Thursday, March 6, 2025

Co-isolate & Stay Married: Keep Your Relationship Healthy through the Covid-19 Pandemic

When you are both stuck together locked down, spending every waking moment together would require getting used to

The pandemic crisis has got us all to a standstill and being locked down with your partner can become stressful and can even strain the best relationships. Your routines and roles may change; this could be a challenge or an opportunity. The frustrating part of being stuck together is that all your experiences are shared and there is little news to discuss with each other. So, try to make the best out the worst situation. Psychological study suggests that compromise is the key but there are things you can do to help guide you and your partner through this tricky time.

Here are some tips on making this time pleasant as much as possible.

  1. Make a priority list – This is more to do with yourself than your partner. List three things that is important to your personal comfort. Just let your partner know what you would like to prioritise during the day and set some ground co-isolating rules. This will help keep your irritation at bay also it will provide you with the required space you need from each other.
  2. Do things alone– As romantic it may look in the movies, couples doing everything together. It is not the same in real life. You need some time by yourself to keep things together. Video call your friends, do what you enjoy doing by yourself. Let your partner have their share of alone time.
  3. Do things together – Once in a while do things together. It need not be planned, you can help your partner in the kitchen or play a board game, introduce each other to new things. Work on those little happy moments together.
  4. Date night – While you can’t go out for dinner, how about you cook a lovely meal for your partner. Light some candles and create the mood let your partner feel special. Look at the brighter side, this could actually turn into a lovely routine. Make that effort because you have nowhere to be except around your partner. Rekindle romance.
  5. Don’t let stress and fear get in between – The stress of not being able to step out and the fear of the virus getting inside the house can be heavy on your relationship. Support each other, be on the lookout to keep things light. Talk to each other and hear each other out.
  6. Divide your chores – It is essential to chart out who is going to do what around the house. Help each other out, take turns. This will maintain harmony in the house.
  7. Be patient – This is the time to hold things together. Be patient with each other. Getting used to the new routine will take time to settle in. There will be days when things might get out of control over silly things, let it pass. Do not play the blame game rather give each other space on those days.

It is essential to understand that you are not alone. Don’t let your emotions take control of you. What you are experiencing – stress, anxiety or frustration you better half is experiencing it too. Practice Kindness with each other and use this time to strengthen your relationship.


Remember Covid-19 is curable and can be prevented. Please do not step out of home and do not believe in rumors. For authentic updates & info, visit Seniors Today at –

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