Monday, February 10, 2025

The Never-ending Saga between Fat and the Belly – Part I

A three-part article that will help create the right awareness you need about fat and the bell By Vinita Alvares Fernandes

“I have put on weight” or “look at my belly” it’s a never-ending saga. It is true of us humans to constantly look at ourselves, especially our bellies.

Fortunately, with the right awareness you will be able to power through weight issues.

Answer these five questions:

  1. Do you weigh yourself daily? (Yes/No)
  2. Have you been losing weight with advancing years? (Yes/No)
  3. Have you been gaining weight with advancing years? (Yes/No)
  4. Currently, is your weight proportionate to your height and build? (Yes/No)
  5. Do you measure your Body Mass Index? (BMI) (Yes/No)

If you are unsure of your answers, read on:

While it is important to know your weight, being obsessed is neither needed nor effective.

  • Once a week is good enough.
  • Make sure you weigh yourself on the same weighing scale at the same time every week.
  • Two up – two down fluctuation range in weight readings is normal.

So put a reminder alarm and get this habit going.

Losing or gaining weight as we advance in years is a very relative subject, if you have been a thin person for most part of your life, losing weight may not necessarily be the right thing for you, vice versa, if you have been over your normal range for most of your life and gaining an average of 2-4 kilos a year, its time to give yourself a wake up call.

Weight in proportion to your height and build, an important factor of consideration.

An example of the two up – two down weight fluctuation.

An individual of height 5ft/6 in; Ideal weight: 58 kgs (male) 53 kgs (female)

If you are narrow built your normal is two down.

If you are medium built your normal is the indicated weight.

If you are broad built your normal is two up.

It is also important to know that once you know your height-build and ideal weight, the two-up – two-down fluctuation range applies too.

Body mass Index (BMI) expressed in units of kg/m2, is a convenient rule of thumb used to broadly categorize a person as underweight, overweight or obese based on tissue mass (muscle, fat and bone). Commonly accepted BMI ranges are under weight (under 18.5kg/m2) normal weight (18.5-25 kg/m2) overweight (25-30kg/m2) obese (over30kg/m2) (Wikipedia)

To put it simply; your body weight is the weight of your skin, bones, muscles, organs, fat, blood and water. While, your BMI is the percentage of body mass in your body.

Therefore, health is about knowing your ideal weight in accordance with your height and build and your BMI. It’s important to consider all these elements (weight, BMI and its comparison with your built and height) to know your health status.

Now that we have created the right awareness of weight and health, another important factor is the shape of your body.

There is a lot to be said about the shape of your body in relation to your health.

The five-core body shapes for male and female. Although no two-body shapes are identical, you can find the category you fit into.

The hourglass, the inverted triangle, the triangle, the rectangle and the diamond.

How do I know my body shape?

Grab a measuring tape; get a friend to help, as it can get difficult to measure some parts. The more accurate you are the better.

Shoulders: Place the measuring tape at the tip of one shoulder, wrap it around you until it meets back at the tape tip. This is the widest circumference of your shoulders.

Bust/Chest: Stand up; wrap the measuring tape around your back and across the fullest part of your breasts, if things start to squish, you’ve gone too far. (Men you will not have this problem)

Waist: Wrap the measuring tape around your torso, at the smallest part of your natural waist, and meet just above your belly button.

Hips: Hold the measuring below your hipbone, wrap it around the largest part of your butt (no cheating!) and bring it to the meeting point.

Now that you’ve measured yourself (shoulders, bust, waist and hips), Keep those numbers written down for the follow up.

In Part II get to know more about body structure and well-being 

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