Monday, March 24, 2025

Drive your desires for your good

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Before we go any further, lets understand what “sexual libido” is?

Sigmund Freud a neurologist and psychoanalyst was the pioneer who used the word libido, implying that sexual Libido is the desire for sex or your sex drive. It is usually influenced by biological, psychological and social factors. Lets understand these three factors —

Biological — The sex hormones – testosterone and estrogen

— The neurotransmitters – dopamine and oxytocin

are responsible to regulate libido.

Psychological — It is important to know that libido does vary from person to person, depending on personal preferences, lifestyle and circumstances. It is complex.

Social factors — culture and geography do play a very important role in the expression or suppression on sexual libido. It is what is it as humans’ progress at different stages and levels.

Freud also viewed libido as passing through a series of developmental stages in an individual. Libido fixates on different erogenous zones;

The first is the oral stage — an infant’s pleasure when nursing.

The anal stage — when a toddler learns to control bowel movement and the pleasure felt on excavating.

The phallic stage through a latency stage — is where libido is dormant.

The genital stage — is when libido reemerges at puberty.

While it is all stages that every human goes through, the failure to adapt to each stage could result in libidinal energy becoming ‘dammed up’ or ‘fixated’ in these stages, resulting in pathological character traits in adulthood. (Wikipedia)

Understanding Hormones —

Testosterone is the sex hormone present in both males and females but dominant in males and responsible for the growth of male testes and prostrate. It plays a role in fertility, sexual function, bone health, hair growth and muscle mass. With age this hormone level is known to fall naturally. Not to say that medical conditions and lifestyle can also influence the amount of testosterone in your body.

Estrogen is predominant in women and helps stimulate the growth of the egg follicle, maintain the thickness of the vagina wall and promotes lubrication, in the uterus, estrogen enhances and maintains the mucous membrane that lines the uterus and mucus secretion, while in the breasts it helps with the formation of breast tissue and helps stop the flow of milk after weaning.

Balancing these two hormones for your libido is vital. If you have low levels of these hormones (testing will tell you) try these natural foods. It is important that these hormone levels are not ‘high’ as well, balance is key.  While no single food can instantly boost your hormones, these foods may support hormone production as part of a balanced diet.

Best foods to increase testosterone levels —

– Oysters, shell fish, red meat, poultry, beans, nuts contain zinc, which helps in the production of testosterone.

– Leafy green veggies like swiss chard, kale are rich in magnesium which helps in the production of testosterone.

–  Fatty fish and fish oils are rich in Omega-3 fatty acid include-mackerel, herring, salmon, sardines, and trout.

– Extra-virgin olive oil rich in monosaturated fat and vitamin E, an antioxidant.

– Onions support hormone production and increase antioxidant activity.

– Ginger extract help reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow – both risk factors in erectile dysfunction.

– Pomegranates are an age-old symbol of fertility and sexual function.

LIMIT — processed foods, canned foods, frozen prepackaged meals especially in plastic, alcohol.

Best foods to increase Estrogen levels — Some foods contain phytoestrogens, which are plant-based substances that resemble estrogen, which can help manage hot flashes and other effects of menopause, a deterrent to libido. Foods that contain phytoestrogens include:

  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Soy and some foods containing soy protein or supplements
  • Berries
  • Seeds and grains
  • Nuts
  • Fruit
  • Wine
  • Supplements such as; black cohosh, red clover, soy isoflavones. (consult your doctor)

Other ways to boost your libido —

– Improving the quality of your relationship — with time, life’s ups and downs all relationships take a beating, and directly experience a lull in sexual desire and frequency. Focusing on improving your relationship by including date nights, quality time doing fun stuff outside of the bedroom and most important is open communication.

– Foreplay is irreplaceable when it comes to satisfying your partner, spend more time touching, kissing, use sex toys, oral sex, let this be the main course leading to intercourse. Especially for females 35% of women report that stimulation of the clitoris is necessary to orgasm.

– Good quality sleep can improve your overall mood and energy levels this is linked to libido. A study shows that women, who sleep well the night before, have increased sexual desire the next day.

– A nutritious diet and exercise plan promote blood circulation, improve heart health and in turn affect hormone levels and libido. Eating a diet rich in vegetables, lean protein and low in sugar is beneficial. Herbal remedies like maca, tribulus, ginko biloba, and ginseng are known to improve sex drive. Exercise to maintain moderate weight is vital. If you are a smoker, quit or reduce it for sure.

– Stress and anxiety are part of life; know how to deal with it positively as they are barriers to sexual functioning. Everyone should know how to bring calm to themselves, its personal and a no one-size-fits-all methodology. Find your mojo.

– If you have complications in your sex life, seeking help from a therapist is advisable to a fulfilling relationship.

All-in-all —

Males — if you have testosterone deficiency or hypogonadism, try all natural therapies along with seeking medical advice on Testosterone replacement therapy to improve libido, reduce depression and improve erectile function.

Females — Menopause comes with a variety of problems, seek help with your estrogen levels, vaginal dryness and Estrogen replacement therapy with your doctor.

Doctors who are knowledgeable about alternative and complementary remedies may also help an individual choose natural remedies. Don’t suffer painful sex, all help and information is available to enjoy a healthy sex life.

Vinita Alvares Fernandes
Vinita Alvares Fernandes is an Economics graduate, a writer and a Trinity College certified public speaker and communicator

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