Saturday, February 22, 2025

Know Your Risk during Covid-19

The Texas Medical Association recently released a chart of activities that poses lower to higher risk of getting infected by Covid-19. While some activities are riskier than a few others, it is of utmost importance that you take as much preventive measures as possible. 

Is it safe to take a trip to the hair salon? Can you hug or shake hands? How risky is getting restaurant takeouts? Is it a good idea to travel by plane? 

In the new normal as you begin to move around you have to be extra cautious about certain things. While some activities can pose more risk than the others, preventive measures have to be taken seriously. 

The Texas Medical Association’s coronavirus taskforce – a team of infectious disease and primary care physicians, created a chart of activities that poses risk of getting Covid-19. The chart is scaled on 1 to 10; 1 being the least risky behaviour such as opening the mail and 10 being highly risky activity such as going to the bar.

This research is based on an assumption that you have taken all the preventive measures strictly. However, you should also be aware that handwashing and wearing a mask may not save you from being infected in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

The research was based on physicians ranking the places and activities that showed high risk of transmission.  This resulted in a guide that tells you how safe you are doing certain activities. 

The chart is divided into five categories:

Low risk, rated 1-2 

Five activities mentioned as low risk activities 

  • opening the mail
  • getting restaurant takeouts
  • pumping gasoline
  • play tennis
  • going camping


Moderate-low, rated 3-4 

Nine activities mentioned as moderately low-risk activities 

  • grocery shopping
  • going for a walk with others
  • playing golf
  • staying at a hotel for two nights
  • sitting in doctor’s waiting room
  • visiting a museum or library 
  • eating in a restaurant (outside)
  • walking in a busy downtown
  • spending an hour at a playground/park


Moderate risk, rated 5-6

Eight activities mentioned as moderate risk activities

  • dinner at someone’s place
  • attending a house party
  • going to a beach
  • a visit to shopping mall
  • sending kids to school
  • working a week in an office building
  • swimming in a public pool
  • visiting an elderly relative or friend in their home


Moderate-high, rated 7

Seven activities mentioned as moderately high-risk activities

  • going to a hair salon
  • eating in a restaurant (inside)
  • attending a wedding
  • traveling by plane
  • playing basketball
  • playing football
  • hugging or shaking hands with friends


High risk – Rated 8-9

Eight activities mentioned as high-risk activities

  • eating at a buffet
  • going to the gym
  • amusement park
  • going to a movie theatre
  • attending a concert
  • going to a sports stadium
  • attending a religious service with 500+ worshipers 
  • going to a bar


Chart - Seniors Today

Taking all the recommended safety protocols – handwashing, wearing a mask, disinfecting and maintaining distance is necessary as any activity can pose a threat. 

On the brighter side, it is always good to have an idea about what activities are riskier than others. This chart gives you a better knowledge about how to stay safer in this pandemic situation.

There is plenty of evidence that proves Covid-19 to be a serious threat to you and your family. The more you practise safety and be careful when you step out, life will become a little easier. Keep in mind that Covid-19 spreads through droplets and close contact hence make sure you wear a snug mask and maintain distance every time you step out.

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