Friday, March 7, 2025

The unbreakable bond between soulmates

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Is there anything better than laughing and spending time with friends? To enjoy the benefits of friendship, of course, it helps to know how to be a good friend in return. Reaching out regularly, listening non-judgmentally, being supportive and spending time together can help you maintain healthy friendships new and old.

Friends keep us active, make us feel heard and supported and provide companionship. Social support, reduced stress, better health and self-esteem are just a few reasons why friendships are important for seniors. Being friends with people who lose weight or health conscious, rubs off on each other. Having friends who take care of their health can motivate us to make similar choices.

One study found that in India, children and family can be a number one source of tension for seniors. Friends can offer caring, support, a listening ear, advice and assistance, plus they can encourage us to have fun, to do new things and learn. These things reduce stress and increase our ability to cope up when troubles do arise. Older people with meaningful friendships are more likely to live longer and are at lower risk for long-term health problems such as obesity, high-blood pressure and heart disease.

We can have a variety of friends who are all so different in character, who come from different strata of society yet one gets along with them all. These friends are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. When completed, they are you. These are the friends who understand you better than you understand yourself. The warmth of friendship stops stress even in the most intense moment.

For seniors, it is important to have one or two very dear friends with whom they can discuss their personal issues. In India, the concept of a soulmate is not very well understood. You could have a best friend who is your soulmate.

When most people hear the word soulmate, they think of a romantic partner. However, sometimes soulmates aren’t lovers but rather close friends.

A platonic soul partner is someone you share a deep and meaningful connection with. In other words, your relationship goes deeper than the average friendship. You have unconditional love for each other, but that love is purely platonic. There is no romance or sexual desire between the two of you. Contrary to popular belief, you can even have more than one soulmate. If you’ve never heard of platonic soul connections, you’re probably wondering what it means or how to know if you’ve found one.

It is also a common misconception that the term ‘soulmate’ is reserved for romantic partners, but you can also have a completely platonic soulmate.


It’s the realisation that this person who shares your life is a part of yourself. A soulmate is an individual who has a lasting impact on your life. Your soulmate is your fellow traveler on the journey of life—you need one another to grow beyond the limitations of your individual selves.

I believe everyone could discover their soulmate. However, to find your soulmate, you must first understand that humans are not meant to be alone and that the purpose of a relationship is not merely to get our individual needs met—but rather as a challenge to grow—and to help our partners reach their potential.

The guiding principle in a relationship between soulmates is that needs are equally met because a soulmate relationship should challenge you to move from selfishness to giving. When you understand that a relationship is not about control or the simple need of fulfillment but is essential to our psychological and spiritual development, then you’re open to the possibility of meeting your soulmate.

Sometimes a spouse or a lover can be a soulmate and romantic soulmates ignite one another’s passion throughout their time together. They have the capacity to bring one another to heights of physical and emotional pleasure. However, we’ve all experienced breakups, even if we were with someone who hit the hot and heavy metal. Passion can be a brief flame that burns hot and then extinguishes. For those rare romantic spouse soulmates, the flame burns continuously because they’re both committed to keeping the fire burning throughout their time together.

The difference between India and the West is that in the West everything is sexual, they cannot imagine that two guys/ girls can just be good friends. The West cannot fathom if two guys are holding hands they could be merely giving each other mental and emotional support. Maybe they have never heard of non-sexual intimacy and aren’t sure what it means – this type of intimacy is a strong bond between two individuals who share a special relationship. It is a supportive and respectful relationship where you have similar interests but you are friends and not lovers.


I know of a 69-year-old woman who reconnected with her high school flame after a 56-year separation. She calls him her soulmate. They were meant to be together during the later years of their lives.



Are you wondering if you’ve found your best friend soulmate? The following deep soul connection signs will help you better understand your relationship.


  1. You push each other to become a better person.

The foundation for a deep soul connection is that you push each other to become a better person inside and out. They are a positive influence in your life, and being with them has a noticeable effect on your happiness and wellbeing.

  1. You can sit in silence comfortably.

For many people, silence feels awkward, so they feel an urge to fill it with meaningless small talk. Sitting in silence is comforting rather than unsettling. You are so used to being together that you’re totally fine just relaxing in each other’s company. You could be just reading or watching a show. You don’t feel like you have to be constantly talking, so you never struggle to find topics of conversation to fill the void.

  1. You always laugh when you’re together.

Your ‘bestie’ will share your same sense of humor, which means you’ll constantly crack jokes and laugh together. Even if the timing of the punchline is off, you can always count on them to laugh. You have numerous inside jokes between the two of you that you find hilarious, but no one else would really understand. Because you get each other’s sense of humor so well, you will probably find yourself giggling in the most random places and situations. The quality of laughter defines your relationship.

  1. Your friendship bloomed naturally.

A soulmate relationship with a friend often comes when you least expect it. The best part is that these types of friendships grow naturally. Maybe it was similar to love at first sight. There was an instant and unmistakable connection instead of going through the typical awkward stage of a new friendship. You just get each other. From the beginning, you never felt like you had to force things. Your close bond developed naturally, and there will forever be a mutual understanding between the two of you.

  1. You overlook each other’s flaws.

Everyone has flaws, but when it comes to a friend you have a deep soul connection with, you’ll be able to overlook them easily. This doesn’t mean they’re perfect – no one is! You can recognize their imperfections. Not only will you tolerate their flaws, but you may grow to care for them even more despite these imperfections. If they use health as an excuse for something they don’t want to do you understand and overlook it.

  1. You never run out of things to talk about.

Have you ever felt like you’ve run out of things to say to each other? After you’ve been friends for years and years, the conversations can become stale. You recycle the same jokes, stories and gossip. You can have a conversation about anything and everything. Whether it’s the latest gossip, a new TV show you just started watching, or a heart-to-heart about life, you’ll always have a long list of things to talk about.

  1. You understand each other like no one else.

You can read each other’s emotions, know when you need a shoulder to lean on and celebrate your successes with genuine joy. It’s like they have an innate understanding of who you are and what you need. They can sense when something is bothering you and offer comfort without you even having to say a word. Conversations with them flow naturally, and you often find yourselves on the same wavelength.

  1. They accept you unconditionally and you could be financially very unequal.

No one is perfect, and your friend knows that. They love you for who you are, flaws and all, without judgment or criticism. In their eyes, your quirks and imperfections make you unique, and they appreciate those aspects of your personality. They create a safe space for you to be yourself, without fear of rejection or ridicule. Your Friendship is a shining example of “love me for who I am,” and this unconditional acceptance fosters a deep sense of trust and security.

  1. They’re a constant presence in your life.

A true soulmate becomes a constant presence in your life, no matter the circumstances. Whether you’re physically close or separated by distance, they remain a part of your world. You share your daily experiences, your hopes, and your challenges, keeping each other updated and involved in each other’s lives. This enduring connection is a testament to the strength and resilience of your bond, and it reminds you that your best friend is truly one of a kind.

Do you have a friend with whom you share an unexplainable connection, but you can’t picture being with them romantically? If so, then you have probably found your companion soulmate. You will click instantly when you meet them, and the bond will grow naturally. Essentially, it’s a friendship with an even deeper soul connection!

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