Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Merry Christmas! Our Seniors Reveal What They Would Like from Santa

We spoke with a cross-section of senior citizens to hear what they would like Santa Claus to get them this Christmas

Christabelle BarettoChristabelle Baretto:

I just want my whole family, especially my grandchildren, to be here with us together. That’s all I want for Christmas this year… the pandemic has kept us apart far toooo long – 


KV KaxminarayanKV Laxminarayan:

Merry X’mas and a Bright and Better 2021 to all. My humble request to Santa Claus to eradicate Covid-19 on a priority and help all to get back to normal life where everyone gets back his or her livelihood and the world once again becomes a beautiful place.


Jamila MulkiJameela Mulki:

The main thing I would like Santa Claus to Bless Me is with Good Health as long as I live so that I can continue with my activities like singing, dancing, acting, reading etc and the Covid-19 to disappear to lead a life like before. Amen.


Suchitra GuruSuchitra Guru:

I ask Santa for peace and happiness in the world. 


Anita De RakshitAnita Rakshit:

To Santa Claus, I would like to ask to see smiles rather than face masks wherever I look. I would ask for a Covid-free world. I would also like to ask Santa Claus for my very own recording studio where I can churn out hits after hits.


Perine Irani:

I want to go back to before the pandemic when life was normal and fun. We met as friends, I had a lot of guide assignments and decorating events to keep me happy and occupied. Now I feel life has changed so much and I want to go back to what it was before –

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