Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Gujarati Proverbs

Some more unforgettable Gujarati proverbs

  • Tamba no loto, dhuvo etle pavitra

Anything which is used for good purpose, will be considered good always.

  • Shakat no bhaar jem shwan taane

Dog walking under the cart feels he is carrying the load of the cart. Some people will carry a wrong notion that they are doing all the work and take undue credit.

  • Kuvaa ma hoy to havaada ma aave.

You can extract work from someone provided he or she has potential. If main source of output is resourceful, then something good is bound to come out.

  • Ma te ma bija vagda na va.

No one can match feelings and love of mothers for her children. Mother knows best what is good for her children.

  • Vad teva teta ane baap teva beta.

Like father like son. Son will behave and follow what father has been follwing.

  • Raja, vaaja ne vandra badha sarakha.

Royals, trumpet and monkey are all alike. They require someone to handle them. In other words, people with authority  but less intelligence, may behave without applying thier mind.

  • Surat nu jaman ane Kashi nu maran.

Surat city is well-known for its food.  People throng the city just for eating. Similarly, Kashi is known as  very ancient and pious city where people wish to breath their last.

  • Man changaa to katharot me Ganga.

If your conscience is clear, even ordinary water may seem water from Ganges. With good intention and clear heart, everything seems good enough. Power of positive thinking.

  • Himmat e mardaa to madad e Khuda.

God helps those who help themselves. God will also  help those who make effort.

  • Haryo jugaari bamanu rame.

Looser would put more fortune at stake in anticipation of winning. This is the tendency found in those, who keep losing in gambling.

  • Hisaab kodino, bakshis laakh ni.

You may give away expensive gifts but when it comes to commercial dealings, one has to be very meticulous. Be judisious while doing business dealings with people.

  • Sangharyo saappan kaam no.

Anything if saved wisely, will prove to be useful when needed. Even insignificant things may prove very useful at times.

  • Ek havaa ne so dava.

Pure air given by nature is the best medicine. Always be one with nature and lead a simple life.

  • Haath na karya haiye vaage.

You become victim of your own misdeeds. Sometime one may suffer because of his or her wrong doings. You have to pay a price for your misakes.

  • Haathi na daant chaavavana juda ane dekhadvaana juda.

Elephants’ big tusks are only for show, chewing/eating teeth are different.  Sometime people hide their real self and try to appear to be helpful, which is not true. This is hypocrisy.

  • Laamba saathe tuko jaay, marey nahi ne maando thaay.

If someone tries to imitate other who is superior,  eventually that person will end up as a big failure.

  • Saambhalavu sahu nu, karavu man nu.

Take advice from all , but act as per your own conscience.

  • Saanch ne naa aave aanch.

Truth will always triumph.

  • Saat saandhe ne ter toote.

While you fix one thing, something else crops up. And you end up running into more trouble. The situation takes you round and round in circle with trouble coming up one after the other.

  • Jya sudhi shwas tyaa sudhi aash.

Never give up. Keep tying relentlessly till you succeed. Leave no stone unturned. Make all out effort.

  • Suraj saame dhul naakhiye to aankh ma pade.

If you throw dust at sun, it will harm your eyes.  Means, while you try to harm anyone, it is you who going to suffer in the end.

  • So daada saasu na to ek daado vahu no.

Mother in laws may be powerful and have  her say, but a day comes when daughter in law may have the last laugh. You cannot throw your weight around all the time.

  • Vinaash kaale viparit budhhi.

When the end is near, you lose your  sense of judgment. Person may tend to behave irrationally when he is on the verge of a defeat.

  • Sheth ni shikhaman zaapaa sudhi.

Servants will follow advice from masters only for some time. Afterwards they are ignored. People have tendency to ignore advice given by seniors and not pay any heed.

  • Vaanki aangali vina ghee na nikale.

At times one has to act tough to get things done. It is not easy to get things done from difficult people. Need to be more aggressive.

  • Lakshmi challo karva aave to mo dhova na javaay.

When opportunity knocks the door, one has to act without wasting time.

  • Laage to teer nahi to tukko.

Apply the strategy, if it works, good enough. Otherwise forget it as a bad idea.

  • Mor na inda chitarva naa pade.

Eggs of peacock, are not required to be painted. Telented people will always shine out under any circumstances.

  • Raaja ne gami te raani. Chhana vinati aani.

If someone likes particular person, irrespective of shortcomings and flows, it is his choice. To each his own.

  • Bole ena bor vechaay.

To be successful, be communicative and get across to people. Interaction is imporant.

  • Bhes aagal bhagwat.

Pearls before swine. Trying to make dumb people understand your wisdom is futile. you will waste your efforts. Do not waste your time with idiots. You will end up wasting your time and energy.

  • Man hoy to maalwe javaay

One must have inclination to perform. It is your strong will power which will help you in achieving your goal.

  • Maangya veena maa pan naa pirase.

Even your own mother also would not feed you if you don’t  ask. So stand up and be heard.

  • Aankh aada kaan karva.

Turning deaf ears. Pay no attention to things. Deliberately avoiding facing the situation.

  • Farey te charey.

Constant movement ( act ) is the essence of success.  Remain active and not remain idle.

  • Dungaraa door thhi raliyaamanaa, paase jaay to bihaamanaa.

Grass is greener on the other side of fence. Looks awful when near. Somethings are better when kept at a distance.

  • Teji ne takoro, Gadheda ne difanaa.

For smart people ,only slight prompting is sufficient, whereas for idiots constant beating is the only way out to get things done..

  • Aangli aapta poncho pakdo.

Give an inch and they take the yard. If you try to help somebody, they start taking undue advantage.

  • Ujjad gaam ma erandiyo pradhaan.

Person even with  little knowledge, will  behave as if he knows everything, among novices.

  • Akarmi no padiyo kaano.

You will not be able to achieve anything when luck is not by your side.

  • Ann evo odakaar.

You are what you eat. You will behave and act as per what you are taught.

  • Ek thhi bey bhalaa.

Two heads are better than one.

  • Ul maanthhi chul maa.

Into the fire out of frying pan. Running into bigger trouble from lesser ones.

  • Ek kaankare bey pakshi maarvaa.

Killing two birds with one stone. With single effort, solving more than one issue.

  • Utaavaley aaamba na paake.

The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. Haste makes waste. Be patient.

  • Pilu etlu sonu nahi.

All that glitter is not gold.

  • Ekni paaghadi bijaane paheraavavi.

Borrowing Peter to pay Paul. Trying to take away something from one person to accommodate the other.

  • Kidi ne kan ne haathi ne man.

To each according to his needs. Everyone gets what they deserve.

  • Ek haathe taali na pade.

In case of a dispute or a fight, both the parties are equally responsible as  an issue will not occur because one person.

  • Ati lobh e paap nu mool.

Too much of greed is the root cause of all the sins.

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Haresh Engineer
Haresh Engineer, a senior member of our parent Trade & Technology Exposition Co, loves his travel and food.

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