Thursday, March 6, 2025

Points to Ponder: Covid-19 – One Year on – Part 2

“In every crisis, doubt or confusion, take the higher path – the path of compassion, courage, understanding and love.”
― Amit Ray, Non-Violence: The Transforming Power

One year on from Covid-19, what are the more profound takeaways we’ve acquired as human beings?

This answer would largely depend on each person’s individual experience of the pandemic, lockdowns, work from home, online studying, virtual meetings, and events and so forth.

In a larger sense there is no one answer. The pandemic has literally thrown up glaring facts in our faces, that we can no longer duck away from, like:


The transformation of our world

In many respects, in fact, the world as we knew it a few decades ago has almost completely disappeared. In its place, however, no paradigm that can be said to be truly new has yet materialised, nor are we at the verge of any foreseeable concept of certainty. The need for industrial production and much needed economic growth through more environmentally respectful practices

Yes, we need faster and far -reaching connectivity, upgrades in infrastructure, and manufacturing on the uptick. But at what cost? And what planet do our children inherit?


Tech rules

The incredible technological transformation globally has helped us get through immense challenges, especially those alarming ones of 2020, at the touch of our phones.

We can practically do anything with our devices and store information and knowledge of centuries – that we can access anytime anywhere. On the flipside, this technology has also divided us, isolated us, and threatens to delete life’s simple and most treasured pleasures – such as discovering things for ourselves, spending physical time with loved ones and ourselves and much more.


Are we a considerate community?

Another glaring aspect that needs to be addressed is of us being more responsible citizens. No lecture here. It’s not I, me, myself anymore. We need to process how each action of ours can affect another being. No matter one’s economic status, if we are all educated or educate each other, on how to protect and respect our lives and the lives of the community we live in; our lessons would be well learnt – think about it…

All in all, the effects Covid-19 have shed its light on far – reaching and deeply resonating aspects of our lives and reality, some of which include but are not limited to the following:

  • That we (humans) are NOT the supreme beings on this planet. We need to respect and share space with nature and animals at all costs.
  •  That our current model of economic growth has led to adverse climate change, increasing deforestation and loss of biodiversity.
  • That accelerated urbanisation, intensive animal farming (live and wet markets included), have led to viruses jumping into human hosts and spreading with alarming ease. Scientists and public health experts around the world have been warning us for many years that a pandemic caused by an unknown virus was not a matter of “if” but of “when”, and that we needed to prepare…
  • That family is family. And laughter, music, song and dance are our best friends to count on when the chips are down.
  • That our maids and cooks and drivers and help that we take for granted are not to be taken for granted.
  • That work from home- is a love – hate relationship which will stay that way!
  • That panicking less and staying aware in the present moment, gives our mind equilibrium and a spaciousness, to make wise, informed choices.
  • That for the innumerable dear departed from our world, they have reached a heavenly and peaceful abode – and we take solace from this.
  • That we live in a land where it’s taken a virus of this propensity to knock us down, albeit temporarily. For, as a culture, we have the resilience to keep going, no matter what. But its far safer to do it with masks, instead of spitting and blowing our noses on the streets, which sadly continues. And it’s far more ethical to do it without “Faida Uthaoing”, on the back of the pandemic.
  • That some of the lucky ones been dealt a more fortunate deal than others, who have been totally devastated by the last year.
  • That we need to carefully introspect on what “being” is and what “humane” is – and then we may come to the realisation of evolving as a species.
  • That if we can’t be happy alone, accept ourselves, spend quality time by ourselves, then how can we be our true self with others and expect them to accept us?
  • That extreme circumstances bring out wonderful things as well. In nature and in humans. Good Samaritans going the extra mile to take care of others before taking care of themselves; and the most beautiful birds and exquisite wildlife were roaming free and happy in their habitat.
  • That the worst quote of the century belonged to a raving lunatic:

“It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear” repeated Donald Trump, ex-President of the US, many times throughout last year.

Well, he did (thankfully for now); but the virus rages on…


But not our sense of humour:

Friend 1: Covid-19 pandemic could be over and out in two years!

Friend 2: Who told?

Friend 1: Ya. W.H.O. told


Keep smiling. Chin up.  Mask on. Stay well and happy!


Points to Ponder: Covid-19 – One Year on – Part 1


Deepa Desa
Deepa Desa has a wide range of professional experiences in varied industries, ranging from Business, Hospitality, Tea, Beauty, Aromatherapy and Natural wellness therapies, spanning her 35-year career. She is an internationally certified Advanced Beauty Esthetician and Electrotherapist, (CIDESCO/CIBTAC). She is also an advanced Aromatherapist (CIDESCO/IFA), (2005). She has been a consultant for corporates (HUL- Lakmé Lever, Raymond’s, Nivea, Sofitel etc.), and stand-alone beauty and wellness projects. Deepa has extensively trained therapists, for international beauty product companies like BABOR, CACI, Éminence Organics, Kerstin Florian, Gemology, Phytomer, and many more. She introduced oxygen and high -end anti-ageing therapies to Mumbai for the first time, at the spa she co-founded, Tahaa Spa in 2006. She believes in a synergy of science and nature for effective skincare. Currently, she integrates her passion, creativity, and experience to create relevant, relatable articles and blogs, and holds one on one sessions to help stress- management using natural therapies. If you have any questions, please e mail her at

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