Saturday, March 29, 2025

How about a Date?

If it’s been a while since you’ve been in the dating game, you might feel a little out of your element. Times have changed and so have dating norms. But there are more adults over the age of 55 dating now than ever before, whether due to divorce, the death of a spouse, or a lifetime of single hood.

The dating game, just like all other industries has marked its place online.

You no longer need to wait for friends to introduce you or look for potential dates at clubs or bars.

Online dating is the norm for dating older adults et all.

Its fun to date, after all man was not made to live as an island so go for it with a light headspace. Many older adults date for companionship and fun not really wanting the commitment or responsibility of a relationship. That’s totally fine!

In fact it is good to set your own expectations for your dating experience.

You may need to date several people to fulfill different needs.

You may prefer one person to share your activities with and one to be romantic with.

You may want an “all in one.”

Whatever your need its really okay to explore. BE HONEST.


Here’s how online dating works-

You get the dating app on your smartphone

Bumble, Tinder, Hinge,, and matchmakers are some of the popular dating apps.

Not all of the apps are free, you may need to pay a monthly/ annual membership.

Once you have downloaded the app, you will need to register yourself and set up your profile with your name (you could give yourself a nickname too) a photograph, your location, interests and what you are looking for in your partner.

The service provider will then match you with suitable dates whom you could chat with online and then advance to a video call before you venture on the first in-person date.



-Keeping an open mind as Older adults dating, is vital. Compatibility is an important factor as one is so set in their ways by this age. When evaluating potential dates their age, appearance, religion or ethnicity probably doesn’t matter as much as having someone who enjoys the same things as you and will happily spend time with you, whether you’re just watching television, dining out, shopping, walking in the park or the theatre.

-Break some old-fashioned customs. It’s not just men who ask for the first date anymore; if you’re a woman looking for a man, you can feel free to subtly or not-so-subtly indicate your interest.

-Stick to old-fashioned dating, with the man paying and opening doors for the woman. Many older couples enjoy these customs and find them more comfortable. Well at least initially.

-If you are open to meeting people from different backgrounds (religious, cultural, or otherwise) You’ll give yourself an enriching experience of a different way of life!

-Dress code-Jeans and tees work well for the movies, casual eateries, a drive, walk on the beach.

When in doubt, ladies – Indian, a trouser top or the black dress is safe and proven, men- cotton trousers and a collared tee or shirt with closed shoes will not bar you from entering any venue. Always better to be overdressed than underdressed.



-Never keep a lady waiting, be on time.

-Go to her doorstep to drop or fetch her.

-Always let the lady walk two steps ahead of you, directing her with your palm on her lower back.

-Take flowers along, a sure fire way to win brownie points.

-Always sit to the right of the lady.

– Find something to compliment her about, ladies love attentive men.



– Don’t over do the oomph factor, remember guys are old fashioned when it comes to their own.

– Let him feel he is in control, ordering food, choosing the movie.

-Men love compliments too, go ahead and make his day.

-Never kiss on the first date, or it’s all over before it even begins!


Watch Out for Senior Dating Scams

There are lots of dating scams out there targeting older adults. Most of these involve people building fake profiles and trying to convince you that they like you so you’ll give them money. If you meet someone online who seems too good to be true, they probably are a scam, be sure you don’t fall victim.

At the end of the day, there’s no wrong way to date in your senior years, as long as everyone involved is comfortable with the process. One of the best things about dating in your senior years is there is a lot less pressure (on both of you) to fit some kind of predetermined mold, and more room to be yourself and get to know your partner for who they really are.

So in the day and age of Rakhi Sawant, don’t forget the charm of Madhubala.

Happy Dating!


Also Read –

Dating in your dotage

Vinita Alvares Fernandes
Vinita Alvares Fernandes is an Economics graduate, a writer and a Trinity College certified public speaker and communicator

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