Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Your Daily Cup Of Gratitude

The word Gratitude originated in the 16th Century, from the words Gratis- Gratitudo, Latin words meaning pleasing, thankful.

Why has this word come to be so powerful?

What is its connection to leading a more fulfilling and happy life?

Let’s begin with an exercise to practice gratitude.

I ask each one of you reading this article to write a letter of gratitude. 


Steps for writing a gratitude letter

1- Think of someone who has helped you but whom you have never thanked properly.

2- Write a letter to this person describing:

What he/she did for you

Why you are grateful to him/her

How he/she impacted your life


Once you have written this letter, reflect on your feelings- 

How did you feel before you made the decision to write the letter?

How did you feel after you wrote the letter?

How did you feel after you sent the letter?


Do these feelings bring warmth to your soul?

Do these feelings release a sense of peace?

Do these feelings bring joy?


Gratitude is the act of feeling and communicating appreciation for the people, circumstances and material possessions in our lives. It allows us to cherish our present in ways that make us feel in abundance rather than deprived. As a result, we become more motivated, less fatigued and ultimately better off.


Why is gratitude so powerful?

With gratitude..

.. People acknowledge the goodness in their lives. 

.. People feel more positive emotions.

.. People relish good experiences. 

.. People improve their health.

.. People deal with adversity.

..People build strong relationships.


What is its connection to leading a more fulfilling and happy life?

“The brain when stimulated has two kinds of thought processes

Choice and Interpretation.”(Choice making overrides the latter) Scientist Penfield


We are all born with a free will of making choices and accepting the consequences of our choice. Hormones Oxytocin and Serotonin help build both sides of social dynamics, it really works two ways, receiving and giving, it is in this you will find gratitude.


Qualities of Thankful People: selflessness, loss of entitlement, purpose, awareness, compassion.

Qualities of Ungrateful People: negativity, superiority complex, envy, possessiveness, anxiety, depression.


Measuring Gratitude

A strong feeling of appreciation to someone or something for what the person has done to help you or when you see the good in the things around them and express thankfulness.
That’s why when someone receives an award; the first people they thank are their parents, or their coach, their boss or God—whoever they felt offered them the support and protection they needed to accomplish what they accomplished. And when others offer us that protection and support, because of the hormone Serotonin, we feel a sense of accountability to them, also a sense of deep felt gratitude. 


Cultivating A Spirit of Gratitude Through Thankfulness Practices-

Focus on what you have, not what you need. So much time is spent asking God and others to meet our needs. 

Are we thankful for our needs being met on a daily basis? Living in the present, grateful for the moment reduces stress levels hugely.

Daily Affirmations- These affirmations come from deep within.

‘I have so much in life to be thankful for’

‘I am grateful for the family and friends in my life.’

‘I am thankful to be blessed with good health.’

‘As I get older I am grateful for each day with renewed hope and strength.’ 

Keep a gratitude journal. At the end of each day write down all that you are thankful for, the blessings the day has brought as well as the ability to cope with whatever life has thrown at you.

Practicing gratitude can play a game-changing role as it has a positive impact on many aspects of our life, ranging from mental health to our relationships.

A grateful disposition predicts greater;



An ungrateful disposition predicts;


So why would you not make Practicing Gratitude your daily cuppa?

A sure fire route to a happy life.

Vinita Alvares Fernandes
Vinita Alvares Fernandes is an Economics graduate, a writer and a Trinity College certified public speaker and communicator

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