Friday, February 21, 2025

Deep Breathing Techniques to Promote Joy & Vitality

How you breathe can have an impact on your well-being, here are tips to breathing practises that will keep you sharp and happy!

Breathing is the energy force of life. It has the power to make you feel alive and happy. There are many ancient practises such as yoga, martial arts and meditation that focuses on cultivating energy through breathing techniques.

Mindful breathing is a powerful tool to ease a stressed mind. It increases the flow of oxygen to the brain. One can find that out just by taking a deep breath in and gently letting it out – it will calm you down right away. This happens because deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system – it initiates rest and digest response. When you take a deep breath, a signal is sent to the brain that alerts your body to relax and relieve the stress.

When your body is relaxed many benefits improve the quality of your wellbeing – your heart rate and blood pressure are regulated, digestion improves and you sleep better.


How to determine your breathing pattern?

A lot of people are not conscious about the way they breathe, however, there are two categories of breathing patterns. These patterns can help you identify and improve the way you breathe.

  1. Abdominal breathing – Scientifically known as diaphragmatic breathing. It is also known as deep breathing. This kind of breathing pattern involves engaging your diaphragm and filling your lungs with air. Newborn babies naturally breathe in this pattern and adults use this pattern of breathing while they are asleep.
  2. Chest breathing – Scientifically known as thoracic breathing. It is also known as shallowing breathing. This kind of breathing pattern involves short, rapid breaths. One might not be aware that they are shallow breathing and going about their day until they get anxious.

You can determine your breathing pattern by placing one hand in the middle of your chest and the other hand near your waist. Notice which hand raises the most as you take a couple of breaths.


4 Breathing techniques for better living

1. Belly breathing – Practising this breathing technique three to four times a day will reduce stress levels and anxiety. To practise this technique you can cross your legs and sit or you can sit on a comfortable chair or you can lay down with a small pillow under the head and knee.

  • Place one hand on your heart and the other hand on your belly – below the ribcage.
  • Relax your belly without adding any pressure by squeezing it inward.
  • Slowly breathe in through your nose and let your belly rise.
  • Gently exhale through your slightly pursed lips or your nose. This is one cycle of belly breathing – take three to five breaths each time you practise.

2. Lion’s breath – A popular yoga pose that helps cleanse the breath and improve cardiovascular health. Known as Simhasana, wherein you stick your tongue out and roar like a lion. To practise this posture, one must be seated upright with hands on the knees or the ground.

  • As you begin, spread your fingers as wide as possible and inhale through your nose.
  • On exhalation, open your mouth wide, stretch your jaw and stick your tongue out.
  • Exhale forcefully by making a “haa” sound. This sound should come from your abdomen.
  • Take a few normal breaths and repeat the lion’s breath up to four times.


3. Box breathing – Popularly known as four-square breathing. This breathing technique helps improve focus and cognitive function. Practising this technique three to four times a day will sharpen your brain.

  • On your fingers, exhale and count four.
  • Hold your empty lunges for another four counts.
  • Inhale as you count till four.
  • Exhale and repeat the pattern.


4. 4-7-8 breathing – Also known as the relaxing breathing technique. Practicing this technique helps as a natural tranquiliser for the nervous system. In the beginning, this technique should be practiced sitting upright however, with time this can be practiced lying down in bed.

  • Place the tip of your tongue behind your upper front teeth for the duration of the exercise.
  • By making a whoosh sound, exhale through your mouth.
  • To a count of four with your mouth closed slowly inhale through your nose to count four.
  • To a count of seven hold your breath.
  • To a count of eight exhale completely making a whoosh sound through your mouth. Practice this technique four times in the beginning and work it up till eight with time.


Few benefits of practicing breathing techniques
  • Improved sleep – Once you begin to practice any form of breathing technique you will notice an improvement in quality of sleep. Deep breathing triggers the body’s relaxation response countering the stress response by keeping your mind and body in a state of calmness. This results in improved quality of sleep.
  • Reduced anxiety – Often when you are anxious there is a tendency of rapid inhalation and exhalation is restricted. When this happens, an alert signal is sent to your brain to trigger fight or flight mode, resulting in a raised heartbeat and blood pressure. What one needs to do is breathe out and complete the cycle of breathing.  When one begins to complete the cycle of breathing the heart rate and blood pressure is regulated leaving anxiety at bay.
  • Prevents depression relapse – When one experiences an episode of depression they tend to breathe out more instead of breathing in, which results in under breathing. This further leads to dizziness and a foggy mind spiraling down the rabbit hole. By regular breathing practice, a relapse can be avoided. People with depression need to breathe in as much as possible to overcome the feeling of melancholy and this can be achieved by breathing techniques.

Breathing techniques boost cognitive function and overall well being. It promotes happiness and energy provided it is practiced regularly. Another important factor to keep in mind is to listen to your body and use the practice mindfully. If breathing techniques are not being helpful in terms of severe anxiety or depression then you must consult a professional. Also, if you have a lung condition you must consult with your healthcare professional before practicing these breathing techniques.

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