired success in your endeavors. Politicians may have to face some upheaval.


Ganesha says busyness will increase in some new works. Keep your distance from people of bad and flattering nature. It may not happen that everything goes in your favor and sorrows come into everyone’s life. It is necessary to be aware of moral duties for inner satisfaction. Interest in creative and social work will increase on Monday and Wednesday. Suddenly some good news will make the mind happy. Intensity will increase in the old relationship, but avoid defamation and stigma.


Ganesha says popularity will increase by executing an important plan. Do not feel bad about every small thing of the family members. The ongoing efforts in the direction of education competition will be meaningful. Good desires will awaken in the mind on Sunday and Monday. Old touching incidents will be effective on the mind but it is affecting your present. Politicians may get some sudden gains. Problems are possible due to the behavior of a colleague or officer in the job environment. Material happiness will increase. On Monday and Tuesday, your mind will be focused on the spiritual field. The mind will be worried about the happiness and sorrow of the family members.


Ganesha says new situations will communicate new talents in you. Your reputation will increase through any religious or social work. Your mind may be worried about the health of your life partner. The mind will be worried about some important responsibilities on Wednesday and Thursday. Activity will lead to progress. Will enthusiastically try to implement new schemes. On Friday and Saturday, due to relatives, the mind can be sad. Apprehensions towards the future will be effective on the mind. Possible attraction difficulties towards heterosexual relationships. There are chances of expenditure in the family.


Ganesha says will enthusiastically try to implement new schemes. The mind will be worried due to excessive expenditure and lack of proper devotion to fulfilling the responsibility. Any important work that has been blocked for a long time will be expected to be resolved. The effect of a new sensation will give birth to a new relationship. Vigilance towards the life partner’s health is expected. Some unique desires will be effective on the mind. It will be a busy time for government employees. You may have to make an accidental career-related journey. The family atmosphere will be pleasant on Sunday and Tuesday.


Ganesha says this week the mind will be ready to face the toughest problems with full enthusiasm. If you stop criticizing others and put your mind to some constructive and good work. High ambition will inspire you to high progress soon. Students should not be negligent in education. Be aware of the health of your life partner. The mind will be worried about the responsibilities related to children. Take decisions with patience and discretion in important areas. The job environment can be a bit unpleasant for government employees.


Ganesha says an unstable mind will be unable to concentrate on the goal. Even though everything is generally fine, the mind will feel distasteful. The mind will be focused on realizing ambitions beyond reality. All old problems will be conquered. Positive thinking in a new direction will definitely bring results. On Thursday and Friday, the mind surrounded by negative worries and apprehensions will be focused on the refuge of God. Laziness can deprive you of important benefits. Do not take the words of family members to heart.


Ganesha says a situation like isolation from social relations can bring depression in you, it would be better not to let your social relations and social relations get affected in any situation. There is a possibility of obstruction in the endeavored areas and trouble in married life but will be able to face the situations intelligently. Some government employees will find some changed conditions in the job pleasant. Will try for important auspicious work. In spite of proper hard work on Sunday and Monday, the mind will be worried due to not getting desired results. There is a possibility of minor stress in the domestic environment. Students should not be negligent in education competition, otherwise, the results can be bad. There will be an increase in happiness and enthusiasm in the mind on Thursday and Friday. Will be able to make the plans fruitful. There will be popularity and dominance in the job profession. Progress will be made in love relations.


Ganesha says the mind will be worried due to the illness of someone in the family. Difficulty in important tasks on Monday and Tuesday will create negative thoughts in the mind. Excessive emotional expectations will also lead to suffering in relationships. On Wednesday and Saturday, you will be able to achieve some new successes through continuous hard work. Your mind thinking about moral-immoral etc. will be unable to adjust to the physical environment. Will get the benefit of governance. Creative works will increase in popularity. Support from parents and superiors will be received. The job environment will be pleasant.


Bye Bye Bad Breath

Tooth Brushing

Lets begin with a small exercise to check  the smell of your breath —

Hold the inside of your palm close to your mouth and blow sharply into your palm, then smell your palm.

What does this breath smell like?

Is it neutral smelling? Is it foul smelling? Is it floride smelling?

The smell of your breath does indicate alot about your gut health and your mouth and tongue cleanliness.

If the foul odour lingers even after brushing your teeth, cleansing your tongue, flossing and rinsing your mouth with the right products, chances are you might have a case of bad breath.

While everyone gets bad breath from time to time — especially after eating garlic, onions or other strong or pungent foods, if the bad breath stays like an unwanted guest or your lifestyle habits are a bit on the lazy side, you might have an issue on hand.

Bad breath is medically called halitosis. It’s a result of poor dental health or a symptom of other health problems. Finding the root cause of halitosis is the first step in treating the issue. It might be time to pay a visit to your dentist, who will diagnois and determine the right course of action.

Here are some hygiene measures to get rid of bad breath —

 Brush your teeth —

Its important to brush your teeth, but even more important is the method.

  • We always brush our teeth up to down and not left to right. As you hit your gums, tiny food particles get dislodged and are washed away when you risne your mouth.
  • Use just a peanut size amount of floride or antibacterial toothpaste, excess floride is not necessary for the enamel of your teeth.
  • Brush for two minutes hitting every tooth.
  • Use a soft to medium bristol toothbrush.
  • Brush early morning on waking and before bedtime. Anything inbetween is welcome.
  • Replace your toothbrush every two months or after an illness.
  • Do not cover your toothbrush, leave it open to dry naturally, the air prevents bacteria from settling on your wet toothbrush. A dry toothbrush is a clean toothbrush.

Clean your tongue—

Good oral hygiene is crucial when it comes to fighting the bad breath battle. More than your gums, your tongue is the perfect place for bacteria to live and multiply rapidly. After brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth, use a tongue cleaner to scrape the white film or coating that is on your tougue. The coating that normally forms on your tongue is the perfecting landing strip for smelly bacteria. If you use a tongue scraper daily as an extra step to clear up any build up on your tongue, you will definitely keep bad breath at bay. A pink tongue is an indication of a clean gut.

Use effective mouth rinses —

A mouthwash adds extra protection by getting rid of bacteria and plaque on your teeth and tongue. Using an alcohol-free antibacterial mouthwash or chlorine dioxide mouthwash is bad breath’s mortal enemy.

A Tip: mouthwash is strong and may mar your taste buds with over use, half a cap full is plenty and always give it a break , fifteen days of continious use, fifteen days break could be a good cycle.

Avoid dry mouth —

The key to avoiding bad breath is to keep your mouth moist. Drink plenty of water, chew gum or suck on a sugar free candy to stimulate saliva production which will keep your mouth from getting dry. Alcohol, tobacco, aerated drinks, and coffee make your mouth dry. If you do consume any of these products be sure to drink water along with it.

 Stay hydrated —

Saliva and water are great for your mouth. Your mouth needs to stay moist. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your mouth from drying out.

 Fix your diet —

Onions, garlic and sugar- it might be time to avoid those if you want to stay away from bad breath or if you plan on kissing someone tonight.

Opt for green vegetables, they contain chlorophyll, which helps freshen your breath. Some other common foods that can cause bad breath are cheese, dairy products, coffee, meat, certain spices, fenugreek, alcohol, orange juice and sugary sodas. If you have them, follow up with the brushing, tongue cleaning, mouthwash routine.

Green tea for the win —

Just like green vegetables, green tea is a bad breath fighter. Green tea contains catechin, a powerful antioxidant that kills bad breath causing bacteria. Green tea disinfects and deodorises your mouth. You can add mint to your green tea for added freshness.

Opt for natural breath mints —

The bacteria in your mouth loves sugar. So naturally opting for sugar free is the way to go. The bacteria uses sugar to make acid which wears down your teeth and causes bad breath. Parsley and mint are considered as natural breath mints. The oils in these herbs destroy the odour breeding bacteria. Some other natural breath fresheners are coriander, elaichi or cardamom, cinnamon, cilantro, eucalyptus, rosemary, spearmint and tarragon.

Remember that these odour fighting foods are just temporary fixes. Oral hygiene is the solution!

Keep your gums healthy —

An alcohol free, antiseptic mouthwash can help kill the built up bacteria in your mouth that causes bad breath and plaque. This can cause gingivitis and gum disease. Your gums are a very delicate part of your body and need to be taken care of. Make sure you take care of your gums the same way you take care of your teeth. Using a soft bristled toothbrush, gently brush along the gumline in small circles. Never brush across your gums, this can damage them and cause bleeding.

The culprit might be sitting in your medicine cabinet —

All of a sudden do you find your mouth smelly? Maybe you’ve started a new medication recently? The medications you take could be the culprit. Certain drugs can cause cottonmouth which is a magnet for bad breath. If this is the case, consult your health professional for a possible solution or alternative medicine.

 Smoking is injurious to health and your breath —

Smoking and bad breath go hand in hand. If you’re a smoker, you have bad breath. Smoking dries out your mouth really quickly. Its important to stay hydrated if youre a smoker to reduce the stench in your mouth. If you want fresh breath it might be time to cut back on those cigarettes or give it up all together.

Conclusion —

Bad breath is a very treatable condition.

Visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings to make sure your oral health is in check.

Halitosis can make you feel self conscious, embarrassed and negatively affect your self esteem.

Most important to know is that the cause of bad breath may not be your oral hygeine but the way your digestive system works, some foods do trigger a chemical imbalance causing bad breath or body odour.

Awareness is key — do the breath test on your palm several times a day and handle your breath odour accordingly.

Look at it this way- bad breath isn’t something to be ashamed of, its your body telling you that something isn’t right.

Birthday Predictions – 22nd to 28th May 2023 By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Birthday celebration

22nd May

Ganesha says your friends and family will be spellbound with your kindness in addition to being entranced by you. Favors from the government and judiciary are favorable in the upcoming time. Your life will take on a fresh and intriguing turn if a person of the opposing sex suddenly enters it. Avoid strangers who are overly pleasant and give everyone the benefit of the doubt when they ask you for short-term loans or financial aid. Long-standing disagreements will be resolved, and significant relationships will play a significant part in enhancing your financial situation.

23rd May

 Ganesha says you will constantly have confidence in yourself and rely significantly on the choices you make for yourself. You’ll be in good financial shape and won’t need parental encouragement. Action speaks louder than words, which implies your actions speak for you. There will be happiness at home, but you might feel the strain of slight variations in other people’s health. Even if you might have to spend more time by yourself, the prospect of an office affair will help you feel better. It’s time to capitalize on your openness and clear concentration. You might make a good counselor.

24th May

 Ganesha says you can modify your behavior to fit the circumstance. You spend too much time working at your boring job, leaving you with little time to pursue your goals. You have a strong desire for acceptance, and you will make plans to achieve your goals. Before it’s too late, you need to mould your family’s pessimistic outlook into a different shape. Your loved ones’ love and affection for you will increase daily. You might need to get your health checked again if your medication is lopsided. You constantly ask yourself what more you could be doing to make your relationship more passionate.

 25th May

 Ganesha says you will constantly want for a respectable, prosperous existence and want to carve out a space for yourself in both society and the job. To achieve all of your goals and aspirations in life, you must work tirelessly and continuously. Money and property-related matters will go well in the upcoming time. By adding a second source of income or a family member who will help you out, you would be able to boost your possessions. Your position will be upgraded, and you’ll receive a generous compensation package.

 26th May

 Ganesha says on crucial matters, you are encouraged not to put your faith in others. It won’t be in your best advantage to divulge private details. A spiritual person’s rapid influence will cause significant alteration in your life. Your partner and family will be understanding of your worries and show you love and affection. Long distance travel, even overseas travel for some, will yield positive results. You will need to take on greater responsibility for critical tasks at work due to the environment.

 27th May

 Ganesha says everyone will be charmed by your captivating nature. You must present your finest self in your field of endeavor. The energy graph displayed a declining trend before abruptly rising. Your business plan’s ideas and opinions will probably make your wallet bigger. Be mindful of any additional costs you may incur. You will advance if you maintain a conversation about your company. You can experience some pressure to maintain your personal relationships. You’ve always believed in using your freedom to uplift and bless others.

 28th May

 Ganesha says you will be about to go on an adventure that has been in your dreams for a long time. You are a useful and successful resource for your business. Wherever you go, your staff will always be pleased with you. When you talk to your blood relations, you need to be open and expressive. All types of resentments between family members will be avoided by this action. Your sensible and practical outlook will serve as a model for others. You have a strong affection for destitute and poor folks.