Monday, March 10, 2025

Fafda Files: From the Mouths of Babes

A snippet from a three foot nothing with their innocent query about things we take for granted, can bring a smile to a weather worn face.  Be they grandkids or the mischievous toddlers next door; during this pandemic they have been a never ending source of entertainment, and the reason to keep your sanity.

Are you having one of those awful days that we seniors are apt to have periodically?  Days when not even rasgullas or garam bhajias can cut it? And yet, a snippet from a three foot nothing with their innocent query about things we take for granted, can bring a smile to a weather worn face.  Be they grandkids or the mischievous toddlers next door; during this pandemic they have been a never ending source of entertainment for me. Let me share a few of these treasured memories that I visit every so often and the reason why I have held on to my sanity.


Kavya: Is Jesus a girl or a boy?

Parent: Boy

Kavya:  Is he a God?

Parent:  I think God is more of a spirit.

(Pause: a 4 year old can only identify things to cartoons – in this case the animated horse called Spirit who can fly)

Kavya:  Oh, Jesus is a Horse!


Teeth are Lego Blocks

Devak: Are tooth fairies real?

Adult: umm (crossing fingers behind back) yes!

Devak: What does she do with all the children’s teeth?  Does she build a house?

Adult: I hope not!



Otis: I want to be a Doctor

Mom: That’s nice. Why?

Otis: So I can make dead people alive



Kayan: When people die you should not give them meat

Me: Ok, why?

Kayan: Because you are giving them dead things to eat

Me: Makes sense

Kayan: Also, we cannot send food to the dead people because God will eat it (like in the temple)

Me: (speechless choking with laughter)


Facial hair

Avery: What’s that Papa?

Papa: That’s my beard.  It grows out of my face, but girls don’t have them

Avery: Aunty Dana does!  I’ll borrow from her

(Poor Dana has been unable to make her monthly parlor visits due to the Coronavirus) 


They see through everything

Brynaam: Mummy, I need to let you know something. On opposite day I have to love Daddy more than you but I really love you more

Mummy:  I see (hugs), but when is Opposite Day?

Daddy: Today is Opposite Day

Brynaam:  Daddy, you cannot make that up just because you want more love!


Reptile fascination

Nanny/Ayah:  I do not like snakes

Nolan: I like them

Nanny/Ayah: Why?

Nolan: So I can put them in your shoes

(idea germinated as an antithesis to discipline)



Niam: Where is India?

Grandma: (Pointing to the world atlas) Across the ocean on the other side of the world

Niam:  No, it’s in your heart

(Way to get a kit-kat bar)


I have a diary full of these pearls of wisdom from the mouths of babes and someday will pen all of them on those desk calendars that call for a ‘thought for the day.’  If you have any be sure to save them for that rainy evening when overwhelmed with nostalgia you wait for the phone to ring. Here’s a suggestion – open that family album and read the snippets.  That tear glistening in your eye will vanish just as your lips tilt upward with the beginnings of a smile only to end with guffaws of laughter.


Minoo Shah
Minoo Shah, a resident of Texas, USA since 1976,  is a former journalist and has served on many community boards. She is currently studying towards her Ph D in the liberal arts and humanities. She writes on every Saturday. Her views here are personal, and the Editors and Publisher of Seniors Today do not necessarily endorse her views.

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