Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Fafda Files : Wrath and Fortitude

Shantabhau Claus left most people gifts and a note with a question: Why are you so angry? Since he was probably all snuggled in, after his long trip back home, nursing a sore throat with a shot of courvoisier, I decided against Ho Ho Hoing him back to give him an answer.  Instead, I decided to vent to you and the world in general.

I am a product of the 50’s when life was still a breeze until at least ten years ago.  Then came the smart phones and touch and feel interaction as we know died a slow and painful death.  Of course there was zoom and the occasional forced family time at the start of the pandemic but that too became an onus.  Truth be told, it garnered flights of four lettered epithets from behind the safety of a screen. Siblings, Cousins, Uncles and Aunts let pent-up emotions out with venomous tongues replicating snakes, frogs and lizards. Albeit, the air was cleared and relatives knew where they stood with each other giving birth to yet another trend called the ‘non-invitation’.  As the name suggests, a non-invitation is when you get a pre-paid envelope accompanied, by words in beautiful calligraphy: ‘Pre- wedding and wedding ceremonies do not require your presence, gifts are welcome.’ (Although this may actually be a boon because your choice of a gift could be as simple as a picture of your hand with a slight raise of the middle finger).

Above are some examples worthy of wrath and answers to my state of mind queried by SBC. Apparently, you agree.  So, shall we add to this list with fortitude?  How do you feel when;

a. The pandemic may not become endemic by the end of the year, as promised earlier.

b. Mars could be the only option for safe distancing.

c. Your daughter/son/some brat talks to you with one hand on the phone and the other swiping a message, duly acknowledging you with grunts and nods.


I take it you are in ascent with me and would like to deliver a justified kick in the rump to all of the above beneficiaries. After that, join me in the following prayer:

SBC, forgive me for I/We have sinned.  But, we are weary.  Pray, won’t you be virtuous in spite of the nastiness you see within us and wipe the skies of bacteria and germs that descend upon us earthlings.  You also have the ear of the Gods, so please could you ask them to cease and desist using the skies as landfills? While you are at it, can you make Planet Earth without borders or religious fanaticism? Finally, please can you send me a million dollars in lieu of everything I have suffered since I was born and legitimately feel entitled to a life of luxury? In return,  I promise not to be angry, be respectful of the non-entertainment churned out by Hollywood and Bollywood, not twinge while reading badly written columns and above all celebrate the incoming year 2022 with whim and gusto!

Readers, given that we do not know what choices lie ahead, may I urge you to let go of your anger and embrace life with a smile and sincere joy for the windfall I am about to receive. And yes, do let me know what was better: sinning in wrath or wallowing in the virtues of fortitude.

Happy New Year!

Minoo Shah
Minoo Shah, a resident of Texas, USA since 1976,  is a former journalist and has served on many community boards. She is currently studying towards her Ph D in the liberal arts and humanities. She writes on SeniorsToday.in every Saturday. Her views here are personal, and the Editors and Publisher of Seniors Today do not necessarily endorse her views.

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