Sunday, February 2, 2025

Foods for arthritis

When you think of arthritis, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

Is it joint pain?

Well, if it is then you’re not wrong.

Arthritis is a health condition that causes chronic inflammation, pain and damage in your joints, bones and other body parts, depending on the type of arthritis you have.

 There are several types of arthritis. All cause pain, swelling, inflammation and stiffness in the joints.

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
  • Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Lupus
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis

Did you know that dietary intervention can help relieve the severity of arthritic symptoms and even improve your quality of life?

This article is all about foods to avoid if you suffer from arthritis pain and symptoms.

People with arthritis should avoid inflammatory foods. The best way to identify foods that trigger inflammation is by following an elimination diet. Add foods methodically to your diet so it is easier to identify what is causing you pain.

A few simple modifications to your diet can go a long way. Here are some foods to avoid if you have arthritis or arthritic symptoms-


It’s best to limit your sugar intake in general. But if you suffer from arthritis, consider this all the more reason to. Foods with added sugar and high sugar foods like candy, soda, breakfast cereals, ice cream, packaged sauces, fruit juices or baked goods should be avoided at all costs. Always check food labels for added sugars, you’ll be surprised at how much is added. Other ingredients to watch out for include corn syrup, sucrose, fructose or maltose, sugar alternatives like aspartame and sucralose as well.


Nightshades is a group of vegetables that contain the compound solanine and small amounts of alkaloids. While some alkaloids have positive effects on human health. Unfortunately, nightshades tend to aggravate arthritis symptoms. Hence, it is best to exclude them from your diet. Nightshade vegetables include tomatoes, bell peppers, chilli peppers, eggplants and potatoes.

Processed meats and red meats

Research has linked red meat and processed meat to inflammation. This obviously means that if you suffer from arthritis its time to cut down or avoid these foods. Plant-based diets have shown to relieve arthritis symptoms and reduce inflammation in the body.

Foods high in purines

A low-purine diet is often advised if you suffer from arthritis. Purines are substances in foods that get converted to uric acid in the body. If uric acid builds up in the bloodstream it can cause a lot of problems. Organ meat like liver, beer, alcohol, cured meats, mussels, scallops, cauliflower, mushrooms and beans have high amounts of purine. Try to eliminate these foods from your meal plan. .


Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, barley and rye which can increase inflammation in your body. Try going gluten-free if you suffer from arthritis symptoms and see if they improve.

Foods high in salt

Cutting back on salt is a good idea if you suffer from arthritis. Excessive salt and sodium can cause you to develop arthritis symptoms or other conditions. A low in sodium or no salt diet is recommended. You can add flavour to your food using spices like ground pepper, oregano, cumin, minced garlic, garlic powder, onion powder or chilli flakes

Refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates include added sugars. The grains are thoroughly processed which removes the fibre and nutrients present in them. Diets high in refined carbohydrates are known to increase inflammation in arthritis patients. Examples of refined carbs are white bread, white rice, baked goods, desserts, packaged pasta and noodles. Try to eat more complex carbohydrates, like brown rice, quinoa and whole grains.

Highly processed foods

Fast food, breakfast cereal and baked goods are ultra processed typically high in refined grains, added sugar, preservatives, vegetable oils and additives which are all inflammatory ingredients. Avoid eating processed foods as much as possible.

Fried food

Fried food is a big trigger for arthritis. They contain trans fats which trigger inflammation in your body. Opt for air frying or baking your food instead of pan frying or deep frying.

Dairy products

The protein in milk and dairy products can irritate the tissue around joints and cause inflammation. If you suffer from arthritis, it’s best to avoid dairy products as much as possible. Now with dairy alternative products available in the market, it’s much easier to find a suitable substitute. Mayonnaise, margarine, cream cheese, butter, milk, yogurt and cheese.

Alcohol and tobacco

Alcohol causes inflammation in your body. Arthritis is due to inflammation in the body. Restrict or avoid alcohol as much as possible. Tobacco is another product that can increase your risk of developing arthritis or worsen your symptoms. Stay away from it, in every and all forms.


Although eggs are protein rich and very healthy for most people, if you suffer from arthritis,  regularly eating eggs can increase swelling and joint pain. The yolks contain arachidonic acid and saturated fats which triggers inflammation in the body.

Omega-6 fatty acids and certain vegetable oils

Healthy fats are necessary for the body but certain vegetable oils and foods have omega-6 fatty acids in it which may worsen arthritis symptoms. Corn, safflower, sunflower, peanut and soy oils have omega-6 fatty acids in it. Avoid these oils whenever possible and cook with olive oil instead. Some other common sources of omega-6 fats include soybeans, corn, certain nuts and meats. Opt for foods with omega3 fats instead.

Foods high in AGEs

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are molecules created when sugar and protein or fat reacts with one another. They exist naturally in uncooked animal products and are also formed through certain cooking methods. High protein, high fat animal foods that are fried, roasted, grilled or seared are the richest sources of AGEs.Some other sources of high AGEs are french fries, processed cheese, margarine and store bought mayonnaise.When high amounts of AGEs accumulate in your body, it leads to oxidative stress and inflammation which can progress arthritis.  Replacing high AGE foods with nutritious and whole foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, lean proteins like fish can reduce the total amount of AGEs in your body.


Packaged food is convenient especially if you live a hectic life and are always on the go. But after a point, the additives present in packaged foods will take a toll on your body. Things like monosodium glutamate (MSG), aspartame, added sugar and added salt cause  increased inflammation in your body. So avoid packaged foods as far as possible if you suffer from arthritis.

Winding up…

If you have arthritis, a healthy diet and lifestyle is one of the main ingredients to help improve your symptoms.

Consult a dietician or health professional to figure out what foods are best for you to eat. Simple diet changes can make a huge difference in managing your symptoms.

 Tip- Keep a food diary to track any reactions you have to foods, what foods suit you and what foods should be eliminated from your diet.

Vinita Alvares Fernandes
Vinita Alvares Fernandes is an Economics graduate, a writer and a Trinity College certified public speaker and communicator

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