Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The worst foods for your brain

Your brain is the most important organ in your body. 

Your brain is the most important organ in your body.

Your brain is the most important organ in your body.


I cannot emphasise more on how important brain health is, when in reality much of our focus is on our physical health and we often overlook our brain health. 

The brain keeps your heart beating, your lungs breathing and all the systems in your body functioning. 

Feeding your brain with healthy food is imperative, colourful berries and veggies, nuts, lean meats and oily fish can do wonders for your brain. 

If these foods are part of your diet, then you’re on the right track. 


If not then this article is for you. 


Don’t feel like you are being called out, but consider this a sign to cut out food that is unhealthy for your brain. 

What do I mean by food that is unhealthy for your brain? 

Well, there are some foods that can increase your risk of memory issues and fluctuations in your energy as well as mood swings. 

These problematic foods should definitely disappear from your plate or make appearances that are few and far between.


The worst foods for your brain —


Sugary Drinks —

A chilled glass of coke or sprite sounds like a fabulous idea in this heat but think again. Aerated drinks, energy drinks, canned fruit juices and drink mixes are loaded with sugar. Energy spikes aren’t a good thing especially when they’re followed by a crash, a high intake of sugary drinks and caffine not only expands your waistline but also has detrimental effects on your physical health as well as your brain health. The main component of many sugary drinks is high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is basically 55% fructose and 45% glucose. At this rate you might as well drink sugar water. 

Opt for healthier alternatives like herbal teas, unsweetened beverages, water or vegetable juices with the fibre. 


Refined Carbohydrates (carbs) —

Refined carbohydrates can have an awful impact on your brain health. All things white— white flour, white rice, white bread, white pasta are highly processed and have a high glycemic index (GI) which means that your body can digest it quicker than other foods causing quick spikes and crashes in your insulin and blood sugar levels. High-GI foods impair brain function and can cause retarded memory, increase the risk of developing degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia and negatively impact your mental health.

Swap refined and white carbs for healthy low-GI carbs like veggies, fruits, whole grains, whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, barley, and legumes. 


Fried food —

How bad is fried food, really? Eating too much fried food can affect cognition, memory and the overall functioning of your brain. 

Opt for baked options when you can and if you’re really craving a hot plate of french fries, make it in the airfryer with 1/10th the amount of oil. 


Fast food —

For starters, the high levels of saturated fat found in greasy burgers and fries, pizza, doughnuts make it harder to fight off Alzheimer’s-causing plaque. Not to mention the amount of sodium which causes brain fog. 

Eating fast food shouldn’t be your way of life. However, if you are craving a sloppy burger, opt for homemade vs drive through. 


Foods high in trans fats —

Trans fats are a type of unsaturated fat, naturally occuring trans fats in animal products aren’t of concern, it’s the industrially produced trans fats that are concerning. These artificial trans fats are found in shortening, margarine, frosting, snack foods, ready-made cakes and most prepackaged foods.  

With an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, poorer memory, lower brain volume and cognitive decline trans fats should be avoided at all costs. 


Highly processed foods —

Highly processed foods are high in sugar, added fats and salt. Everything we love like chips, sweets, instant packaged food, popcorn and store bought meals, are high in calories and low in nutrients. The lack of nutrition in processed foods negatively affects the brain and contributes to the development of degenerative diseases. 

Avoid processed foods by replacing it with freshly cooked whole food, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.


Aspartame or artificial sweeteners —

The words ‘sugar free’ fool most of us when trying to lose weight or avoid sugar. Aspartame, an artificial sweetener used in many sugar free products can be deceptive. These artificial sweetners are linked to behavioural and cognitive problems and are chemical stressors which, increase the brain’s vulnerability to oxidative stress.

Though overall it is considered to be a safer option than refined sugar, make sure you opt for natural alternatives like monk fruit or stevia. 


Alcohol —

Nothing gets a party started like alcohol. But it can also be the reason a party ends. When consumed in moderation, alcohol can be an enjoyable addition to a nice meal or an icebreaker between two strangers. Tipping over the edge by guzzling alcohol like its water starts affecting your brain, body and sometimes everyone around you as well. 

Chronic alcohol use can reduce your brain’s volume, disrupt neurotransmitters, cause memory loss, confusion and loss of balance. 


Fish high in mercury —

Tuna, swordfish and mackerel have higher levels of mercury than other types of seafood. High levels of metal especially mercury, in your bloodstream isn’t good for your body and brain health, it actually is neurological poison and can be stored for a long time in fish (shellfish)tissues. When consumed it spreads throughout the body, concentrating in the brain, liver and kidneys.

Opt for fish high in omega-3, like wild salmon, sardines and trout.


Red meat and processed meat —

I’m sure most of you aren’t surprised to see red meat on this list. Red meat is high in saturated fat which can lead to plaque buildup in the brain. 

Swap out red meat for lean protein or plant based protein to see a noticeable difference in your cognitive health. 


Final word —

Brain-draining superstars should be avoided at all costs. 

Fill your plate with brain-boosting foods and limit or avoid those that may wreak havoc. 

The key to everything in life is moderation.

Vinita Alvares Fernandes
Vinita Alvares Fernandes is an Economics graduate, a writer and a Trinity College certified public speaker and communicator

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