Monday, March 24, 2025

Takeaways from Health Live with Dr Rajveer Chinoy

In the second session on Arthritis, Dr Rajveer Chinoy addressed concerns related to rheumatoid arthritis, planta fasciitis, chikungunya, varicose veins and many more

On Saturday, September 26, Health Live @ Seniors Today hosted Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Rajveer Chinoy to focus on concerns related to rheumatoid arthritis.  

Dr Chinoy has worked in various specialised units around the UK for 12 years. He has undertaken arthroscopic knee surgery training in the UK and Singapore as also a Special Trauma training in Singapore and Bangkok. His specialties are Major Trauma, Joint Replacements and Adult Reconstructive orthopaedics. He is currently attached to the Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai.


Here are the takeaways from Health Live @ Seniors Today with Dr Rajveer Chinoy

– Steroid treatment – Non-steroidal is the first stage of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis while steroid based treatment is to be done in conjunction with a rheumatologist. Do not self-initiate steroid treatment.

– Importance of exercising – To controls your arthritis symptoms from worsening you should consult with your doctor. It is essential to for an arthritis patient to remain light, flexible and do strength training, stretching, light exercises on regular basis as your body and age allows.

– Planta fasciitis – Planta fasciitis causes severe pain in the heel. If you have pain in the heel area, it is important to get an x-ray and ultra-sonic done.  And seek advice of an orthopaedic surgeon for your treatment. Make sure you have adequate calcium and Vitamin D. And the most important thing to remember is to keep your foot active and flexible.

– Osteopenia – Osteopenia can be diagnosed by getting your bone density checked. The advanced stage of osteopenia is osteoporosis.  Not having proper diet, low on calcium and Vitamin D intake, lack of exercising, all can lead to osteoporosis quite early than you anticipate. 

– Knee pain – Pain in the knee cap area could be related to a strain, or it could be related to softening of the cartilage known as chondromalacia, or it could be related to early onset of arthritis. If you have knee pain with consult your physician and if the pain persists, you need to consult with an orthopaedic surgeon for further treatment.

– Chikungunya and body ache – A patient who has had chikungunya, can suffer from body aches and joint pains for months after recovering from chikungunya. However, with adequate intake of calcium, Vitamin D, healthy diet and exercises, you will be better soon. 

– Varicose veins – Varicose veins start from the top of the foot and goes all the way up to the tight. They may cause swelling of the legs but are painless and it so do cause difficulty in walking. You need to consult your local physician or a vascular specialist. 

– Regular check-up – Getting yourself checked regularly will help diagnose your health conditions early and it will help prevent symptoms from getting worse. Remember to have adequate intake of vitamins, calcium, and it is essential to maintain your Body Mass Index (BMI).

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