Monday, March 10, 2025

Pep yourself up with short walks

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“Depression is an omnipresent mental illness that leaves you feeling empty with bouts of sadness and the inability to derive or feel pleasure from anything.”

The sad truth is that depression rates are at an all time high since the

Covid-19 pandemic and are increasingly prevalent especially among seniors.

Treatments for depression vary based on the intensity of your condition. Antidepressant medication, psychotherapy or even a combination of the two is often prescribed. However, there are certain lifestyle changes and natural ways to get some relief.

Exercising is one such solution, it is good for your health in so many ways.

I know, I know! When you suffer from depression or anxiety, exercising is the last thing you want to do. But do you know, when it comes to depression, exercising has shown to have psychological and physical benefits. It can improve your mood, balance your hormones and reduce physical as well as mental manifestations of anxiety and trust me, once you motivate yourself enough to get moving, it can make the biggest difference.

Walking off your depression symptoms —

Exercise is a powerful depression fighter for many reasons. The most tangible reason being the ‘runners high’ and surge of endorphins you feel after a brisk walk or run. That sense of euphoria is unmatched.

So which form of exercise fights depression the best?

The best answer by a mile is any aerobic exercise, walking being the safest for seniors.

Walking is an aerobic exercise that’s suited for almost everyone, anywhere, anytime. All it takes is a pair of comfortable shoes, motivation and you’re ready to go. The release of endorphins reduces your perception of pain and triggers positive feelings in your body which in turn reduces the intensity of depression symptoms. It also as a form of exercise can decrease muscle tension, calm your nerves, improve your quality of sleep and reduce anxiety.

If depression has made you sedentary —

Start off slowly and gradually build your time and distance.

Set realistic expectations when starting out.

Note: While walking can be a powerful tool for your mental health, it’s not a substitute for treatment by a professional.

Even a little bit of exercising like a short walk is better than nothing —

If you don’t have time for a long walk,

let me rephrase this — if you don’t want to make the time or you just don’t have it in you to walk, even if it is a short walk  — Know that it is an acquired skill and you can train your brain to accept this activity as part of your life.

Here is a perfect example — I personally do not need to be motivated to exercise, but today, as I am penning this article, I am guilty of shamming from my morning yoga routine and short walk. It happens to the best of us, but I have learnt that when in doubt or making a decision on whether to exercise or not, always, always just begin your routine and the rest is history.

It is important to listen to your body too, especially if you feel sick.

Slow it down, shorten the routine until you bounce back. Even a short walk of five to ten minutes is helpful.

It’s a rolling effect —The more you exercise, the more energy you’ll have, the more you’ll be motivated to get moving and the better you will feel.

The key is to commit to it however little it may be. Something as simple as walking can improve the quality of life of a depressed person.

How much is enough?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends getting at least 300 minutes of moderately intense physical activity weekly.

Commit to begin with a five-minute walk after each meal, then increase to ten…fifteen minutes, till you have clocked 30-45 minutes daily.

When you break up the walk time, it is easier to accomplish.

This can have a significant and positive effect on your depression symptoms. Smaller amounts of physical activity can also make a difference though it will take longer to notice.

Exercising can be as effective as antidepressants in some cases. The benefits of exercise on mental health are well documented, without any side effects. Reaping the mental health benefits of exercise is easier than you think.

How does exercise help depression and anxiety?

Exercising is also considered to be a treatment for depression and might even work better than “medicine” for depression. A little exercise can go a long way to prevent depression before the symptoms even present itself.

Regular exercising can help depression by —

  • Releasing feel-good endorphins in the brain which enhance your sense of well-being
  • It takes your mind off your worries and serves as a distraction. It helps break the cycle of negative thoughts that are food for depression and anxiety.
  • Exercising gives you some quiet time with yourself and allows you to cope with your depression in a healthy way. Indirect self-love.

Final word — For people suffering from depression, taking the first step is very difficult but once you do, the benefits and effects it will have on you and your life are monumental.

If you are reading this article and have the monsoon blues or depressed put on your comfortable slippers or walking shoes and begin walking in your home, the passage or the building garage.

Don’t think

Don’t blink

Just Start

Before you know it, you’ll begin to look forward to these walks and enjoy it more and more.

The key is to make it something you like and sustainability.

Vinita Alvares Fernandes
Vinita Alvares Fernandes is an Economics graduate, a writer and a Trinity College certified public speaker and communicator

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  1. The headline read an invite to all ! Sadly, soon the read took to depressed only mode. Even a doughty undepressed, in truth cocky optimist, like me started getting guilty tinges of depression. In the World of depression how could one be laidback contented ? Rather than turn, click actually, the page my mind turned to an earlier read in The New York Times where the author generously granted the delight from short walks, especially after breakfast or any meal, to all & sundry.

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